A preseason event and CDL season postponement

Next month will start the second season of CDL

Natalie Dean | Editor de entretenimiento

It was recently announced that the second season of Call of Duty League will start off with an opening event, taking place Feb. 11 through 14. CDL took a similar route as other competitive game leagues, and switched to an online format due to COVID-19. The regular season has been announced ⏤ although fans will have to wait for the schedule and matchups, as they have yet to be finalized. On Jan. 23 and 24, the preseason Kickoff Classic took place, where six preseason matches were voted on by fans. At this Kickoff Classic, they discussed the upcoming season and the Stage One Group Selection Show. 

There are other new changes to the season that will come next year, such as the switch to PC and their 4 vs. 4 gameplay mode. Among the 12 CDL teams, the Los Angeles Thieves will be taking the place of Optic Gaming Los Angeles. All of the teams qualify for each major tournament, and it should be noted that the prizing system for 2021 was slightly adjusted.

There’s an impressive $500,000 thousand at stake for each Major and a staggering $2.5 million for the playoffs, with a prize pool of $5 million. The Kickoff Classic, the regular season and the playoff games will be broadcasted live and on-demand at the Call of Duty League YouTube channel. 

Póngase en contacto con el autor en ndean17@wou.edu

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