A Taste of Spanish Culture

Cooking up some gazpacho.

Post for July 18, 2012

On Monday after school I got to take a cooking class where we learned how to make some typical Spanish dishes. We made gazpacho which is like a cold tomato soup, chicken paella, tortilla de patata which is like a potato and egg “pie”, and crema catalana which is kind of like cold pudding with hardened melted sugar on the surface. It was pretty fun getting to cook up such yummy food. The best part though, was definitely getting to eat the food we made.

Catalan Reapers

During my Spanish Culture and Civilization class today we took a field trip to a museum where we learned a little bit more about the Catalan people and their history. The image above shows a depiction of the Catalan men who fought against invading Spanish troops during the revolution before Franco took power. These men are known as the “reapers” because they were men who worked in the fields and used their tools as weapons during their revolt. I also learned that the Catalan people have a very strong sense of identity separate from Spain and that a lot of Catalan’s wish for independence from the rest of Spain.

Barcelona’s Soccer Stadium (The one I live right next to but won’t get to watch any games at)

After school we took a field trip to the oh-so famous Barcelona soccer stadium. I was super excited to go to this because I had not had the chance to go inside yet. I’m extremely upset that I won’t get to watch any games here because Barcelona won’t be having a home game until August 23rd. Either way I am happy that I got to get a tour of the stadium for free. Now I’m kind of exhausted so I’m going to take a nap and then probably wake up for dinner.


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