Mount Hood

Lonney’s Hawaiian food truck review

Rylie Horrall | Lifestyle Editor

Lonney’s Lunch Wagon is a food truck located at 152 Main St W in Monmouth. Opening at the tail end of 2018, Lonney’s serves Hawaiian-Asian style cuisine that comes in both smaller and larger sizes.

Lonney’s initially started out with owners Donney Ito and Leon Abrew selling lunch plates out of their houses as a way to earn money while attending Western. Eventually the two expanded and thought it would be a good idea to start a food truck business in town.

“(The) love and support we got from everyone here was too hard to leave,” the two explained over Instagram. Ito and Abrew wanted to provide a solid food option for the people in Monmouth and for the Western football team that supported the pair from the beginning.

The idea to sell Hawaiian food came from the fact that Abrew and Ito are both from Hawaii. However, according to Lonney’s, “We actually only have one ‘Hawaiian’ dish, (which) is our Kalua pig.” 

Their menu consists of many different mixtures of Hawaiian, Japanese, Korean, and some Fillipino dishes, but just stick with the label “Hawaiian food” for simplicity.

The menu rotates every other day, with chicken, beef and pork options available daily, and seafood available on Saturdays. Lonney’s does not have a secret menu, but allows their customers to customise their meals with different sauce options they have for the day. If the Loco Moco is on the menu, any dish on the menu can become a “moco,” meaning that they will add over-easy eggs and gravy to your plate.

Abrew and Ito say their signature dishes are the Hurricane Katsu or Hurricane Chicken. Both dishes are drizzled with a mild spicy mayo, a sweet sushi sauce and are sprinkled with furikake on top. However, the dishes they recommend to first-time customers are the Loco Moco or Bulgogi.

“(We) recommend the Loco Moco or Bulgogi because so many people order the Hurricane every time that they don’t get a chance to try (them),” the two explained over Instagram. “Loco Moco is probably the most underrated plate that we have.”

The Loco Moco is homemade Hawaiian style hamburger patties with an over-easy egg and brown beef gravy, and the Bulgogi is homemade Korean teri-marinated beef.

Along with food, Lonney’s sells pop sockets and, in the past, t-shirts. They’re currently in the process of bringing more t-shirts in.

Lonney’s also advertises for customers to “leave their mark” on the back of their wagon by putting a sticker on it that represents home. 

When asked if they wanted to add anything else, Ito and Abrew had this to say.

“Thank you so much to EVERYONE for supporting us and welcoming us with open arms. There’s a lot of sacrifices we make to be able to run this business, but getting to provide good people with good food makes it all worth it.”

Lonney’s Lunch Wagon can be found on Instagram with the handle @lonneyslunchwagon and on Facebook. The business is open Monday–Friday from 11 a.m.–3 p.m., and on Saturday from 12 p.m.–3 p.m. Occasionally, Lonney’s holds “drunchies” hours, which usually occur from 11 pm–1:30 am. 


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Photo by Hannah Greene

Save the pumpkin seeds: My go-to festive recipe

Rylie Horrall | Lifestyle Editor

Instead of tossing the seeds after gutting a pumpkin, turn them into a festive, tasty snack for the fall season.



Start to finish: 25-30 minutes

Servings: 1 ½ cups


1 ½ cups of pumpkin seeds

2 teaspoons fine sea salt (and more for serving)

2 teaspoons of olive oil, coconut oil or nut oil (such as walnut)

2 teaspoons of favorite spice blend (such as curry powder, harissa and chili powder)


    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

    Fill a medium saucepan with about 2 cups of water and season with 2 teaspoons of salt. Bring to a boil.

    Scoop seeds from a pumpkin while water is boiling. Add the pumpkin seeds to a bowl filled with cold water and swish them around until the seeds float and are mostly clean.

    Add the cleaned seeds to the boiling salted water. Simmer for 5 minutes. Drain and pull away any remaining pumpkin attached to the seeds.

    Scatter the seeds onto clean dishcloths and pat them very dry. Mound the dried seeds onto the prepared baking sheet. Add the oil and any spices on top then toss until well coated. Spread the seeds into one layer. Bake, stirring the seeds at least once until fragrant and golden around the edges, 10 to 25 minutes, depending on the size of the seeds.


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Photo by Caity Healy

Alternative Break information

Rylie Horrall | Lifestyle Editor

Looking for a way to spend spring break for this year? Check out the Service Learning and Career Development’s Alternative Break program.

Alternative Break is a project that gets students out and helping different communities ⏤ both global and/or local ⏤ through different volunteer and community organizations. According to the program’s mission statement, “(it) connects students with transformative hands-on experiences.”

The program is designed to help students grow personally and professionally, while giving them hands-on experiential learning, which involves using reflections on what a person has learned before, during and after participating in an event or activity.

“It’s an amazing opportunity to be able to go out and do good somewhere else,” stated Jennifer Hansen, the career development coordinator at the SLCD. “(Many) students come back from them and go ‘That was life changing’ and … I would definitely agree with that statement.”

Applications to sign up for the Alternative Break program during spring break 2020 open on Oct. 7 and can be found on the Western website. Type “Alternative Break” into the search bar for quick access. Grad profiles of students who had previously signed up and participated in the program can be found with more information on the site. According to Samantha Dunaway, a previous attendee from 2017, “It was a one of a kind experience. It helped me understand and explore an entirely new culture while giving me the tools to help at-risk youth in the community of La Carpio, Costa Rica.”

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Photo courtesy of Sam Dunaway

Deals available to Western students

Rylie Horrall | Lifestyle Editor

College is a wonderful but financially painful time for many students. When all of the bills are released and the bank accounts become borderline empty, it’s nice to be able to go to a location that gives students a little break. Maybe a discount?

Two locations in Monmouth and the neighboring town Independence offer students a deal at their places. The Tap Station in Independence offers a dollar discount to Western students who have their school ID, while Main Street Ice Cream Parlor has a double punch card deal.

The Tap Station is located at 87 S Main Street in Independence, the establishment being an old gas station turned restaurant and bar. Wednesday is known as “Western Wednesdays,” which involves an all-day happy hour with $1 off of the final tab if students come in with their Western ID. 

The deal applies to not only drinks at the bar, but also works with non-alcoholic beverages for underage students as well. The “Western Wednesday” deal also applies to cowboys. Students of all ages are welcome in the establishment, and the folks running the Tap Station hope to see more students come to grab a bite or drink.

Main Street Ice Cream Parlor is also located off of Main Street but in Monmouth ⏤ 109 Main Street E, within walking distance of campus. The business offers a punch card program, and gives two stamps for the price of one on Mondays. This is applicable to Western students and others from surrounding universities. Once the punch card is full, the holder gets their ice cream for free and the option to start the cycle over again. This offer was made for students to get a benefit for being at the ice cream parlor⏤ along with a chance to get free ice cream quicker.

Main Street Ice Cream Parlor also offers other deals for those that follow their Instagram page.

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Photo by Caity Healy

WOU-Hoo: Getting pumped for Homecoming

Rylie Horrall | Lifestyle Editor

This year’s homecoming game is readily approaching, and with it comes Homecoming week, filled with fun events and activities for students to participate in every day.

The Kickoff Carnival is filled with fun games and prizes to win, including this year’s Homecoming t-shirts. At this time, students have an opportunity to take part in the “Paint the Wolf” event, a tradition that has gone on for years, as another way to leave their mark.

Students can get pumped up with the “Paint the Town Red” event, which involves partnering with local participating businesses to make Monmouth more festive for the week.

The decorating continues with various offices being wildly decorated around campus. While checking those out, students will have a chance to win prizes if they show their spirit by decking out in Western gear.

The hoedown allows students to fully participate in this year’s theme – Wild Wild Western. Students have a chance again to get a free t-shirt and have a fun time at the themed dance.

The Bonfire Pep Rally gathers Western’s students around to chat and have a good time before the “W” burns, a tradition that happens the night before the Homecoming game that most students enjoy being a part of.

The energy continues right before the Homecoming game with the All Student Tailgate, where students get pumped up and spirited before entering the stadium. 

Get prepped for the big game throughout the week by attending events and gaining prizes. Students can get ready for the game by decking out in Wolf gear from the WolfStore ⏤ take advantage of the 30-70% off sale. If students choose to really go all out and paint their faces, be sure to use paint that can go on skin.


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Photo by Paul F. Davis

Overview of new food trucks in Monmouth

Rylie Horrall | Lifestyle Editor

College is often a major transition for students. You’re suddenly living on your own, paying your own bills, and, on top of all of this, you have to pay for your own food. It takes a lot of mental energy to figure out what to eat each and every day ⏤ energy that could be better spent studying or ignoring your homework ⏤ because let’s face it, we’ve all been there. Although Western provides a dining hall on campus, Monmouth itself is filled with many other food establishments within minimal walking distance from campus.

As soon as Main Street comes into view, it’s surrounded by assorted restaurants with small businesses sprinkled in between buildings. There are quick bites like Yang’s or Koyote’s, or sit-down restaurants such as Yeasty Beasty and Sing Fey’s. However, Main Street isn’t the only area where incredible food can be found.

This year has provided an influx of food trucks, both new and not. Currently, there are a few that are parked across from City Hall all day and night with a few more in different areas throughout town. They provide an easy food option that is full of diverse dishes and, best of all, it’s affordable.

Most provide their locations for the day or week across various social media platforms, so customers always know where exactly to flock to for some great food for even greater prices. The food trucks have their individual hours posted on websites and social platforms along with their menus.

Across from the Academic Programs Support Center off-campus, an annex will be opening up where more food trucks can group.

I plan to go to the various food trucks located here in this lovely little town and provide a more in-depth review of each of them. Each week will provide an opportunity to learn about the food they have at their establishments, what the staff recommends, links on where to find them, and even some background information on each of them. Be sure to check out next week’s issue for an overview of Tucky’s and its southern style food.


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SOLVE your summer volunteering problem

Cora McClain | Copy Editor

Now that summer has rolled around and class is out, a good bit of relaxation is in order. However, if the extra time might be a bit too boring, then give volunteering a try. From the local library to the community garden, there’s bound to be a plethora of opportunities for volunteering. But if you’re looking to do something a bit bigger than shelving books, perhaps cleaning up your local environment is more up your alley.

It’s easy to say that the earth has a few problems — trying to solve those problems is a bit more challenging. Luckily, there is an organization that makes solving these problems a little easier.

SOLVE is a volunteering opportunity organization that is dedicated to “taking care of Oregon.” On their website,, there is a simple search engine that allows anyone to search for local volunteer opportunities in beach, city-wide and creek clean-ups as well as invasive plant removal and native tree and shrub planting. The easy-to-use platform also gives you the date and location of the event, and even a contact for the organizer of the event to answer any questions. Often, the volunteers are provided with gloves, safety vests, trash bags and even lunch on-site.

So, if you decide that you want to take an afternoon to help out the environment, try SOLVE and see if there are any clean ups in your area. If not, any interested person could also organize a clean-up through SOLVE’s site. Visit to learn more.


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Photo by Cora McClain