Pre-Departure Thoughts

Family, Friends, and Bloggers,

I’ve had all good intentions to do some in-depth research on Costa Rica before I go, but I have found myself caught up in everything I need to do in the short-time before I leave.  So far I have no expectations of what a Costa Rican might be like. I have heard things from unofficial sources saying that Costa Rica is the happiest place on Earth, that Costa Ricans are conservative, and that they are a peace-loving people. I’ve also heard their food isn’t very good because much of it is fried, but that is very relative; personally I don’t think I will mind that much.

I feel less anxious than I am excited about going on this trip, because I am going to Costa Rica with my friend Megan. It will be great to share some memories abroad with someone else. I have done some traveling alone, and it has disappointed me to not have a companion just as confused and marveled as I am with me sometimes. Locals often take for granted what they see every day, and often do not show as much fascination in the mundane things as a foreigner does.

Overall, what I wish to get out of this trip are some experiences that are challenging, rewarding, and that I will have fun re-telling. It would be great to get a real sense of the culture and communicate with locals. I want to experience Costa Rican life to its fullest and see beautiful things.

Hasta pronto.  Kelsey

I want to see a tucan!

One thought on “Pre-Departure Thoughts

  1. There’s a World Happiness report that comes out each year. It would be fun to see where the U.S. rates in the report and to compare the happiness of people in the U.S. and Costa Rica. I’ll look forward to future posts and to learning about Costa Rica along with you. Safe journey. Michele

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