Who Would Have Thought?

Well, hello, there! First I suppose I’d better introduce myself. My name is Becky, I’m an art major at Western Oregon University, and this summer I’ll be doing something I never thought I’d get the chance to do; study abroad.

This is how I’ve felt for the past month.

I can’t even express to you how ecstatic I am about this opportunity to, not only earn some credits over the summer, but see the world while I’m studying. I have dreamed of going to Europe my entire life and London specifically ever since I first opened a Harry Potter book. Many of my obsessions are centered around the United Kingdom (Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, Lord of the Rings, Alice in Wonderland, The Beatles, Irish Music, Camelot, ect) as well as much of my family’s history. Being part Hamilton and O’Neil, I suppose I was meant to go there at some point or the ancient spirits of my homeland would shame my existence. (Or I’d just really regret it)

To all of you fellow Whovians- I also have a sonic screwdriver. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Before this year I was scared out of my shorts at the thought of travelling on my own. I’m a confident person, but I don’t usually like to be anywhere without someone I know well. So why did I decide to study abroad this year, you ask? To be honest, I don’t really know. Maybe it was the new-found confidence I found in Student Activities Board. Maybe I just REALLY wanted to see the Olympics. Maybe it was to see if I could jump into the deep end of the proverbial pool without floaties and see if I swim or just flail around. My decision was most likely based on all of those things as well as this; if not now, then when?

As an art student, I am looking forward to sketching a place I’ve never been and being around so much diverse energy. The cultural experience will help immensely with my studies next year. I will attempt to post art on this blog as well as photos, so we’ll see how it goes! England, I’ll see you in five days!   Becky

2 thoughts on “Who Would Have Thought?

  1. Loved your post! Open, genuine, reflective. London is wonderful. Embrace it to the fullest. Life is interesting–sometimes a person just knows that it’s time to do something new. Congratulations. I’ll look forward to following your posts. Michele

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