Mount Hood

Little things to make the days a little brighter

Six simple habits to add to the daily routine

Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor

Life is busy for college students, and many may feel they don’t have time to pick up a new routine or add something to their already packed daily life. However, beneficial habits don’t have to take up much time at all. Try taking a few minutes to add some of these little additions to the daily routine that can help improve the day. 

Breathe: Take a few moments to simply focus on breathing; breathe deeply and mindfully. This is especially useful if in a stressful situation. 

Get up and move: Rejuvenate the body and energy by walking around or stretching for a few minutes. As recommended by, for every hour of sitting, stand up and do some small exercises, whether it be a short walk, rolling out joints or stretching muscles. 

Sit up straight: Fixing one’s posture can prevent tension and help relax the body. Set feet hip width apart and flat on the floor, and straighten the spine. Relax shoulders down and back, and keep the head in a neutral position — adjust computer or chair height if needed in order to achieve this. 

Be grateful: Whether writing down moments of gratitude or simply taking a minute to think of things to be grateful for, appreciating life can be a wonderful mood booster. If stressed or frustrated, take a break to think about something happy that has happened recently. Or keep a gratitude journal which can be added to every evening; write down at least one thing that was good about the day. 

Drink more water: Staying hydrated is very important to keep the body healthy. The recommended amount of water to drink daily varies, so a simple goal to set would be to drink more water than yesterday. For example, if currently drinking one water bottle per day, try finishing one and a half bottles the next day. 

Practice grounding: Grounding is a technique used to help lower stress or panic in an overwhelming situation. A number of grounding techniques exist, but my favorite is to find one thing from each of the five senses that is in the environment. This can help one regain a sense of control over the things around them. 

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Make these seasonal cocktails any season

Four mixed drinks for the four seasons

Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that the passage of time can feel surreal. No matter what month it feels like, there’s a cocktail for that. Mix up one of these drinks inspired by the four seasons, and enjoy responsibly. 



Start to finish: 5 minutes

Yields: 1 drink

1 ½ ounces cherry brandy

1 ½ ounces gin

½ lemon, juiced

Sparkling lemonade

Splash of grenadine

Edible blossoms, for garnish 

Mix brandy, gin and the juice of half a lemon with several ice cubes in a shaker. Strain into a glass, then fill the rest of the glass with sparkling lemonade. Add a splash of grenadine and place blossom garnish on top if desired. 

Recipe from


Start to finish: 5 minutes

Yields: 1 drink

3 to 4 ounces pineapple-orange juice

2 ounces Malibu rum

Grenadine, drizzled

Maraschino cherries, for garnish

Pineapple and/or orange slices, for garnish

Add ice cubes to a glass, then pour in pineapple-orange juice and Malibu rum. Stir to combine. Drizzle as much grenadine as desired on top, then add garnishes and serve. 

Recipe from


Start to finish: 10 minutes

Yields: 1 drink

2 ounces bourbon

2 ounces apple cider

½ ounce apple liquor

½ ounce sweet vermouth

Apple slices, for garnish

Melted caramel candies, for garnish

For garnish, melt as many caramel candies as desired in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave in 30-second intervals, stirring in between, until smooth. Dip apple slices into melted caramel, then place on a plate with parchment paper. Let chill in the fridge. 

For cocktail, combine bourbon, apple cider, apple liquor and sweet vermouth in a shaker with lots of ice. Strain into a chilled glass, then add garnish on the side of the glass. 

Recipe from


Start to finish: 15 minutes

Yields: 2 drinks

⅛ cup vanilla frosting

¼ cup peppermint candy bits

½ cup Kahlúa coffee liqueur

¼ cup peppermint flavored vodka

½ cup half-and-half cream

Apply a thin layer of frosting around the rims of two glasses. Add the peppermint bits to a shallow bowl. Dip the rims of each glass into the candy and chill for 10 minutes. 

In a shaker, add the Kahlúa, vodka and half-and-half cream and shake to combine. 

Fill the chilled glasses with several ice cubes and pour in the cocktail mixture. 

Recipe from

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Booze & Reviews: “Shaun of the Dead”

A scary but heartwarmingly funny movie in the perspective of two and a half reviewers

Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor
Sydney Carpenter | News Editor
Rylie Horrall | Managing Editor

TW: Alcohol consumption

While it’s not the type of horror movie that’s actually scary, “Shaun of the Dead” was able to give us some good laughs for a drunk movie review. Be cautious of spoilers, and please drink responsibly.

Allison Vanderzanden | Lifestyle Editor

I’m just going to start b ysaying that I had no idea what even genre we were watching going in it was so much dry humor that i was confused because i thought we were watching a horror movie??? Sure enough it’a spooky half way through, people are dying, people are moaning and groaning and also dying, and more people are dying cuz they’re killing ebveryone. Horror movie indeed. 

ANyway it actually got emotional and i looked it up and it has a 92% on rotten tomatoes??? Again, not what I expected but i must agree that the mix of horror and comedy was actually impressive ive never experienced such a movie btu it was cool. I dont think horror movies that have zombies are ever that great but like i said, it was cool. GG shaun and the dead. And liz. And the other lady who saved them. OH AND ED WHO”S STILL IN THE SHED. gg to him too. Hahhaha. Ed in the shed. New title for the movie. JK SPOILERS

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

Welcome to part two of sydney gets drunk what a wild ride folks all i have to say is i fell a sleep during the move and have absolutely not recollection of what actually happened that right ladies gentlemen i fell asleep and i have no regrets anway from what i remmevver that actually had toilet paper evern though dead peope were weeveyr where like wtf like we ran out of toliet paper 3 dayin into a pandemic and then on top of it they didn’t even run out of power anyway im exhausted and i’ve learned my limit is two because holy moly     we are not having it plz and thank you rip my tinder messages peace out girl scouts

Rylie Horrall | Managing Editor

Okay FIRST my man ed was so great, he shaped up his act and was so chillbeat th e end they played games together still!1 he was shooting zombies as a ZOMEBI thats whats the jiikd wird uhhh intraceptive? Idk but lso RIP MOOOOOMM :(((( i knew she was bitten but like SAADADA. Oh and f–k the one guy david? The four eys t–t, david i think he died and that wasnt sad, he was a d—-e so kike theswe things happen to d——-s

I actually didnt liek hate th e moveiw but i don’t think it woudlbt have the same eefect if sober, it was p bad but bad in a good terrible way, theers another i thinking which THAT wukd be fun, like did liz stay with shaun even thoug his bf is deade in the garage? Probably, shes a nice lady i liek her ans she was GOREGOEU FR NO CAP

In conclusion, rip my man ed, well be  asd ab trmom as always, and f–k david d—–g

This week in completely made up horoscopes

The Western Howl Staff

Theme: What are the signs favorite thing(s) about the Earth?

Aries 3/21-4/19  


Taurus 4/20-5/20

Whatever will get me the drunk the fastest.

Gemini 5/21-6/20 

Dog water

Cancer 6/21-7/22

Mimosa, hold the champagne

Leo 7/23-8/22

We will be SOBER hit em with a limeade

Virgo 8/23-9/22

Is straight Fireball a cocktail?

Libra 9/23-10/22

Vodka in a plastic water bottle

Scorpio 10/23-11/21 


Sagittarius 11/22-12/21


Capricorn 12/22-1/19

Anything that i can add maraschino cherries to

Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18

Juice … just juice

Pisces 2/19 – 3/20

Love me a sex on the beach 😉

Get involved with SOLVE for Earth Day this year

Volunteer in these cleanup initiatives with SOLVE

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

Since 1969, SOLVE — a nonprofit organization dedicated to environmental cleanups  —  has prioritized “taking care of Oregon” by organizing statewide cleanup initiatives for the coast, rivers, forests and parks.

In honor of Earth Day, SOLVE has dedicated over a week’s worth of events to continue to make Oregon clean for future generations.

“Earth Day Spring Planting”: April 22, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Located at 409 E. Main St., Hillsboro, OR.

“Terwilliger Plaza Community Clean-Up”: April 22, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Located at 545 SW Terwilliger Blvd., Portland, OR.

“Portland Gear x Earth Day Clean-up!”: April 22, 12 to 3 p.m. Located at Portland Gear Clubhouse, 627 SW 19th Ave., Portland, OR outside of Providence Park.

“Coldwell Banker Bain’s Earth Day Clean-up – NW Portland”: April 22, 1 to 3:30 p.m. Located at 636 NW 21st Ave., Portland, OR.

“Urban Nature Partners Earth Day Clean Up Event at Rocky Butte”: April 22, 2 to 7:30 p.m. Located at Northeast 92nd Avenue & Northeast Skidmore Street, Portland, OR.

“Boise Eliot Native Grove Earth Day Clean Up!”: April 23, 12 to 2 p.m. Located at 300 N. Ivy St., Portland, OR.

“Earth Day Sheridan Clean-Up!”: April 24, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Located at 435 S. Bridge St., Sheridan, OR.

“Medford Parks Cleanup – Fichtner-Mainwaring Park”: April 24, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. More details will be given by contacting Michael Mace at 541-774-2695 and

“Round Butte Overlook Park Clean Up”: April 24, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Visit SOLVE’s Park Clean Up page for more information.

“Woods Park Volunteer Event 4/24/21”: April 24, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Meeting location will be emailed once a participant has registered on the event page

“Willow Creek Drive/ SW 194th Community Cleanup”: April 25, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Located at Southwest Willow Creek Court, Beaverton, OR.

Contact the author at

WOU veterans kick off Earth Day weekend on the Oregon coast

Student Veterans of America participate in Neskowin Beach cleanup

Sydney Carpenter | News Editor

This past weekend, a total of 33 volunteers collected 11 medium sized bags of garbage off of Neskowin Beach. 

Western student veterans were among those searching for garbage that was washed up on shore or was left by beach goers. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 80% of all marine waste found on beaches during cleanups and surveys is a result of improperly disposed waste. In their most recent study, the EPA lists Oregon to be the 12th highest in dumping new waste into its 19 operational landfills, estimated to total 1.6 tons in 2019 alone.

“When I got out of the military and moved back to Oregon I wanted to get involved,” said senior public policy and administration major and Western Oregon Student Veterans of America Chapter President Brian Ulbricht, “(by doing) volunteer work, making the community better … after changing the purpose of service to the country to service to the community.”

Over the course of an hour, Ulbricht said the group collected an estimated two pounds worth of garbage, with microplastics being the most common type of garbage found on the beach.

In 2020, a study published under the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography investigating the gut content of fish found that 100% of the samples taken had plastic in the gills or digestive system. According to the National Wildlife Federation, there is not a definitive number for animal lives lost due to plastic ingestion, but it is currently documented that 331 species, including birds, have been found to have consumed man-made plastic materials. In a 2014 study, it was estimated that around five trillion pieces of plastic were floating in the ocean.

According to the volunteers that participated in the beach cleanup initiative, there was less trash on the beach than previously anticipated.

“It was a pleasant surprise,” said Oregon City resident Angie Stennick. “I had hoped we’d be able to find more garbage … It’s a positive thing. It’s a lot cleaner than we thought it would be.”

Ulbricht stated that Oregon beaches have progressively become cleaner over the years, referencing a picture he took 20 years ago containing forgotten sand castle molds, needles and leftover food garbage. 

“It’s a good sign,” said Ulbricht. “Visitors to the beach want to keep this nicer and think more about others.”

However, onsite park rangers said one contributing factor to less pollution on the beach is in part due to declining rain in Oregon.

Ulbricht wants students to be aware that climate change is real and that being proactive in volunteer cleanups is a great way to help with the environment. 

Contact the author at

Capturing Earth’s Beauty

The Western Howl staff shares their favorite nature photos they’ve taken

Compiled by The Western Howl Staff

Abiqua falls starts with an adventure hike that leads to beautiful views.
– Kiara Wehrenberg
Yellowstone National Park is one of the most stunning places in the U.S. Its unique geology creates a wonderland of incredible sites.
– Allison Vanderzanden
My first real camping experience and hike was at Big Basin, California; and, though it was grueling, the view was worth two hour hike.
– Cora McClain
The awe-inspiring, wondrous sunsets of Poipu beach will always have a place in my heart. A hui hou kakou.
– Kyle Morden
Taken while on a fishing trip while at a local lake, searching for trout.
– Natalie Dean
Taken in my grandparents backyard while I was visiting. Idaho always has such pretty sunsets that are perfect for pictures.
– Rylie Horrall
These beautiful trees are all over Oregon and their blossoms stay for only a short-time. Enjoy them before they are gone!
– Stephanie Moschella
I took this photo in 2018 when my grandma and I were visiting the Oregon Garden. I have no idea what these flowers are but they are pretty.
– Sydney Carpenter