These past few weeks have been a fast blur. Living in London has been a dream come true.
I’ve gotten very used to the new slang I’ve learned, and I’ve used it everywhere I go! I’ve met some really great people and seen some really great things.
Paris for Bastille Day was beautiful but too crowded and very exhausting; I saw everything in one day.
The language barrier in Paris was difficult but do-able. I learned the hard way, if you go out to eat, they expect you to stay for like three hours. Staying at a restaurant for three hours was not my plan but it was part of the culture so it was nice. Also, their food in France is something that can’t be matched. I went to Paris a few years ago as well and remember the food being the best, and it still is. All that coffee and baguettes was delicious.
I was also able to go to Bath on a field trip. It was beautiful there and I wish I had more then just one day to spend there. I learned a lot about the baths in the Roman times and their traditional life style.
Scotland was a place to be feared. It’s beauty ruled out everywhere I’ve ever seen. Edinburgh was a dream, in future years they should let students stay there longer then just one day.
Edinburgh Castle on the hilltop was a marvel. I also took a Literary Pub Tour! Two actors look us to pub locations that famous Scottish writers had gone to a lot in the 19th century, and they told us stories and recited poetry in English and in Scotts! The Scottish language is hard to understand but it is very interesting; it seems to be a bit like English but the words as in such a heavy Scottish accent and with a Scottish tongue that you can’t understand most of it.
Something that almost got me killed a few times that I’ve learned in London is their stop lights are different then ours. I was trying to cross the street, and I noticed the light turned yellow so I was like great they are about to stop! So I started walking, only to start running because the bus was honking and not stopping and coming right toward me. I learned that some lights here go from red to yellow to green and some go from green to yellow to red. I should just wait for the walk sign from now on.
xoxo Allison
One thing I loved about my host city was that drivers were extremely patient with pedestrians! You could walk on a red light and they would actually wait for you, it was so strange. Coming from that to a big city like Paris was definitely an interesting adjustment. I have yet to figure out how the lights on the roundabouts work, it just looks like a dangerous free for all sometimes. And the green man does not always mean that cars won’t keep coming, very different from Angers! Sounds like London is as confusing to pedestrains.
Your month has certainly been packed with adventures and experiences. What are some of the new slang expressions you’ve learned and are now using? Exploring the history behind certain expressions can be a lot of fun because in the process you also learn some interesting things about a culture that you might not have otherwise.
I’m so glad you figured out the traffic light system. It’s challenging enough in London to look for oncoming traffic in the opposite direction to which we are accustomed let alone a different traffic light system.