Mount Hood

Alternatives to single use plastic

Emily Wanous | Freelancer

Ever since I can remember, the environment has always been something that I worried about. It wasn’t until I came across a fact that slapped me in the face with raw truth that I really recognized the reality: every piece of plastic ever created is still on this earth today — every single one. Of course, this was something that I could have connected, but I had never even considered it until I read that fact.

Adding on to this grim realization, I found that in Oregon, major recycling centers do not recycle most common forms of plastic, such as plastic coffee lids, plastic grocery bags and more. This is mind-boggling, because not only will it stay on this earth, it won’t be used again in another form. With all of this in mind, I took it upon myself to switch to plastic alternatives for daily items. For your convenience, here are some of the alternatives that I’ve found beneficial.

The first item I chose to switch to was QOGiR Reusable Sandwich bags. They have super cute designs, and they are non-toxic and stain-resistant. On top of this, they are washable and inexpensive.

Second, I switched to Bee’s Wrap Reusable Food Wraps. These are washable, and can easily morph around both food and containers, to assure that your food is being saved well. Admittedly, they are a bit more work than traditional plastic wrap, but you get the benefit of knowing that aren’t using single-use plastic.

Third, I now use Wowe Organic Natural Bamboo toothbrushes. Toothbrushes may not even be something you consider when trying to reduce plastic usage. This specific brand is charcoal infused, and has BPA-free bristles. As a bonus, there’s no plastic packaging.

Fourth, I recommend using Earth Junky Mesh Produce Bags. Many of us do choose to use reusable grocery bags, which is a great start. However, imagine the number of times you buy fruits and veggies and use the plastic produce bags — this will allow you to cut those out entirely.

Fifth, I love using Mason jars. I use them for all my drinks throughout the day. Whether it be coffee, tea, water or anything else — these jars work great. If you buy coffee at Western coffee shops, among other places, they will gladly fill your cup instead of a one time use cup. And on campus, doing so will give you a 25 cent discount.

My sixth recommended product Unni 100% Compostable Trash Bags. I should note that these may be a bit less durable than traditional plastic bags, but they still work great and get the job done.

Seventh, I use resealable plastic bags. These may not be a special product, but what makes them helpful is that I do reuse them. It’s inevitable that you will buy plastic containers or bags at the store. When this happens, reuse the container as much as possible before throwing it in the trash.

The eighth and final product I’ve switched to is Nellie’s All-Natural Laundry Soda. It cleans everything thoroughly, and the packaging is tin rather than plastic. The best part: it’s inexpensive.

As Monmouth is a small town without a lot of shopping diversity, all of these products can be bought online. To find all of the plastic alternatives listed, head to Amazon. There, you’ll find everything listed and it may even spark a new idea of other ways you can rid yourself of plastic.

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Upgrade your Girl Scout Cookies

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

‘Tis the season for a $5 box of the fan-favorite cookies. That’s right, Girl Scout season is in full swing, and with it is box on top of box of their mouthwatering baked-goods. And, yes, I must admit that I did buy a whopping $50 worth. While they’re perfect to snack on as they are, and likewise perfect for eating an entire sleeve- or box- of, they also can be altered to make some delectable desserts. So, go support your local Girl Scout troop, purchase some cookies and get started on these recipes.


Thin Mint Truffles

Crush one sleeve of Thin Mints until fine. There can be some bigger pieces, but it should mostly be crumby. Set aside 1 tablespoon of the cookies for later, then combine the rest with 8 ounces of softened cream cheese which is equivalent to one package. You can let it soften by having it sit out until it gets close to room temperature. Mix until well combined, then form small balls of the mixture. Let cool in the freezer until they’re slightly hardened. Melt 1 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips, then submerge the truffles into the chocolate. Top by sprinkling the set-aside crushed cookie, and let cool completely in the freezer.


Samoa Cheesecake Cupcakes

Take one sleeve of Trefoil cookies and crush until it’s very fine. Mix with 6 tablespoons of melted butter until well combined. Press these into the bottom of cupcake tins, and bake at 350 until golden brown, about five to six minutes. In a medium mixing bowl, combine 16 ounces of softened cream cheese, ½ cup of sour cream, ¼ cup of sugar, 2 eggs and a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Then, take a sleeve of Samoas and crush it up well. Take half, and combine it with the cheesecake mixture. Fill the cupcake tins almost to the top with the mixture. Bake for about 20 minutes, until the cakes are set. Then, let cool for about 20 minutes in the refrigerator, and top with the remaining crushed Samoas.


Tagalong Milkshake

In a blender, combine about two cups of chocolate ice cream. You can also opt for vanilla and add chocolate syrup, if you’d rather do that. Add one cup of milk. Toss in about ⅓ cup of peanut butter. And finally, crush up about ¼ cup of Tagalongs and add that in. Blend and add more ice cream or milk until you reached your desired consistency. Top it off with whip cream and more crushed Tagalong.


Do-si-dos Creme Brulee

Crush roughly ½ cup of Do-si-dos and combine with 4 tablespoons of melted butter. Once well combined, form a crust on the inside of a small ramekin or any dish that would work for a creme brulee. Bake for about four minutes at 350 degrees. While that’s cooking, heat 1/2 cup of heavy cream with 2 tablespoons of sugar until it starts bubbling, then remove from heat. In a separate bowl, whisk one egg yolk with ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract. Slowly add the cream mixture until it’s well-combined. Pour into your ramekin. Place the ramekin in a baking dish and surround the ramekin with enough water to reach about halfway up the side. Bake at 300 degrees for 40 minutes, then let cool. Cover the ramekin with plastic wrap and cool in the fridge for three to four hours. When ready to serve, sprinkle about 1 tablespoon of very fine sugar over the top, and broil just until it gets golden brown and caramelized. Make sure the rack is very close to the top of the oven, as you’re trying to mimic a torch with the broiler.


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Photo by: Caity Healy

How to shop The Find

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

If you’ve ever taken a stroll down Main Street, you’ve likely noticed an elegantly decorated shop: The Find. Perhaps you’ve looked at the appearance and assumed it was expensive, or even looked at one price tag and turned the other way. The truth is, though, there are a lot of great items I’ve bought from there that have not hurt my wallet.

This store sells a lot more than it may seem at first glance; decor, clothing, jewelry, shoes, antiques and more are sold within this small shop. While the options of items obviously vary, the surprising part is that the prices do as well.

“Our stuff is mostly new,” commented employee Teresa Hutchinson. “But we also have hand picked consignment from people that the owner chooses.”

The store is layed out in a fashion where the newer items are more towards the front, and at the back of the store, you find the lower priced, used items. The used items vary anywhere between clothing, shoes, decor and even jewelry.

From the back of the store, I’ve found many of my favorite items. I found a high quality mini dress that has quickly become my favorite, and it cost me only $14. This is less than you’d pay at most other stores, and the quality is better. On top of that, I’ve also found my favorite cropped hoodie and a cute jean shirt — all of which were $25 or less. So, once again, about the same price or less than you’d pay at other stores.

While this store does offer some cheap prices, there are also some pieces that can get pretty spendy. For instance, I was looking at a jacket that I was interested in, and the price tag read “$128” — however, that is the highest price I’ve seen yet.

Overall, the biggest takeaway is that the boutique really does offer more college-friendly prices than I originally realized. All it takes is a little bit of digging and a good eye. They call it The Find for a reason, so go take a look around and see what you can discover.

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Photo by: Paul F. Davis

Staying motivated through apps

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

If you’re having trouble getting motivated for the gym, then congrats; you share that with the rest of us out here trying to find the strength to get ourselves that daily 30 minutes of exercise. For many, it can be a difficult thing to do; if you’re unable to hold yourself accountable to go, you’re in luck. There are many apps that you can download which will not only keep you motivated, but will also help you do better and succeed in the gym. So, download a couple of these, and get yourself back in there.

My Plate

 Supplying a calorie counter, this app helps you track nutrition, while also showing you how many calories you’re burning through exercise. It will keep you pushing by showing you just how much more you need to do to get where you want to be.

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Nike Training Club

 This app comes equipped with different bodyweight workouts to get you moving quickly. Adhering to all different fitness levels and with specific muscle groups to hit, it’s sure to keep you active and ready for any day.

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 Depending on how you’re working out, this app will create playlists that work best for you — whether it’s lifting, running, cycling or anything in between. The music you choose to listen to will have an impact on how your workout turns out, so make sure you’re listening to what works best for you.

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Gain Fitness

 For this app, all you have to do is enter your fitness goals and it will create a workout plan for you based on the 1300 different workouts they have. It has something for everybody and really lets you track your progress, which will help keep you motivated and moving.

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A Guide To Instagram

Paul F. Davis | Photo Editor

We live in an era where your Instagram aesthetic and prowess is almost as important to who you are as a person as how you dress or do your makeup, and we all want to look good, so here are some recommendations from your local Photo Editor, Paul F. Davis.


  1. Adventure: take a walk and take some time to find a spot that you can call your own. Look for a spot that frames your subject so that the eye is naturally attracted to you or your model.
  2. Candid: ever see a friend or friends that just looked like they radiated light? Take a picture and save that moment. Wait until your friend cracks a smile or looks at the camera to capture a moment that will be much more powerful than a pose.
  3. Perspective: a picture taken from below will make that person look powerful and dominant, and a picture from above will make them seem small and submissive. It’s as simple as getting dirty and laying on the ground or getting on top of a chair and taking a picture from above.
  4. Light: have your model look into the light to make them feel connected to a higher power, and visa versa to convey the opposite feeling. This is easiest to do on a very bright day or find a very dark space and let a ray of light come in and hit your model’s face.

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Photos by: Paul F. Davis

Care guide for winter skin

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

As the high temperature of the day in Monmouth remains consistently around the mid-40s, this can lead to the inconvenience known all too well by many: winter skin. The chilly weather plays a large part in the way our skin feels and looks, which can often lead to incredible discomfort and displeasure. For that reason, it’s important that during this time of year we put extra effort into making sure we are taking proper care of the skin we’re in.

Think about your daily skin routine if you have one. There are some changes you might want to consider making to it. And if you don’t have a skin routine, now is an important time to pick one up. How often do you exfoliate your skin? During this time of year, if you have particularly dry skin, you might want to consider lessening it or stopping altogether.

“Exfoliate less than you would normally,” Dr. Michele Farber, a dermatologist at Schweiger Dermatology Group, noted on, “because your skin barrier is going to be a little bit compromised because of the dryness and the cold air.”

On top of that, make sure you’re using gentle products on your face and body. As often as many enjoy using ultra-fragranced products, they can wreak havoc on your skin. Your best bet is to opt for something more gentle and bland, and stray from any heavily scented soaps or moisturizers. Foaming soaps are great as they don’t strip moisture away from the skin.

Your shower routine can also have negative effects on the skin. If you choose to take overly hot showers, the hot water will evaporate very quickly. Because of this, you need to moisturize your skin immediately after, otherwise the water will actually dehydrate your skin this can be painful and lead to dry patches. Also, do not go outside right after showering or washing your hands. Make sure you’re completely dry, otherwise your skin will chap.

Finally, make sure you’re moisturizing properly. After you shower, you should pat your skin dry, then apply a thicker moisturizer that is higher in oil content while your skin is still damp. Again, avoid fragrances as they can irritate or further dry out the skin. And make sure you don’t go overboard on how much you use, as your skin can become dependent on it and won’t work to maintain its own natural hydration.

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Photo by: Paul F. Davis

Dorm room guide for first-years

Caity Healy | Lifestyle editor

For those living in a dorm, you know that the atmosphere and the living situation feels entirely different than if you were living somewhere else. You now live with a roommate that you may or may not know, your space has been condensed into a cramped room, and for many, you have to learn how to share this small space with someone you’d never experienced living with before.

While ultimately this can lead to conflict, some unavoidable, there are ways to best navigate the issues or minimize the amount that will arise.

When it comes to living with a roommate, the most important thing to maintain is respect. “Respect is really the baseline for a healthy roommate relationship,” commented sophomore education major Kaiana Bradley, who is an RA at Western, “treat them and their things how you would want to be treated.”

As for the biggest ways for keeping the relationship between you and your roommate civil, she noted that it really comes down to two points: compromise and communication. “People are raised differently and live differently,” said Bradley, “but talking about differences and issues and finding compromise is the best way to avoid conflict.”

Finding compromise with your roommate can come in many forms. Set guidelines between each other that you need to follow. There are many important questions that you should be asking your new roommate to get a sense of how they’d prefer things to go, and so that they can hear your perspective as well. How do you feel about guests coming over? When do you want it to be quiet? Are there any foods that you just can’t stand the smell of and would rather me not microwave in here? How do you feel about people spending the night? Things like this, while the answers might not always be in sync, will still allow you to both have a voice in how the rest of the year will go.

If conflict does arise, though, it’s best to tackle it early on. You can try to work it out with your roommate, but if that’s proving to be ineffective, take it to your RA.

“If the resident feels uncomfortable addressing their concern directly to their roommate, they can let their RA know what is happening and the RA can help them through the process from there.” Bradley added.

Lastly, realize that dorm room etiquette means more than just within the bedroom; it also includes the shared bathroom. This single bathroom is shared between you and everyone in the dorm, so keep a few things in mind. There are limited showers, so try to cut down your time as there could likely be people waiting. Also, make the janitor’s job easier and pick up after yourself. “Remove hair from the shower after you get out, remove soaps from the shower … and pick up your trash,” noted Bradley.

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Photo by: Paul F. Davis