Montezuma_ Week 4

This was the last week of my Basic 1 Spanish class. Then for the long weekend we went to Montezuma. Since it was low season there weren’t very many people and it was very expensive for food, but it was extremely beautiful! We spent a lot of the time on the beach. There weren’t any places to swim because of the rip tides. We had some nice adventures hiking to the waterfalls and getting lost. I bought a pair of Macaw feather earrings for $10 from a vendor there.  Koryn

Part of the trail. We went down the wrong side so had to do a bit of rock climbing.Image

One thought on “Montezuma_ Week 4

  1. Lovely photo. Tell us more about Montezuma. What kinds of things did you see that made you curious? What did you learn while you were there? What intrigued you and what would you like to know more about? I have a feeling that you have so much to tell us. Michele

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