Pregame Butterflies is My Toast

The trip to Argentina is closing in. My family and friends are probably tired of listening to me tell people what I am doing this summer with an excited tone in my voice. I do not know a lot about what will happen when I am in Argentina, but I do know that I am ready.


The preparation process has gone smoothly although I have been rushed. I got out of school on Saturday (June 16th) and left camping from Tuesday until Sunday (June 19th-24th). I was unsure if I would be able to get everything together in just a Monday before I leave on Tuesday (June 26th). Luckily, I am an easy going person and I do not need much. I have clothes and hygiene products. I made sure to get a personal present for my home stay family. I do not know how they will receive it, but I’m sure anything is better than nothing. With my experience, I have learned kind intention and a smile can go a long way no matter what country you are in. This is a nice feature to acknowledge because I know I will have to resort to smiling and motioning sometime while in Argentina when words are not enough. I feel confident in my abilities and am excited for this opportunity. We have a great group going down together. I know that we will sometime need to resort to speaking English now and then, but regardless of our level in Spanish now, I look forward to seeing growth in all of our abilities.  Cain


I am a little worried about customs. I have not left the country for a couple of years. I also brought my host family gifts that I hope the customs people do not confiscate. Other than these little butterflies of excitement and curiosity, I am ready to be in Argentina.  Cain


2 thoughts on “Pregame Butterflies is My Toast

  1. Cain, I will be smiling and motioning A LOT while in Argentina! I, too, hope it will go far in aiding my communication with others. Have a great time and make the most of every moment! I’ll see you all in about 3 weeks =) ~Jessie

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