Written by: Mirella Barrera-Betancourt Beginning in 2025, restaurants and food vendors in Oregon will be required to ditch the use of styrofoam takeout containers under a new law passed by the Oregon Legislature. On Monday, May 8, Gov. Tina Kotek signed a ban on...
Peacock Festivities
Written by: Mikayla Coleman The first annual Monmouth Peacock Festival will be held May 20, at Monmouth Main Street Park from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The city will be coming together to celebrate the wild peacocks present in Monmouth’s residential neighborhoods....
Be Our Guest
Written by: Jude Bokovoy The Etiquette Dinner is back, reigning annual tradition at Western, now returning after its brief hiatus in 2020-2021. The Center for Professional Pathways has brought it back with a new fashion twist. This event is provided for all Western...
Degree Tracks gets a New Look
Written by: Mirella Barrera-Betancourt DegreeTracks — the system that Western uses to track student degree progress and verify completion of graduation requirements — received a new interface on Apr. 13. The new interface will serve the same functionality as the...
Spring Fitness Classes
Written by: Gretchen Sims Every term, the Western Campus Recreation team curates fitness classes that are readily available to students. Sometimes coming up with a workout independently is hard, or perhaps the motivation is just not there. That’s perfectly normal and...
Celebrating diversity
Written by: Mirella Barrera-Betancourt April is National Celebrate Diversity Month, a month serving as a period of recognition and observance for the beauty of the world’s unique backgrounds, diverse customs and traditions. On Apr. 28, 2023, Western’s Freedom...
New transit service comes to Indy-MO
Written by:Mirella Barrera-Betancourt After a long wait, the City of Monmouth and Independence welcomed the arrival of the MI Trolley at the Polk County Fire District Station on April 2. The celebration featured live music from Tuesday Jug Band — a string band based...
MLB is in full swing
Written by:Nicholas Sarysz The Major League Baseball season and all of the new rule changes are now in full swing. Over the offseason, MLB commissioner, Robert D. Manfred, Jr., set out to make baseball more exciting by adjusting the rules to try and generate more...
A march for fundamental rights
Written by: Mirella Barrera-Betancourt On the afternoon of March 16, Western students from an immigration and politics course gathered in union to support and advocate for immigrant rights, as well as a number of interrelated and prevalent issues across the United...
President Peters perceives
Written by: Dakota Gange President Jesse Peters confidently and humbly displays what one may assume are aspects to his true self; a cozy sweater, jeans and brown leather shoes with stitching resembling that of a Moccasin. A small silver hoop earring hangs on his left...