Consejos para estudiar bien

Rebecca Meyers | Freelancer

Students may have just finished midterms, but finals are fast approaching. The last few weeks of the term can be the most stressful — even more so when feeling underprepared. Having a study system can not only help combat this stress, but also ensure that students don’t sit down to a test and find themselves staring blankly at the first question.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind as students countdown to summer break.



Repetition works wonders for retaining information. For those who look over notes every day, even if it’s only for five minutes, it will help information stick much better than cramming the night before. For those who find it difficult to read their notes without their mind wandering: try writing the important parts out again, as the act of writing forces the brain to process the information again. This works for memorizing anything: from vocabulary words and definitions, to formulas and equations.


Note Sharing

For those not feeling confident about the thoroughness of their notes and the lectures aren’t on Moodle: invite other classmates onto a Google Doc so everyone can compile notes. This allows students to go over them when they have time, rather than trying to coordinate a study group. Google Docs allows for comments to be made in the margins, and can be used to ask questions if someone needs clarification on a certain topic.

Of course, studying in a group in person works best for some people. However, everyone has different schedules to work with and if meeting before a test is not possible, it’s still an option to help each other out.



Students should be aware of the environment they study in and whether it’s helping or hindering their efforts. When studying at home, sometimes students don’t realize that a cluttered desk is adding to their stress. Those like me probably have trouble keeping everything nice and organized. This means that every so often it’s helpful to make a reminder to do some simple adjustments, even if it’s just tidying up a bit. It will relieve a bit of stress that some students carry without even realizing it.


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Fotografía de: Paul F. Davis