
Staring at my packed suitcases im a little apprehensive, but the more I think about being in a new country in a new city, the more excited I get. I just keep telling myself, “you get to study art in one of the most beautiful places in the world.” but I still cant help wondering how ill fit in, its a good thing I got that pocket dictionary!

I imagine myself going to a lot of museums and seeing a lot of the famous sites the first week im in paris, just being a tourist, but I also hope to interact a lot with the local people and get a feeling for what its like to “live” in paris, and use some of the french ive been learning. I cant wait to eat all the delicious food and to see what the people are like, and also meet other students that are in the same situation I am.  Lauren

One thought on “Predeparture

  1. You’re my first student to study on the CIS Paris program, and I’m really excited for you to arrive and to learn more about the program from you. And oh my yes, the art–what a wonderful place to study art. Hopefully, when you return you’ll inspire other WOU art students to study in Paris. Michele

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