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Learning your love language

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

The way that each person tends to interpret and express love varies depending on who you are. Understanding your love language can be something that makes incredible positive changes to your relationships. Not only will it help you understand yourself and the way you desire things to be, it will also help your partner understand the aspects of the relationship that you value and find important. Ultimately, knowing your love language will lead to a better understanding of each other as individuals, and a better understanding of what needs to be done to improve and keep your relationship positive.

“The Five Love Languages” by Dr. Gary Chapman created a new way to think of relationships. Saving numerous marriages and inspiring others to see how they could grow with their partner and progress as a team, the five languages he defined essentially decode the ways people communicate with their significant others. According to Chapman, they are “universal ways that all people express and interpret love.”

The first of the five languages is words of affirmation. For those who identify with this, they find a lot of value in hearing the words “I love you.” Being complimented or being told that they are loved is something they hold real appreciation for and find incredibly important. And that also means that if someone were to insult them or make a negative comment, it would cut deeper with them than with others.

The second language is quality time. With this, it’s important to the person to have undivided attention from the person they love. While they don’t need it all the time, they put a lot of value into the thought of the person they love setting aside time to make it just about them. Togetherness and being close, as well as good conversation and maintaining eye contact is important to them. This also means that if you choose to blow off plans, are constantly distracted especially by other people or your cell phone or feeling like they aren’t being fully listened to can have negative effects.

The third language is receiving gifts. Having something they can hold that took thought and effort to some is a material representation of the love that their partner has for them. It doesn’t mean that they are necessarily a materialistic person, but knowing that effort was put into a gift means a lot to them. Gifts will make them feel appreciated.

The fourth language is acts of service. Helping out your partner when they are going through a tough time, or just lending a hand when they are struggling will speak volumes to them. Being perceived as lazy by them will bother them a lot; to them, actions speak louder than words. Favors will go a long way.

The fifth and final language is physical touch. While this can mean in the bedroom, it goes outside of those walls as well. A warm hug and embrace will make them feel safe and loved. They’ll put a lot of value into cuddling and hand-holding. This doesn’t always mean they want a ton of PDA, but they’ll appreciate the feeling of being held by the one they love.

Knowing your partner’s love language can be incredibly beneficial. It will solve the mystery of “what is missing in this relationship?” and open doors to a far more understanding and well-working partnership. Knowing your own is important too, because if you don’t know then how can you expect your partner to?

Note that while your partner may favor a certain language, the others cannot be neglected. Most find every single aspect important, but a specific one is held to the highest degree. Don’t let the others fall behind just because you are putting preference on one.

Contact the author at chealy16@mail.wou.edu

Photo by: Paul F. Davis

How to tell the difference between real and fake Honor societies

Rebecca Meyers | Lifestyle Editor

It’s not uncommon for students to receive emails every so often from organizations calling themselves honor societies. They advertise that their members get exclusive opportunities, such as scholarships, connections to potential employers as well as a status that will be a helpful addition to a resume. They also often say that all this can be yours — as long as a membership is purchased.

However, as noted by the fact that “scams” is one of the first things that pops up alongside internet searches for a number of these societies, not all of these organizations are necessarily legitimate. While they may in fact give out memberships, whether they truly deliver on what is promised is what should be considered before committing.

The Association of College Honor Societies, or ACHS, is an organization that evaluates the credibility of various groups claiming to be legitimate honor societies. According to the website, there are a number of red flags that will often indicate whether an organization is legitimate.  

One of these things to consider is the minimum requirement for academic performance. According to the ACHS, a 3.0 grade point average is considered low for most credible honor societies. Most legitimate ones will look for the upper 35 percent grade point average for undergraduates, which is closer to 3.2 or 3.3. Vague entry requirements are generally not a good sign.

Another thing to consider is that scam organizations differ from real ones when it comes to presence and activity on actual college campuses. If it can be found on campus, or if a specific chapter can be located, it’s more likely to be legitimate.

According to the ACHS, other factors to think about involve the official status of the organization. If it is for-profit rather than non-profit, that alone is considered a warning sign. Also, the website should clearly state the criteria for membership, contain a listing of bylaws and a national headquarters and staff easily located on the site.

An invitation to join an honor society can seem at first like a good opportunity, but doing some research beforehand can save money in the long run. A credible honor society can provide certain opportunities, and sorting them out from the rest can be well worth the time it takes.

Contact the author at howllifestyle@wou.edu

Photo courtesy of achsnatl.org

Cocktail corner with Mikaela: AMF

Mikaela Wong | Staff Writer

Have you ever wondered what actually goes into your favorite cocktail, or how it’s made? While it may seem like you’re watching a magic trick when the bartender prepares your drink right before your eyes — or maybe it just feels that way once you’re a couple cocktails in — most drinks are actually pretty straightforward and require minimal effort. This segment will uncover the secrets of classic cocktails, and as a bartender, I’ll let you know what’s actually in those popular drinks.

One of the most common cocktails ordered, especially by college students, is called an AMF. It stands for Adios, Motherf—–, and it is regarded as one of the strongest drinks one can order. Many people consider this to be a staple drink for 21st birthdays and it has even been deemed from some as a “rite of passage”. 

The AMF is served in a pint glass (16 ounces) full of ice and is made of four different types of liquor, blue curacao, sweet & sour and Sprite or 7UP. Not only is this drink strong in alcohol content, but it also mixes different types of liquor together, which is discouraged as a general drinking rule. The drink is then topped off with a maraschino cherry, a lemon wedge and an orange wedge. There are also different flavors of AMF’s so make sure to ask your bartender for a different flavor if you would like something else.

Please drink responsibly, and only drink if you are 21+.



Servings: 1


3⁄4 ounce vodka

3⁄4 ounce gin

3⁄4 ounce light rum

3⁄4 ounce tequila

3⁄4 ounce Blue Curacao

2 ounces sweet & sour mix

1⁄2 ounce Sprite/7UP

1 lemon wedge

1 orange wedge

1 maraschino cherry


Contact the author at mwong16@wou.edu

Courtesy of Caity Healy (Videographer), Kyle Morden (Video editor), Paul F. Davis (Photo)

Social media presence and how it can affect the future

Tips for making social media pages professional

Sarah Austin | Lifestyle Editor

We live in a time where social media is used by almost everyone for anything from communicating with friends or family, storing photos, promoting businesses, to much more. When applying to a new school, program or job, it is important to check one’s social media presence beforehand. 

Students have experienced employment rejection based on posts they may have forgotten about or did not think about when uploading. People may be unaware that prospective employers check our pages, and they do it for many reasons such as gauging personality, professionalism, if a resume matches and so on. Here are some tips for cleaning up social media that can help protect oneself in the future.

  • Go through old posts and status updates searching for any unprofessional things such as derogatory comments, confidential information from a prior job, drama and inappropriate photos.
  • Photos holding alcohol, partying or otherwise inappropriate activity should be archived.
  • Make accounts private in settings, and on Facebook, choose “Friends” for activity, or “Just me” for posts that would be best kept personal.
  • Double check resumes and what is listed on social media for any inconsistencies on dates, volunteer work or jobs.
  • Deactivate or delete old profiles that are no longer in use. This will give a clean search and also keep emails free of spam.
  • Google oneself to see what potential employers will see.
  • Check personal following lists on all accounts, removing any controversial or inappropriate pages.

      This does not mean a person has to censor their life and have no control over their accounts. It is a word of caution to be aware of what is being put on the internet and who may see it. A rule of thumb is if it would be uncomfortable to show a supervisor, do not post it. 

      Contact the author at lifestyleeditor@thewesternhowl.com

      DIY pore strips

      Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor 

      For many, using pore strips is a satisfying experience that results in softer and smoother skin. By pulling out the existing oil and dirt from your pores, it can give the illusion that you’re removing the blackheads — this isn’t entirely true. What you’re actually removing is called a keratotic plug; this is comprised of dead skin cells, dirt, hair and oil. The removal is entirely surface level and the deeper blackhead isn’t entirely removed.

      Nonetheless, it can still make your skin feel amazing and silky smooth. While it may not be removing the entire blackhead, you’ll still feel that confidence boost that comes with healthier skin.

      An easy addition to any facemask night, using this DIY pore strip will get you an exceptional result that comes at little cost and is hassle-free.



      1. In a small bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of unflavored gelatin (this can be found at Walmart), 1 tablespoon of any kind of milk and an optional 1 teaspoon of any essential oil.
      2. Heat the mixture over a double boiler until it is warm. Using a double boiler helps to make sure it’s not too warm to apply to your face.
      3. Wash your face with warm water to open your pores and remove any oil and dirt.
      4. Spread this mixture on the areas you deem necessary. For many, target areas are often the bridge of their nose and their chin. Just make sure to avoid the eyes, nostrils and mouth.
      5. Allow this to dry for about 15 to 20 minutes, depending on how thickness. It’s important that it’s completely dry before removal for optimal results.
      6. Once dry, remove the mask starting from the side or the bottom, and slowly pulling it away from your face.
      7. Rinse your face with cold water to remove any of the leftover mask and close your pores. Then, finish by applying a fragrance-free moisturizer.

      Instructions based on diynatural.com


      Contact the author at chealy16@wou.edu

      Photo by: Paul F. Davis

      Hiking trail recommendations

      Written by: Quinlan Elise | Photo Editor

      The weather is getting nicer, and it’s time to go on some hikes while the trails aren’t too muddy. Here are some recommendations for good local hikes to go on, with friends or solo.  

      Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge — About 20 minutes away in Dallas, there is a system of walkable trails, filled with a variety of beautiful wild plants and animals. Baskett Slough is a great place to go to birdwatch, but be sure to wear sunscreen because shade can be hard to find.

      Silver Falls — An Oregon staple, Silver Falls State Park is 50 minutes East of Monmouth. The highlight of the trails is a wide arched walk behind a 177-foot waterfall curtain. A visit to the Trail of Ten Falls is a must, bringing hikers to the base of ten waterfalls along a 7.2-mile loop with shortcuts, if needed. As a more popular site, a parking permit must be purchased.  

      McDowell Creek Falls — About 70 minutes from Monmouth, Lebanon has a beautiful three miles of hiking trails alongside clear water. There are four layers of waterfalls to find, with lookout points and benches to rest, and a beautiful bridge system perfect for photos.

      Abiqua Falls — A short but steep hike with a rewarding view, Abiqua Falls is an 80-minute drive to Scotts Mills. The route to the trail may require a car that can handle big bumps, and the hike is difficult, but the secluded and magical waterfall is worth the trek. 

      Dog Mountain — Located two hours away in the Columbia River Gorge, the Dog Mountain trail lines the Southern border of Washington alongside the Columbia River. The trail is one of the most popular, but also one of the most strenuous in the Gorge, and the steep hike is prone to strong winds.  It is currently peak spring wildflower season in the area, so one should be prepared for traffic and possibly full parking lots. There is a $5 permit fee and a shuttle from Stevenson, WA, if there are no parking spots available.  

      Drift Creek Falls — An easy trail with a towering waterfall and suspension bridge, this hike brings one out to the Oregon Coast, where there are numerous other lush locations to visit. One will need to purchase a $5 day pass, but that can be done online. Drift Creek Falls is a 75-minute drive from Monmouth toward Lincoln City. 

      Contact the author at howlphotoeditor@wou.edu

      Where a small town meets a big tradition

      Written by: Jaylin Hardin | Sports Editor

      From May 23 – 27, 2024, one of the largest Memorial Day celebrations in the nation took place. Hosted at Riverside Park in Grants Pass, Oregon, a town of roughly 39,000 people, the festivities hosted several vendors and attendees from around the country and the globe.

      Boatnik, as it is fondly known, began in 1959, and has its early beginnings with the Grants Pass Active Club, a non-profit organization focused on giving back to the children of Josephine County. All proceeds from the event go directly to supporting youth programs.

      Originally conceived as a boat race in the 1950s, it has now evolved into a multi-day extravaganza that many in the community say embodies pride and patriotism.

      The festivities began with the annual parade through downtown Grants Pass, with local marching bands, organizations and dignitaries among the participants. The drivers for the hydroplane, sprint and drag boat races also participated in this parade, showing off their vibrant boats that took to the water almost immediately after. This year’s parade theme was “Honoring Our Heroes, a Salute to Service.”

      Two of the most iconic participants of the parade are the Grants Pass Cavemen and the Grants Pass High School — GPHS — marching band. Both have received national recognition, with the GPHS marching band participating in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade almost every year and the Cavemen traveling nationally to spread goodwill and tourism for Josephine County; the Cavemen are an organization that began in 1922 that now works alongside the Active Club. Dressing in animal skins, horsehair wigs and buck teeth, the Cavemen run rampant throughout the parade, “kidnapping” parade viewers and putting them up for display in a handmade, wooden cage. 

      One of the Cavemen’s more iconic moments occurred in the 1940s, when they kidnapped Presidential Nominee Thomas E. Dewey while he was in Oregon for his campaign. The picture of Dewey circulated throughout Europe until it reached Soviet Russia, where news outlets claimed they dressed in this manner to “protest against the cruel and Wall Street-backed church.” Other notable kidnapees include Shirley Temple, Babe Ruth, Henry Ford, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Herbert Hoover, as well as the Oregon congressional delegation, who were once held hostage and harassed on the Senate floor.

      Following the parade, the fun really began, with drag and sprint boat exhibitions and time trials taking place on Saturday and Sunday and the hydroplane boat race, the Tom Rice Memorial Race, taking place on Memorial Day. This year, the sprint boat racers came from USSBA Racing, an organization that participates in sprint races around the globe.

      Taking place alongside these races was a golf shoot-out, carnival, Brewfest and concert, hosting the rock band, Firehouse, as the headliner. Both the shoot-out and the Brewfest occurred on Saturday and Sunday, enticing thousands of visitors to try more than 50 brews and ciders from the region and 64 golfers to try and win the grand prize. 

      The carnival took place Thursday afternoon through Monday night and featured rides and carnival games from Davis Shows Northwest. Vendors in attendance offered a plethora of services, from food and jewelry to art and different physical experiences, including Zorb Water Balls, rock climbing and bungee trampolining.  

      The one event everyone truly looks forward to, however, is the Memorial Day service.

      The ceremony began with a jet flyover from Oregon’s 173rd Fighter Wing, located in Klamath Falls, Oregon. The national anthem then played as a flag was unfurled from Grants Pass’ Caveman Bridge. 

      A pastor from a local church led the ceremony in prayer in memory of fallen soldiers, followed by a moment of silence. Veterans from a local unit gave a 21-gun salute and a wreath and rose petals were floated down the Rogue River, accompanied by a bagpipe playing “Taps.”

      During the roughly 11-minute ceremony, silence fell over the park in honor of fallen soldiers. 

      Attendees and Active Club members both spoke fondly of their time at Boatnik.

      “It’s an event that gathers everyone together far and wide to celebrate the town and the Rogue (Valley) for the new season,” said sophomore Clark Callahan. “I remember puking up an entire deep-fried jumbo pickle, and it is one of the best memories of my life. I love Boatnik.”

      “(Planning) is a year-long process,” said Active Club President, Kent DeRocher. “As soon as Boatnik is over on Monday, we start planning the first week in June for (the) next year’s.” DeRocher was recently elected president of the Active Club for a one-year term but has been a member of the organization since 2003, only a year after he moved to the Grants Pass area. 

      “I love it. I mean, it’s a lot of work… But it’s been fantastic,” DeRocher said. “I met someone that I was really good friends with that was in the Active Club and they brought me in (my) first year I was here… I moved here and I was in the Club and that’s all I know.”

      In my own experiences at Boatnik, I have found nothing but fun and whimsy, as well as a beautiful ceremony honoring fallen soldiers. As a Grants Pass local who has attended Boatnik every year — except 2020 — I think it is an experience everyone should have a chance to enjoy, young or old. 

      “It’s a place that the valley gets to gather, watch the races and (all) the amazing events that go on,” said junior Kat Griggs, who is a Southern Oregon local.” If you haven’t been, put it on your calendar for next year. It’s a great time.”  

      Next year’s Boatnik will take place from May 22 – 26, 2025. For more information on Boatnik visit www.boatnik.com, or if one wishes to explore the Rogue Valley, visit www.visitgrantspass.com

      Contact the author at howlsports@wou.edu