Written by: Isabelle Jones | Lifestyle Editor
Looking for ways to get involved outside of classes? Western provides a plethora of clubs that can entice any type of student. Whether it’s furthering knowledge within a degree, getting to know other people in the community or creating change, Western has so much to offer — come out and join a club.
WOU ASL Club (Instagram @wouasl)
An organization for the Deaf, Deaf+, Hard of Hearing and Hearing students at Western.
Aspiring Teachers Association (Instagram @wou.ata)
Supporting future educators from step one.
Associated Students of Western Oregon University (Instagram @aswou)
Advocators for students’ rights to the Western administration as well as the state of Oregon and the nation.
Board Game Club (Instagram @wou.board.game.club)
Bring games and find new friends.
Business And Economics Club (Instagram @woubeclub)
A space for students to have discussions, speakers, workshops and networking opportunities for the business and economics fields.
Creative Writers’ Guild (Presence https://wou.presence.io/organization/creative-writers-guild)
A place where all creative writers of any writing medium are welcome to write and share their work with the guild.
Criminal Justice Club (Instagram @wou.cjclub)
This organization discusses the justice system events and issues.
CRU (Instagram @cruatwou)
“We’re real people dealing with the real problems of living out a real faith in the real world.”
Exercise Science Club
Exercise science students get to connect with different community members in order to provide members with unique opportunities, networking, recreational activities and insight into potential future professions.
Meetings on the third Tuesday of every month in the Richard Woodcock Education Center, room 208.
Fiber Arts Club (Instagram @wou.fiberartsclub)
This is a club open to anyone, be it someone who has been crocheting or knitting for years or a complete beginner interested in learning a new craft.
Filipino American Association at Western Oregon University (Instagram @faa.wou)
Encouraging and promoting the culture of the Philippines among Filipinos and other students who want to learn about the customs and culture of the country.
Gerontological Society of America Student Chapter (https://www.geron.org/)
This campus chapter focuses on sharing gerontological knowledge, expertise and interest. A welcoming space for all students interested in gerontology to participate in social events, networking and service learning.
Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Inc. (Instagram @kdchibetadelta)
A sisterhood based on serving the community, upholding the values of unity, honesty, integrity and leadership, while also prioritizing academics, service and sisterhood.
KWOU Radio (Instagram @kwoustudios)
Student-run online radio station who are blasting away tunes, growing a music library and adding to the broadcast equipment supply.
Math Club (Instagram @woumathclub)
Open to anyone; come participate in Estimathon and Pi Day.
MECHA (Instagram @mechadewou)
A group focusing on community, support, activism and advocacy.
Model United Nations (Instagram @wou_mun)
An organization participating in a simulation of the United Nations where students act as delegates and work together to solve global issues.
Monmouth Student Nurses Association (Instagram @monmouthstudentnurses)
Students practicing diversity and inclusion through community outreach projects and volunteerism.
Native/Indigenous Culture Club (Instagram @wounativeclub)
Advocating for connections and friendships among the students at WOU who identify under the umbrella term of Native/Indigenous and corresponding supporters within a purely respectful space.
Natural Science Club (Instagram @wou_natural_science_club)
Providing hands-on, real-world activities beyond the lecture and lab, offering social and academic networks for students.
Omega Delta Phi Fraternity Inc. (Instagram @wou_knights)
A brotherhood dedicated to the needs and concerns of the community, which promotes the traditional values of unity, honesty, integrity and leadership.
Pre-Med Club (Instagram @woupremedclub)
Striving to be a safe space for any interested in pre-health and provide valuable connections and resources.
Pre-Nursing Club
A resource for students interested in the nursing field through virtual and in-person events.
Public Health Club (Instagram @wou.publichealthclub)
Provides a place for students interested in community health education and public health. Opportunities in networking, leadership, service learning and pre-professional training are available. Meetings are held Mondays bi-weekly from 12 – 1 p.m.
Resonate Church (Instagram @resonatemonmouth)
Come make lasting friendships and discover the purpose that one was made for.
Spanish Club (Instagram @wou_spanishclub)
A vibrant community where those come together to explore the language and Hispanic culture through a multitude of activities in a diverse, respectful and inclusive environment.
The Northwest Passage (Instagram @wounp)
The Passage has been in publication in one form or another for 80 years, supporting the creative arts every step of the way.
Unidos Club (Instagram @unidoswou)
Building community and creating a safe and supportive environment to help empower students to bravely fight social justice issues.
Western Oregon Swing Dance Club (Instagram @wouswingdance)
Concentrating on West Coast Swing and Single-Time Swing. No experience required.
Western Oregon University Fellowship (Instagram @wou_fellowship)
Creating diverse communities where students are safe to seek answers to spiritual and faith-based questions or concerns in life.
WOU Digital Games Club
Created for the purpose of maintaining a safe space for Western students to enjoy video games, and to foster such a community at Western. Meetings are 4 – 7 p.m. on Thursdays in the ITC, room 303.
WOU Student Veterans of America (Instagram @wousva)
Dedicated to fostering a sense of belonging, camaraderie and empowerment among student veterans, active-duty service members and their families within our university community.
Thespians Club (Insta @wouthespiansclub)
The Thespians Club here at Western provides, supports and advocates for educational, social and performance opportunities.
If interested in finding out more about Western affiliated clubs, check out their Involve pages at https://wou.presence.io/
Contact the author at howllifestyle@wou.edu