Class Field Trips, and Personal Field Trips

We explore as much of Barcelona as we can every day.

Post for Thursday July 5th

This week has been full of field trips. On Tuesday we had a field trip after school to Barcelona’s Cathedral, Wilfred the Hairy’s castle, the origin of the Spanish Inquisition, and to Barcelona’s biggest market “La Boqueria”. It was a guided tour but unfortunately I don’t remember much of what our guide was saying because she spoke so softly and un-interestingly. Yesterday some of us went out to find Barcelona’s Arc de Triomf and to take pictures around a beautiful park called Parc de la Ciutadella. At this park we found a man made pond in which we got to row boat for a half hour. We also found a random elephant statue that we climbed and took pictures on. The coolest part of this park though was the fountain with many statues of horses and a golden chariot led by three horses at the top.

Today for my International Marketing class we took a field trip to a toilet and bathroom gallery by the successful company called Roca. Roca is an important Spanish company that is gaining world recognition for its high quality bathroom appliances. It was an interesting visit because I never thought toilets and sinks could be so fancy. After Roca, we visited a Harley Davidson shop because apparently there’s a large biker population in Europe that is loyal to the Harley Davidson brand. I guess Barcelona will also be hosting a large Harley Davidson event soon too.

Tomorrow we will be going on an excursion to Girona and Figueres. I am not sure yet what we will be doing there but I’m excited to go.



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