R-Rated Superhero Trend Continues

By: Ashton Newton
Staff Writer

Fox’s “Deadpool” was the first R-rated movie to come out of the superhero craze, and it was amazing. In the Journal’s review, we said “The R rating allowed the action to be filled with blood and gore. The film didn’t hold back at all when it came to blood or dismemberment, and it was fantastic.”

“Deadpool” made $758 million worldwide, far surpassing its $58 million budget.

With its success, it’s no surprise that “Deadpool 2” is on the way. Tim Miller is returning as director, and of course Ryan Reynolds is returning as the Merc with a Mouth, himself.

The sequel will also feature the popular comic book character Cable, who was confirmed to be a part of the movie by Deadpool, himself. No actor has been chosen.

Cable is the time travelling son of Cyclops who befriends Deadpool and forms the group “The X-Force.”

“Deadpool 2” releases next year.

Following the trend of R-rated superhero movies, Fox confirmed that “Wolverine 3” would also be rated R. The movie will be Hugh Jackman’s final appearance as Wolverine and will also include Patrick Stewart’s Professor X.

“Wolverine 3” is based off of the “Old Man Logan” comic storyline, which is set in an alternate universe and sees the US taken over by villains and most of the heroes killed. “Wolverine 3” has a set release date of March 3, 2017.

DC is also jumping into the R-rated movie pool with the upcoming animated film “The Killing Joke” based off of the wildly successful graphic novel of the same name.

This is the first animated film in DC Animation’s nine years to be rated R. The critically-acclaimed graphic novel is said to be one of the Joker’s most defining sources of material. Christopher Nolan has also said that “The Killing Joke” was one of the inspirations for Heath Ledger’s Joker.

The film will first screen at San Diego Comic Con, and then release on home video in July.

With the new R-rated superhero trend, adult fans have a lot of hilarious, gory, and dark films to look forward to.