Review: “How to Murder Your Life”

Alexandra Martin | Entertainment Editor Life is just too hard. Well, it can be. As we attempt to trudge through all that is “existence” in modern society, what with our social envy, serial relationships, crippling college debt and picturesque meals littering...

BloodyVox Floods Rice Auditorium

BloodyVox Floods Rice Auditorium

Alexandra Martin | Entertainment Editor Photo by Nick Brooks | Freelance Photographer Nearly every seat in Rice Auditorium was filled this past Friday for the second show in the Smith Fine Arts Series 41st season, — BodyVox: BloodyVox, an imaginative and talented...

True stories of ordinary people

True stories of ordinary people

Alexandra Martin | Entertainment Editor There didn’t appear to be an ounce of tension in the room of Dallas’s Pressed Wine and Coffee Bar on Sept. 30. Maybe it was the soft, warm bread and hummus platters or maybe, just maybe, it was the libations of wine delivered by...

Catch and Release: Album Reviews

Discovering newly released music before the masses are aware of it used to be a pastime for some. Knowing all the lyrics, mastering the air guitar and making sure that everyone around knows who found it first were all very important parts of being the coolest. Here a...

The Ladybugs: A big apple jazz ensemble

The Ladybugs: A big apple jazz ensemble

Alexandra Martin | Entertainment Editor The 41st season of The Smith Fine Arts Series kicked off the year with The Ladybugs. Hailing from the Big Apple, The Ladybugs’ one of a kind sound immersed the whole of Rice Auditorium this past Friday with their upbeat,...

Review: “If It Was A Smile”

Stephanie Blair | Editor-in-Chief For fans of folk and indie rock, a must-hear album is coming your way — Joseph Demaree and the Great Smoking Mirror: a guitar- and cello-playing duo from Portland, Oregon, will release the band’s 10-track, debut album, “If It Were A...

Music is in the air

Music is in the air

Alexandra Martin | Entertainment Editor Music is a great way to fill any amount of silence with melodic noise. “Spotify has a wide selection…it’s the only way I stream music,” said Ethan Gilbert a junior computer science major. Whether a person is walking to...

Something for everyone this fall

Something for everyone this fall

Alexandra Martin | Entertainment Editor Fall in the Pacific Northwest usually means one thing to the community: long, cold, rainy days spent inside. An exorbitant amount of time can pass simply daydreaming of dead fall leaves crunching underfoot, sipping on hot apple...

Murderers, Vampires, Demons, Oh My

Alexandra Martin | Entertainment Editor October is nearly upon us and what better way to get in the spirit of Halloween than brushing up on those spooky tales that have helped shape this holiday into what it is. Most of us grew up with some experience hearing campfire...