Mount Hood

Deep dive into the American Sign Language at Western

February 26, 2025

Written by: Hannah Field | Editor-in-Chief

American Sign Language has a rich and profound history across the country — but is a rare program to encounter in higher education. Few colleges along the West Coast offer American Sign Language courses beyond the beginning levels — Western, however, offers two degree paths, a minor and a master’s program.

The American Sign Language studies program at Western, on average, carries 15 students per class through 60 required credits of classes, beginning with the basic models of ASL and leading into a variety of additional classes, such as Deaf history, mental health in the Deaf community and deafblind studies.

For roughly half a century, Western has been serving the Deaf community in Monmouth, Oregon. Some current staff of Western in the ASL department, with examples such as Brent Redpath, LeShonDre Brown and Elisa Maroney, attended Western in prior years. 

Historically, Western showcases success in instructing the future interpreters of America. Western was the first base for a national ASL assessment service in the West as of 2020 — a testament to Western’s dedication to American Sign Language proficiency testing for anyone interested in their fluency level.

The two Bachelor of Arts programs — American Sign Language studies and interpreting studies: theory — differ, despite common misconceptions about the programs. American Sign Language studies, according to Western’s website, helps foster knowledge of ASL in a way that promotes respect for Deaf culture, history and community. “You will not only continue to hone your ASL skills, but you will also study areas such as linguistics, language acquisition, cultural competency and mental health and learn how this information can serve the (Deaf) population.”

Other higher education institutions may refer to their version of ASL studies as Deaf studies or, potentially, be known as simply American Sign Language.

Elisa Maroney, current program co-coordinator of the ASL branch of the interpreting program and certified interpreter, helped construct the ASL studies program curriculum at Western in its prime, alongside Debi Duren. The program originated from the interpreting program, which found its footing first at Western.

“Our program is a study of the language, the culture, the history. For ASL studies, we’re often a more foundational program — students have that skill in ASL that they can use for the next step in their lives, which might be a graduate program, or it could be related to their career that requires an ASL background,” said Brent Redpath, American Sign Language studies program coordinator. Redpath has been working diligently at Western since 2012 and has become a well-respected professor — often harboring full classes with a waitlist each term.

Redpath, as program coordinator, schedules classes, makesing sure each class is properly staffed with instructors, balancesing course loads for faculty, addressesing student concerns and assistsing in conflict management amongst students. Redpath wholeheartedly represents the ASL program — his face and name are well-known in the Richard Woodcock Education Center — RWEC — where the majority of ASL classes take place.

Predominantly, classes in ASL are taught by deaf professors. ASL language classes — 101 through 303 — follow this model earnestly.

“It’s very nice to have native users of a language who are instructing in their native language,” said Redpath. “And to receive language and culture directly from a deaf person. Nothing against hearing people, don’t get me wrong — but their experiences will be different than a person who grew up as a Deaf individual. They’re going to have a different background, and they won’t be able to speak to that perspective in the same way a Deaf person can.”

With this in mind, ASL classes are regarded as “Deaf classrooms.”

“You might notice as you come into class that we have our tables set up in a U-shape, which is different from other classes. That’s how we always teach so that every student in the class can see each other. It’s a visual language,” said Redpath. “It’s important that we can all see each other, that I can see the students and they can see me.”

The RWEC boasts glass panels in the wall, allowing professors to see what’s happening in the hallways and beyond — a common Deaf-friendly window style. Redpath personally acted in the committee that assisted with designing the RWEC. “I was able to offer some tips and ideas for how to make this building a more Deaf-friendly space,” said Redpath. Additionally, the topic of what makes a Deaf-friendly space is discussed in class to teach on Deaf culture and respect.

Deaf classrooms are also deadly quiet to the average hearing person.

“It is dead silent … The way you can just hear a pin drop — the way people can hear you swallow wrong,” laughed junior Abby Money. “And then the two people on your left hear it and you have to say, ‘sorry, I’m hungry today.’”

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the ASL studies program; staff has been reduced, as have extra class options. As of 2025, Western has two full-time ASL studies staff members, alongside five part-time employees. Ideally, the program will be able to restore more staff members, in-person classes and more classes and class times.

Functionally, ASL classes utilize Canvas and GoReact for exams, homework and lessons. GoReact is a video-based system, allowing students to upload videos of their exams and receive direct feedback. 

ASL students, if struggling, may resort to the tutoring center for additional assistance with their signing fluency. Ideally, students will continue to participate in the Deaf community. “I always encourage students to be involved,” said Redpath. “It’s not enough to just go to ASL classes and be done. You can’t thrive that way … There is actually an ASL hall in the dorms, where you can have extra opportunities to socialize outside of class time.”

The ASL club on campus is a good resource for students to gain signing experience and practice with their peers.

Redpath’s classes involve three exams per term and weekly assignments. Students meet in small groups to practice for a grade on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, depending on the instructor’s choice.

“The ASL studies program is one of the biggest language programs that we offer on campus, and administration at Western has recognized us for that. We appreciate their support for our program,” said Redpath. “We felt their involvement in making our program successful … We hope (the program) will continue to grow even larger in the future. Of course, things are different now in post-COVID days, but we really hope to be back to what we were before. It’s a really important program — to me and to the university.”

As for Redpath — “My favorite part of this job is definitely working with the students. I teach a variety of classes, I work with diverse students from diverse backgrounds. And they’re not just learning from me — I’m learning from them.”

For junior Dylan Meader, Redpath stands out as a professor. “His teaching style is really effective for me,” explained Meader. “I’ve had good experiences with all the professors here, but I feel I respond best to his methods of teaching — he’s just a really nice guy.”

Meader gravitated to American Sign Language in high school, needing to fulfill a language requirement and finding it fulfilling beyond his initial expectations. 

“There’s not a single school in Washington that has the interpreting program, and that was something I really wanted to pursue,” said Meader. “I decided to look out of state, and the closest to my home in Bellingham, Washington, was Western. So I applied and I toured. It was something that I liked — so I decided to go for it … it’s been really great so far.”

Maroney attests that somewhere between one-third to one-half of ASL interpreting students in any given year are from out of state — such as juniors Abby Money and Meader.

Money, like Meader, hails from another state. Money grew up in Templeton, California, and Monmouth has been her first taste of life somewhere else.

“It was really scary for me moving here because I had, genuinely, never lived anywhere else on my own,” said Money. “Being fully immersed in the classes, I was so scared starting college. It was a nice surprise — it was worth it.”

Often, Redpath or LeShonDre Brown are the first faces students see when entering the program at 101.

“I went in, freaking out,” said Money, describing her first term with Redpath in ASL 201. “I was so scared. I was like, ‘he’s deaf. What if he doesn’t understand a word I’m saying?’ Spoiler alert — he did. He understood me.”

Western’s interpreting program hopes to help fulfill the country’s growing need for ASL interpreters. At Western, the program is available entirely online to support that goal, so more students from other states can pursue interpreting.

Interpreting, as a class subject, requires focus and drive. Students learn that professional interpreting requires no distracting clothing or accessories, and that hair must be out of the face. Recorded videos must be in good quality and against a blank backdrop.

Videos and exams follow any number of subjects. Often, they rely on translating English into ASL and then signing that statement.

Maroney has been working at Western since 1993 but previously received a certificate in interpreting from the college in prior years. Maroney even found herself at Gallaudet for her master’s — an iconic, and vastly important, college, leading the charge in Deaf education.

Eventually, Western’s undergraduate program will re-incorporate a crucial internship — “Our hope was that by having a graduate program, we could sort of guide students and provide them with supervision opportunities to, then, be more ready to work. The problem is that not everyone chooses to go on to (get their master’s) and they aren’t ready to work if they don’t have that internship piece,” said Maroney. “It is a lifelong learning process. You can’t get your bachelor’s degree and be one-and-done. You have to keep working on your language, on your interpreting, on your cultural experiences and knowledge.”

Chances are the ASL program, in any branch, will continue to evolve. “Everything is in flux,” said Maroney. “We try things, and if it doesn’t work, we try something else. I think it’s an exciting time right now — a little bit unnerving at the moment — but we have searches going on. We’re looking for two ASL studies faculty and one interpreting studies faculty.”

Additionally, Maroney recommends students look into scholarships. The interpreting program is, typically, six years long — meaning the cost can be heavy alongside already taxing work.

As for student-to-student advice, Meader has his own: “(Don’t be) intimidated, especially if you’re brand new to learning ASL and interacting with the Deaf community. Trust yourself. And have fun, it’s a lot of fun.”

“It gets easier,” said Money. “Your receptive skills get better. And when someone’s signing to you and you catch on, you’re like, ‘oh, wait, I’m actually getting this now.’ It’s not something that you’re panicking over, cause I remember panicking.”

Some staff in the program teach truly because they just enjoy the program, often working other jobs — Alethea Boyer-Mularski teaches full-time at Oregon School for the Deaf, showing up for her 5 p.m. 300-level ASL instruction classes after a full day of work.

“I teach at WOU because it’s where my teaching journey began nearly 18 years ago. Deb Duren, who was then the ASL Studies Program Coordinator, hired me despite my lack of teaching experience at the time, recognizing potential in me. Over time, my love for teaching grew, and I developed a desire to share my knowledge of ASL, Deaf culture and the Deaf community,” said Boyer-Mularski. “During the day, I work at Oregon School for the Deaf, and in the evenings, I teach hearing students at WOU. It’s a rewarding contrast — teaching Deaf students their true language while introducing ASL to hearing students.”

Western’s launch of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education Program — 2015-2021 — had Boyer-Mularski in one of the first cohorts. After a six-year hiatus starting in 2017, Boyer-Mularski has since returned to the college.

“It was amazing. I love Alethea. She definitely helped my receptive skills a lot (because) she’s a much quicker signer. That was a lot of fun, being thrown into that,” said Money.

Additionally, Money regards the language with a lot of love. “It’s important to me because it kind of reminds me of where I come from a little bit. I took it originally for my friend, for her and her brother, because she was going to teach it to him. And then I just fell in love with it — it’s a beautiful language.”

“ASL is more than just a language — it’s the heart of Deaf identity and culture. I encourage students (and) faculty to appreciate its true beauty and respect its vital role in the Deaf community,” said Boyer-Mularski.

Meader has appreciated Western’s program so much that he’s opting to pursue his master’s at Western in interpreting. “The staff and the professors in the ASL and interpreting programs have been so supportive and encouraging … and I think that’s what’s made me want to continue, as opposed to (an) experience I had in high school where I almost quit learning ASL because my first teacher said something very harsh and awful to me about my signing, but I’ve just had really good experiences with the professors here,” he said. “Regarding the interpreting program, I think the professors do a really great job at preparing you and setting you up for success. It feels like they really care about you and think about you as more than just a student. Like they really want to set you up for future success as an interpreter or whatever you decide to do with ASL.”

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Love letter to Oregon

February 12, 2025

Written by: Hannah Field | Editor-in-Chief

Oregon will be celebrating its 166th birthday Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14. 

In celebration, the Oregon State Capitol typically holds an event on the Saturday closest to Valentine’s Day, although no information for 2025 has been released thus far.

Established in 1859, Oregon became the 33rd state on the day of love. Portland was established earlier in 1851 — yet Astoria takes the cake as Oregon’s oldest town, founded in 1811 and being the first permanent United States settlement west of the Rocky Mountains.

Roughly 12 thousand people migrated to the region on the Oregon Trail, one of the most commonly-used routes during the period of westward expansion in the U.S., finding their way to Oregon and leading to its founding.

Oregon, despite its current progressive status, does harbor a racist past; at its establishment, it had racial exclusionary laws, banning Black people from many towns until 1866. Although Oregon has come a long way, its history is vital to recall.

When compared to other states, Oregon stands out for its natural beauty, notoriously gloomy weather and state hub, Portland, occasionally called the “City of Roses.”

Oregon is the only state to have a two-sided flag. It also carries an impactful motto, separate from the flag: “She flies with her own wings.”

Geographically, Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the whole country at 1,943 feet deep. In contrast, Oregon, for a period of time, had the shortest river in the world — D River — at 440 feet long, per Guinness World Records. The title has since been claimed by a shorter river elsewhere.

Oregon is home to about four million residents, and, possibly, one sasquatch. Some could say Oregon is obsessed with Bigfoot, boasting the Oregon Sasquatch Festival at Mt. Hood and the Glide Sasquatch Festival — “Big feet, bigger party.” Notoriously, Oregon also has the only known Bigfoot trap in the world in the Siskiyou National Forest.

Albany, Oregon, invites guests to the Monteith House — Albany’s oldest residence — at 11 a.m – 3 p.m. both Friday, Feb. 14 — Valentine’s Day and Oregon’s 166th birthday — and Saturday, Feb. 15 for cake paired with a history lesson. The event is free to attend.

The Salem City Club will be hosting a trivia event, free admission, at noon on Friday, Feb. 14, at the Willamette Heritage Center.

Hillsboro, Oregon, advertises a craft workshop for Oregon’s birthday, describing it as “a fun-filled day of creativity and community as we honor the beautiful state of Oregon.”

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Salem speaks out

February 12, 2025

Written by: Hannah Field | Editor-in-Chief

At approximately noon Wednesday, Feb. 5, hundreds of protesters lined up on both sides of Center Street north of the Oregon State Capitol building in defiance of President Trump, the deportation of illegal immigrants, Project 2025, Palestine’s destruction and Elon Musk. Oregonians came together for the 50501 movement, calling for 50 protests in 50 states in one day.

Many boasted signs and flags in respect to a variety of issues surfacing in America. Various chants rose above car horns blasting from supporters driving past: “This is what democracy looks like,” “We’re not going back,” “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Elon Musk has got to go,” “Be loud, be clear, immigrants are welcome here” and “Free, free, free Palestine.”

“Today I’m here in solidarity with all working class people … we are facing — this has been an issue since forever — but right now, we’re at the precipice of some serious change,” said one protestor. “It’s important for people to show up, but there are people who are physically disabled who can’t be here, and I’m here representing my friends who can’t come out and be in the streets, but they’re also an integral part of our movement. We all matter.”

One woman — @theladyofportland on TikTok — was seen live streaming from atop her car, standing over the crowd. “I’m here to deport Musk and impeach Trump,” she said. “(I’m streaming because) I have a lot of followers. Because we’re at a protest, the biggest protest since Black Lives Matter — it’s even bigger than Portland’s (protest.)”

Multiple American flags flew, alongside various Pride flags and transgender flags. Some signs referenced educational concerns alongside reproductive rights.

According to the 50501 movement, more than 60 protests across 40 states have been arranged and turnout has amassed 72,000 participants nationwide.

Fourth-year Western student Desiree Hite, who attended the protest, stated, “Everybody matters. Everybody’s equal. Everybody deserves to live here and be here.”

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Weather advisory

February 5, 2025

Written by: Hannah Field | Editor-in-Chief

The Willamette Valley is facing weather advisory warnings, with snow on the forecast mid-week between Feb. 1 and Feb. 8. The area, yet to see any heavy snow closer to Monmouth, is possibly expecting an inch overnight — the start to a potentially wet and icy February.

The National Weather Service states that roadways are expected to grow slick and hazardous, especially bridges and overpasses. It is recommended to keep an emergency kit in vehicles, commonly including a flashlight, batteries, blankets, shovel, water, non-perishable food, tire chains and any other necessary tools to stay safe if stranded. The National Weather Service advises individuals to “walk with care” as sidewalks and other walkways are likely to be icy and slick.

Over 480,000 injuries related to winter driving are recorded per year, as well as 6,000 weather-related driving fatalities. Drivers should slow down during hazardous weather and proceed with utmost caution — assume that all roads are perilous. Ice can accumulate on trees and power lines, something which drivers should be aware of when behind the wheel. It is recommended to never touch a downed power line — instead, dial 911.

If possible, do not drive during hazardous outside conditions.

If driving is unavoidable, consider sharing driving plans with others. Inform them of intended travel routes as well as estimated arrival time.

Be sure to fill up on gas and keep other tools on hand, such as jumper cables, a windshield scraper, warm clothing, outdoor gloves and portable phone chargers. Having a prepared vehicle helps prevent disaster.

If stranded, it is encouraged to stay calm. Do not leave the vehicle, nor endanger oneself by walking on icy conditions. Turn flashers on to indicate that assistance is needed.

Snow plows, while uncommon in the Willamette Valley, need ample room to move, and close proximity should be avoided.

Snowfall has already landed in Western Oregon, cascading over Oregon’s rocky coastline and closing schools across the coast range. Chain requirements are in place for segments of the coastline highway. Snow continues to be in the forecast for the area.

The Portland metro area is facing rain/snow mixtures on the mid-week forecast. Solid snow or snowstorms are unexpected to occur — instead, precipitation will likely be slush. Slush may refreeze overnight throughout the week, so even without further snowfall, conditions may continue to be hazardous. Portland civilians have been told to warrant extra time for their morning commutes.

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February 5, 2025

Written by: Hannah Field | Editor-in-Chief

Content warning: this article discusses violence

America, in the last few weeks, has been swept by bomb threats — hoaxes that close schools down, reroute police attention and cause panic for thousands.

Late into the evening Jan. 29, Albany Options School received an email informing them of a bomb. On Jan. 30, the school’s staff discovered the email and informed the local police department, leading to a thorough sweep of the school premises, as well as its neighboring elementary school, Sunrise Elementary. Officials from Greater Albany Public Schools deemed nothing suspicious, and allowed for a typical school day.

Albany Police Department, as well as the school district, assured the public that an investigation is underway aiming to identify where the threat came from. They posted online Jan. 30, “We saw a lot of incorrect information on social media about the emailed bomb threat to Greater Albany Public Schools this morning. The situation was fluid, found to be a spoof email attack (per the FBI) and GAPS notified families from the two schools as soon as they had correct and pertinent information … We take all threats seriously and work together with our partners to ensure the safety of all students and staff.”

Reflected in news across the country, bomb threats are making headlines. Notably, a Utah elementary school — Timpanogos Elementary School — was recently investigated due to an unclear threat made right after school was dismissed for the day Monday, Feb. 3. The Provo Police Department swept the school using K9 units, finding nothing suspicious, but have continued to investigate.

Allen County Schools, out of Scottsville, Kentucky, declared Saturday, Feb. 1, that a threat was made against Allen County-Scottsville High School, eventually stated to be non-credible after a thorough sweep of the premises and surrounding area utilizing K9 units.

At approximately 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 3, a CVS Pharmacy in Sylva, North Carolina, was cleared after a bomb threat was alleged. The neighboring Burger King was evacuated as well as the CVS. Traffic was rerouted to avoid the area as investigators cleared the scene — another hoax.

Authorities in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, arrested 35-year-old Christopher Newman in connection to a bomb threat that was called into Myrtle Beach International Airport. The bomb threat caused panic across the airport, deplaning multiple aircrafts after pilots were contacted. Newman is being held without bond.

According to America’s Cyber Defense Agency, “The primary reason for employing bomb threats when no explosive device is present is to disrupt, distract and harass.”

Facilities receiving bomb threats are encouraged to stay on the phone for as long as possible, write down exact wording and fill out a bomb threat checklist offered by the cyber defense agency. If not called in but received digitally, it is recommended to leave the message open on the device, take a screenshot, copy the message and title and note the date and time. If written, handle the note as little as possible. Note the date, time and location of the threat and keep the written threat in a secure spot so police may investigate it as naturally as possible.

Most bomb threats — nearly 90% — are expected to be hoaxes. Despite the fact, all threats are to be treated as if real, so as to prevent injury.

All bomb threats should be reported to law enforcement agencies.

A 17-year-old student of Beekman Charter School in Bastrop, Louisiana, was arrested in late January after multiple bomb threats were made over email against the educational facility. All Morehouse Parish schools closed Monday, Feb. 3, and Tuesday, Feb. 4 regarding the incidents.

Mayor of Bastrop, Betty Alford-Olive, stated, “As Mayor, I am asking all citizens to be vigilant of your surroundings and if you see something suspicious, please call 911. Please stay safe.”

Investigations are still underway.

The United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, closed after multiple bomb threats were made toward the North Severn Complex. All affected areas were cleared and no threat was located, with the lockdown lifted Jan. 31. 

Nov. 2024, during the election, faced multiple Russian-sourced bomb threats to polling places in multiple states, such as Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. The FBI claimed that none of the threats seemed legitimate and declared the investigation to be at the top of their priority list. At least two polling spots in the state of Georgia were evacuated but opened again after 30 minutes. The Russian embassy in Washington protested allegations of Russian interference — labeling them “malicious slander.”

Overall, more than two dozen threats against polling stations were made.

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February 5, 2025

Written by: Sadie Latimer | News Editor

The Associated Students of Western — ASWOU — is Western’s official student government. It is run by students, for students. 

ASWOU is extremely active on campus, representing students’ interests and needs, overseeing clubs, putting together programs on campus and ensuring that students have their voices heard. 

ASWOU President Brenda Rocio Martinezis a fourth-year student at Western, double majoring in communications and public policy and administration. 

“My role is (mainly) representing students in general and having their best interest in mind,” Rocio Martinez said. As a student herself, Rocio Martinez is always looking for ways to support her peers. “We always like to put our ear to the ground and see (what students want and need.)”

ASWOU not only supports individual students but student clubs as well. Joining a club is how Rocio Martinez first got involved on campus, followed by her becoming a justice in the judicial branch of ASWOU. After that, she was ASWOU’s director of PR, then, finally, the president. 

Rocio Martinez knows the importance of getting involved through clubs on campus, so she strives to make sure the clubs have the resources, training and support they need. One of her goals is to allow the clubs to collaborate and connect with each other. 

“I just want to be able to serve students,” Rocio Martinez said. “We are student-funded, so we’re here for (students).” ASWOU is funded by the IFC — Incidental Fee Committee. Students pay a set amount as part of their tuition and fees, which goes towards several student activities on campus, including but not limited to ASWOU, student media, Abby’s House, WOLF Ride, athletics, campus recreation, childcare and more.

Every person involved in ASWOU is dedicated to making their fellow students’ voices heard. “People in higher positions like faculty and staff are wanting the students’ perspective, and ASWOU can give that perspective,” Rocio Martinez said. 

“Elections should be coming pretty soon for anyone who wants my position in the future. And I will say this: it’s not hard, it’s fun,” Rocio Martinez said. She loves getting to be more involved in her community as ASWOU president. According to Rocio Martinez, the position has helped her become a better leader. It has also been helpful for her field of study and will likely apply to the career path she wishes to follow. ASWOU elections will begin at the start of spring term. For students who wish to run for election, applications open March 8. 

ASWOU has weekly public meetings on Fridays in the Calapooia room of the Werner University Center. The executive branch of ASWOU holds their meeting at 12 p.m. and the senate meets at 2 p.m. 

The judicial branch’s meetings are not weekly, instead they are held “when there’s work to do,” Rocio Martinez said. “That entails rules being broken by any clubs or any students, if there are any concerns or if people just want an interpretation of a law.”

For students who have concerns, comments or questions, an ASWOU senate meeting is the place to be. The senate focuses on things such as bylaws, getting involved with the clubs they oversee and the needs of students. 

If students have large concerns, they can fill out an ASWOU student feedback form, which goes to the senate. The form is located on the student portal under the My Programs tab. 

Rocio Martinez knows how difficult it is to advocate for every student, which is why it is important for students to bring their concerns and feedback to ASWOU’s attention. A community thrives when everyone supports each other and works together to make positive changes. 

“We ensure that students are well represented if they feel anything should change,” Rocio Martinez said. “Change comes with many people. It takes a village to make true change.”

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