Fruit pizza

Written by: Hannah Field | News Editor


From start to finish: 1 hour

Yields: 13.5” x 18.5” sheet pan

2 1/2 Pillsbury Sugar Cookie Dough

16 oz Cream cheese

1-2 cup Sugar
½ teaspoon Vanilla (optional)

½ cup Fruit jam/jelly (optional)

3-5 cups Assorted fruit of choice

This recipe may easily be altered to fit different preferred portions by eyeballing ingredients and tweaking instructions to best suit the baker’s needs.

Take Pillsbury Sugar Cookie Dough and flatten into an oven-safe pan or container until covering the desired area without being too thin or thick. Cook in the oven at 350 degrees until the edges are golden or for 15-20 minutes. Take out and cool. 

In one large bowl, add cream cheese while the dough cooks. Additional cream cheese may be added if needed. Optionally, add vanilla to the bowl. Add sugar to taste until cream cheese is on the sweet side and use a mixer on “WHIP” setting until cream cheese is fluffy (Note: cream cheese may be drippy if cream cheese is of the Whipped variety, but will not affect tastiness of the recipe).

Slice fruit of choice into small bite-sized pieces. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries or other small fruits do not need to be sliced. If fruit is ripe and tends to brown quickly, swash lightly in lemon juice, reducing browning over time.

Once dough is cool, smear the sweet cream cheese mixture on top of dough, covering the whole surface except the crust. Cream cheese may be of any thickness on top. Add mixed fruit into dish, gently wiggling fruit into cream cheese mixture. If desired, jelly or jam may be drizzled on top or added on top of cream cheese mixture before the fruit.

Cool dish in the refrigerator until no longer warm. Serve up at a family picnic or have after dinner — this versatile dessert is a delectable spring snack.

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