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Home » Humor » Student chooses actual “arm and a leg” option for payment of student loans


Student chooses actual “arm and a leg” option for payment of student loans

By: Katrina Penaflor
Managing Editor

Many students who are graduating at the end of this term are faced with the fact that they have a large amount of student loans to take care of after graduation.

This debt, which for some students is in the tens of thousands of dollars, is appearing to be nearly impossible to pay off.

After looking closer at the variety of payment options, and weighing their severity, one student, Gary Traynor, has decided to go for the actual “arm and a leg” option.

“I always thought that was just a saying, you know, a phrase people would use to give emphasis to how much something cost them, but then I really started considering if this was the better option,” Traynor said.

“I’m definitely sticking with my decision. I thought about it, and do I really want to be paying off loans for the next thirty years? Nah, man, just take my arm and leg, you debt-collecting savages.”

The man who issued Traynor his loans, Quentin Wesley, who was asked about the taboo nature of this payment option.

“Well, initially this was only ever listed as a joke. An intern added it in and everyone in the office laughed about it. I never thought anyone would actually choose it,” Wesley said.

He went on to comment, “But we’re in the business of making money, and surprisingly there is a lot of money in the arm and leg business, so we aren’t writing this off as a loss.”

Wesley was then asked if he was worried about the illegal nature of this form of payment. He quickly started to sweat and said, “I hadn’t really thought about it,” before he added, “can you actually keep me anonymous in this article?”
To which I quickly replied, “No.”

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