Arrival: Buenos Aires, Argentina

June 27th, 2012
Hotel Diplomat, Buenos Aries, Argentina.

We made it! And it’s beautiful! Sunny, and beautiful, and there are buildings everywhere! This is the biggest city that I have ever really explored. I come from a small town, and go to college in a small town, and Buenos Aires is HUGE! I am so glad to finally be here, Woohoo! I’m standing on our balcony of the hotel with soft wind blowing through my hair. Below is the bustling San Martin Avenue, and above me is nothing but blue sky.



This is the view from outside our balcony at the hotel.

The streets of Buenos Aires are filled with trash.


That was the first thing I noticed. And the second thing I noticed was the countless people. Business people in suits are walking right next to mattresses in the street of homeless people. The city is overwhelming.  Emily


3 thoughts on “Arrival: Buenos Aires, Argentina

  1. Once you get a feel for Buenos Aires, you’ll discover that it is made up of a number of distinct neighborhoods with each neighborhood feeling like a smaller city within the city. Breaking the city down into neighborhoods makes it feel manageable. Enjoy! Michele

  2. Great pics Emily! I’m very “small town” as well, and am curious as to how I will adapt to living in a city. I’m anxious to see your pics of Rosario, and hear all about it from your point of view =) Enjoy every moment! ~Jessie

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