Humor: Personality quiz — which Western building are you?

Caity Healy | Editor-in-Chief

1. By some miracle, you have a ton of free time on a weekday. What do you do with it?

  1. Nuzzle up by the fire, maybe read a book about human rights.
  2. Work on a project I’ve been putting off. It’s fine if I make a mess, it’ll be cleaned up.
  3. Hit up someone I haven’t talked to in a bit, see how they’re doing.
  4. See if my friends need any help with their work.


2. Nobody’s perfect. How would you describe your biggest flaw?

  1. Hard to say. In some cases, I struggle to open myself up. Other times, I’m too transparent.
  2. I can be too focused on my past. I’ve had to rebuild myself multiple times, it’s hard to let that history go.
  3. I keep forcing people out of my life. I let them in for short periods, but at the end of the day, I can’t keep them around.
  4. I don’t really know who I am. There are so many parts to me, I struggle to really explain myself.


3. Sure, you’re not perfect. But you’re pretty great. How would you describe your best trait?

  1. I care about people. I strive to make the world a better place, where everyone has equal rights.
  2. I inspire people to express themselves honestly. And people can depend on me to be there.
  3. I’m not sure, but I must be doing something right. People care about me a lot. Like, a LOT.
  4. I provide support to my friends whenever I can, in whatever way that I can.


4. You’re having a movie night with your friends, what kind of movie are you watching?

  1. Something really inspiring that will definitely make me cry.
  2. A documentary of some sort — some history, or maybe an artistic biography.
  3. A supernatural thriller. I love horror.
  4. Something about best friends who have each others’ backs.


5. One of these songs comes on the radio during a road trip. Which one has you belting the lyrics out?

  1. “Formation” by Beyonce. Makes you feel powerful af.
  2. “Skyscraper” by Demi Lovato. You might not have Demi’s range, you’re gonna try.
  3. “Ghostbusters” by Ray Parker Jr. We love a good soundtrack.
  4. “Fix You” by Coldplay. Sometimes you just have to cry a little bit.


Mostly A’s:

You’re the RWEC! You’re super comforting, and beautiful inside and out. You consider everyone and inclusivity is a goal of yours. However, you have a really hard time letting people in. Some days, you shut people out completely.


Mostly B’s:

You’re Campbell Hall! You’ve been around forever and people can depend on you. You’re definitely a work of art, but you’re also definitely a lot of work. Yes, you have a lot of history. But people can only help build you up so many times.


Mostly C’s:

You’re Todd Hall! People really care for you. Some care a little too much. There’s a lot of ghosts in your past — it’s important that you don’t let these ghosts stop people from feeling welcome in your life.


Mostly D’s:

You’re the APSC! Look, you’re confusing. There are a lot of levels to you. So many that often people can have a hard time navigating through them. You’re there to support people, and that’s great! But if they can’t even find their way in, it’s pointless.


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