Mount Hood

Funding Abby’s House

Written by: Lili Minato | Freelance

On May 1, Abby’s House organized a “Ponyo” themed dinner and movie night. The event offered a ramen bar and a wide range of snacks and drinks, as well as a showing of the critically acclaimed Miyazaki classic of the same name. Fans and newcomers flocked to the fundraiser to enjoy amazing food and a fantastic movie. 

Tickets were $15 for general admission, $12 for students and $8 for kids under 10, to help fundraise for the Abby’s House basic needs program. 

Adriana Garcia, a senior at Western and the planner of the “Ponyo” event, is the fundraising coordinator for Abby’s House. “My position focuses on fundraising specifically for the basic needs program and what that means is all the profits go towards gas cards, food vouchers, our care cupboards (and more),” Garcia said “We are fundraising in order to serve students in the best way possible.” 

The fundraiser was a success, as many students and community members came to show their support for Abby’s House and their basic needs program. 

There are more fundraising events for Abby’s House happening in May. Miriam Garland, a senior at Western and the Stitch Closet coordinator, shares information about the upcoming color run event: “The color run is our annual event. It’s supposed to be a fundraiser but it usually just ends up being a fun event.”

The color run will be May 19 and is a 5k run or walk where colored cornstarch powder is used to create a fun athletic experience. There are a plethora of activities for students to participate in as well.

“This year we are going to have vendors… we’re also going to be having tables and clubs or organizations, specifically we’re going to be having a table (focusing on) mental health,” said Garcia. 

Garland also explained how Campus Recreation is working hard to make the event inclusive by ensuring that lower-income students can attend for free. 

For those interested in donating to Abby’s House but are unable to donate financially, Garcia stated that the best way to help out is to, “Help us spread the word! We want to start fundraising more towards the (Monmouth) community, if (students) could just help us spread the word, that would be wonderful.”

If one is interested in learning about more Abby’s House events, check out their Instagram @abbyshouse_wou. For basic needs and survivor support, look for Abby’s House in the Werner University Center in room 106 or take a look at their website — 

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Finding time in a busy college schedule

Written by: Gretchen Sims | Editor-in-Chief

One of the most difficult aspects of being a new college student is learning to work within a set schedule. From elementary school to high school, classes have always been set in stone — 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. for most students. However, come college, doors are opened up for one to set their desired class times — classes at Western are offered from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 

Often, students will have one to three classes a day and sometimes won’t have a class at all. This opens up endless opportunities throughout the week, but it is a challenging adaptation for some. 

While it is handy to have the ability to organize one’s schedule around work, one’s social life and individual interests, it also brings forth its own set of unique challenges. Not having a structured schedule leaves it up to the individual to find time to do assignments, study for exams or do important classwork — not to mention carving out time for practicing hobbies or engaging in self-care. 

Thankfully, there are some tips and tricks that I, a graduating senior, have learned along the way that have helped me navigate a jam-packed schedule.

Look at your week/month ahead of time — Something that has helped me is taking a broader look at my schedule. Tackling assignments and work daily can be daunting, but stepping back and seeing everything one has to do that week is crucial. In doing so, one can plan to ensure that assignments are not procrastinated right up to the due date.

Invest in a whiteboard calendar and some sticky notes — I love using my whiteboard calendar because it’s right where I have to see it. I have placed it strategically so that when I walk into my room, I have to address my responsibilities for the day. Additionally, I have my whole week’s assignments planned out on sticky notes so I know exactly when I have carved out time to do them — this helps avoid procrastination. 

Make sure you are leaving time for self-care — Between work, school and one’s social life, it can seem impossible to step back and take a few moments for oneself. However, burnout is rampant among college students, so it is crucial to foster a great relationship with oneself. This can even just come in the form of waking up 30 minutes earlier to do a skincare routine. 

Start a planner — If one still finds themselves procrastinating or surprised by deadlines, writing due dates in Google Calendar might be helpful. This planning method is useful because Google Calendar sends out text alerts which I have found useful for pulling myself out of doom scrolling.

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Sidney Spencer on news reporting

Written by: Liberty Miller | Lifestyle Editor

Content warning: this article contains mentions of homicide and shootings. 

Sidney Spencer is a 2021 graduate from the University of Alabama and a current news reporter on CBS Channel 42, based out of Birmingham, Alabama. The Howl was able to get an exclusive interview with Spencer regarding her career, experiences in the field and words of advice she may have for Western students wanting to get into broadcasting and news reporting. 

When asked about her upbringing and what brought Spencer into news broadcasting, she answered, “I’m from Cleveland, Ohio, and grew up in the midwest, but my family is from the South so after I graduated high school in 2016, we moved to Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Prior to me attending and graduating from the University of Alabama, I went to Western Kentucky University for a year and a half or so and ended up transferring to the U of A.” 

“To describe me, I would say I’m very shy, I’m not the typical reporter, I’m not this overly extroverted person, sometimes I don’t even like to talk which is funny for a reporter. But I’m very shy, very goofy, very fun, and my humor is a little off sometimes — I find anything funny and I tell people that, that’s another characteristic about myself that people find funny because I don’t take anything serious. To some people, that might be bad but I don’t know. I find humor in everything, but still very shy and in person, super soft-spoken, when I’m talking to people they say ‘Huh? What are you saying?’ and that’s something I’m still working on,” said Spencer.

“I work at CBS42, here in Birmingham. This is my second station, so I’m still kind of new to the industry three years in. My first station was in Evansville, Indiana. As soon as I graduated college in 2016 from the University of Alabama, I accepted a job at 44 News in Evansville. I signed a two-year contract — worked hard, and got out –- and now I’m here in Birmingham. My one year here will be June 12,” said Spencer. 

Spencer went on to discuss what she experienced growing up and how she became inspired to pursue broadcasting as a career. 

“I grew up just watching the news because me and my family are very close-knit, we would just sit at the table or in the living room watching television together. Our family was a family that would just watch the news, so I grew up watching Fox 8 and Channel 19, and I would see them and being super shy, I still thought that it was cool. I would see how they would show their personality, and it was kind of hard for me to show personality so seeing that, it was almost like they were forced to show who they are. I kind of just wanted to see if that would bring it out of me,” Spencer said. 

Additionally, she added that she experienced a pivotal moment while watching a reality television series. “I had a moment, I was watching Basketball Wives in middle school, and I can’t remember her name, but she had long brunette hair and she was talking about getting into broadcasting. I was like, what is that? I remember watching the episode, and I went over to the computer in the kitchen and typed broadcasting. It came up as being a reporter and I was thinking ‘Oh, that is what I want to be.’”

Spencer then touched on challenges people can face in her career path. “This industry is very vain, so you may face some adversities when you get into the business. Appearance is a big thing. I’m gonna keep it real — sometimes if you look a certain way you might get up higher and become a favorite. I probably have, I wouldn’t say gained anything, but in a sense, some people might look at me and say she may have gotten a position because of the way she looks or because she’s more poised, or something in that nature, but I will say this career is very vain.” said Spencer.

Spencer’s typical day is busy, with many work-related tasks transcending the hours she clocks in and out. “I work night-side, which is a shift that I’ve pretty much always worked. So I come in at 2 p.m., but I wake up around like 10 p.m. to do my makeup and hair, which is exhausting too sometimes. I usually spend around an hour, and if I don’t already have story ideas from the day before or thought of, or texts from sources or anything, I sit and try to find some stories that I could do. I’ll sometimes watch national stories and see if I can localize it, or look at my phone and look on Facebook. We’re required to at least have two story ideas. Usually, everything needs to be a lead story, but sometimes we can do fluffy pieces or people and enterprise stories. I come into work around 1:50 p.m., sit at my desk and look over what I had written down. I go over to our conference table, we all sit down and have our pitch meeting -– we have two producers, two photographers, a news director, a meteorologist and two anchors. So all of us have to pitch stories.”

At Spencer’s current station, CBS 42, she went into depth about how pitches are chosen at the conference table. “Sometimes, my stories don’t get picked up, because news directors have their own view of what news is, and usually the news director just says ‘no, I don’t want that.’ They’ll usually have their own stories and pitches that they want in mind, and they’ll just assign us to a story — if it’s an event, then I’ll sometimes make calls, and ask if there’s anyone we can talk to. Usually, they say yes and we can get all of that lined up. If it’s a story that they want us to pursue we’ll then have to make calls and just call around to the people that we need to talk to. Whenever we get our stories together, what sticks, we’ll go out, and I have a photographer that I’ll go out with to shoot the interviews. We’re required to at least have two to three interviews within our packages. We come back to the station or stay out in the field, depending on how far we are from the station. We’ll edit and write out scripts, and then before we submit our package, we need to have our scripts in by 9:15 p.m. After scripts, I edit everything, put it together, and it needs to be on the rundown by 9:45 – 9:50 p.m. Our photographers set us up and we do the live shot. Whatever our package is, we have to cut aside a bit of our piece for the morning, and then we also upload it onto our video platform, and we also have to write our web articles. We have a web team that looks over our articles in the morning and makes some tweaks, to make it more professional. I usually don’t finish until 10:50 p.m. –- but it’s nonstop work, a 24-hour thing, even though we don’t really get paid for 24 hours.”

Spencer has covered a vast array of topics as an on-site reporter, working on topics varying from sports to community projects. She also speaks on difficult subjects including homicide investigations, crime and vigils. When asked about how she works with potentially troubling stories, Spencer stated, “Personally, I’m not super religious but I am very spiritual. I’m a Christian, so I pray every day and I pray whenever I’m going into a hard story. I ask God to just help me to make the people that I’m talking to feel better or to help them get through the situation and just put my feelings aside with it. With that though, I will say I’ve done a lot of shootings — I’ve witnessed somebody get murdered at my last station, I’ve been around situations where the police shot at animals right next to me, and I almost got shot. Being in this industry will make you a little bit insensitive at times — so with that comes, at times when you’re in a scary situation or a tough story, it’s not healthy, (you will) mentally just take yourself out of it or just pretend like it’s not happening. When I do hard stories, sometimes it becomes too much at that moment, and I usually tell the photographer that I need a moment. If it doesn’t hit me at the moment, it hits me a few days later. I usually go into it praying, and ask God to help me to not get too emotional, but still be empathetic and understanding of the situation. But with that, also asking for me to be a blessing to the people who are actually living that, and help them out in some way. I’ve done shootings back-to-back, and murders back-to-back, going to vigils back-to-back, and I just think, let me just try to get this done, and try to be a blessing to the people that I’m talking to. Then once the weekend comes around, I think, that was a hard week. I don’t know if I’m coping with it healthily. As news reporters, we’re not directly affected like those in the situation, but we are on the scene, right there with the first responders. As I said, at my last station, I witnessed somebody get shot and killed right in front of my face, and in the moment I had to walk away – it’s not normal. A lot of us journalists and reporters are trying to learn how to cope with the situation. I have coworkers that I talk to and friends in the industry that I talk to all the time. I had a friend who worked at a competitor station to my last job, and she was there too during the shooting situation. We talked about it together and she took it a little harder at the moment, and I don’t think it hit me until a few days later. We just bond — I don’t know if it’s a trauma bond — not just over the tough stories but just the industry in general, and we just talk about the amount of work that we have to do with the pay that we have to deal with sometimes. If we didn’t love it though, we wouldn’t be doing it, because life is way too short to continuously be doing something that you don’t like or you aren’t happy with.”

Spencer also gave advice to Western students who aspire to pursue a career in news and broadcasting. 

“I would say work hard, and nowadays, it doesn’t seem like it but hard work pays off. Do your research and don’t let anyone discourage you if you want to get into TV because pretty much anybody can do it. I don’t want to say everybody can do it but if you work hard, and if you really have a passion for wanting to be in broadcasting and journalism you can do it. Every day is not smooth – I hear no at least six times a day and you have to have thick skin with that. If the story works out, that is good but sometimes stories will fall through. I’ve had two or three stories fall through in one day, and it happens. You have to have tough skin to get through that. Don’t let anyone tell you that you have to look a certain way or be a certain way. With that, you have to want to be a voice for people who may not have one. That is ultimately what we are, we work for the community, and we’re not doing this for ourselves. It may come across as reporters just wanting to look pretty on TV, but that is not the case. You have to have a passion for talking to people, for one, because you’re talking to people every day, and then you have to want to tell their stories. You have to learn that you’re not always going to be liked. You’re going to get pushback, especially when you’re telling controversial stories, or you’re telling stories of people that don’t have a voice. You have to be willing to speak up for them because nobody else will.” 

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Fruit pizza

Written by: Hannah Field | News Editor


From start to finish: 1 hour

Yields: 13.5” x 18.5” sheet pan

2 1/2 Pillsbury Sugar Cookie Dough

16 oz Cream cheese

1-2 cup Sugar
½ teaspoon Vanilla (optional)

½ cup Fruit jam/jelly (optional)

3-5 cups Assorted fruit of choice

This recipe may easily be altered to fit different preferred portions by eyeballing ingredients and tweaking instructions to best suit the baker’s needs.

Take Pillsbury Sugar Cookie Dough and flatten into an oven-safe pan or container until covering the desired area without being too thin or thick. Cook in the oven at 350 degrees until the edges are golden or for 15-20 minutes. Take out and cool. 

In one large bowl, add cream cheese while the dough cooks. Additional cream cheese may be added if needed. Optionally, add vanilla to the bowl. Add sugar to taste until cream cheese is on the sweet side and use a mixer on “WHIP” setting until cream cheese is fluffy (Note: cream cheese may be drippy if cream cheese is of the Whipped variety, but will not affect tastiness of the recipe).

Slice fruit of choice into small bite-sized pieces. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries or other small fruits do not need to be sliced. If fruit is ripe and tends to brown quickly, swash lightly in lemon juice, reducing browning over time.

Once dough is cool, smear the sweet cream cheese mixture on top of dough, covering the whole surface except the crust. Cream cheese may be of any thickness on top. Add mixed fruit into dish, gently wiggling fruit into cream cheese mixture. If desired, jelly or jam may be drizzled on top or added on top of cream cheese mixture before the fruit.

Cool dish in the refrigerator until no longer warm. Serve up at a family picnic or have after dinner — this versatile dessert is a delectable spring snack.

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This week in totally made up horoscopes

The Signs as cartoon characters

Aries: stewie griffin

Taurus: kenny mccormick

Gemini: the street rat known as Aladdin

Cancer: Edd aka double D

Leo: Simba 

Virgo: mordecai regular show

Libra: porky pig 

Scorpio: arnold perlstein (look it up)

Sagittarius: bojack horseman 

Capricorn: Dipper Pines because we’re so neurotic

Aquarius: oswald the octopus

Pisces: silvermist

Staffs favorite movies

Written by: Sierra Porter | Staff Writer

“The Western Howl” staff is filled with crazy cool personalities, a variety of talents and a plethora of different hobbies and passions. One thing is for sure: we are all movie fanatics and live vicariously through the characters we love. Here are the staff’s favorite movies and why we continue to enjoy them. 

Editor in Chief, Gretchen Sims, expresses her love for the movie “Braveheart.” Sims says, “I actually learned how to play the main theme ‘For the Love of a Princess’ from Braveheart early on in high school. I fell in love with the score and convinced my parents to let me watch it. My mom isn’t one for gore, but I loved the film and it is now one of my all-time favorites!” 

Linden Loren, coordinator, advising & virtual engagement, dubbed the “dad” of the Howl, recommends “LinkedIn: The Movie.” All one needs is a LinkedIn account and some salt to snack on — truly inspiring. 

The Howl’s Digital Media Manager, Ruth Simonsen’s, favorite movie is “Predestination,” a sci-fi thriller released in 2014. Simonsen says, “This movie made me rethink my life and everything I believed in. It brought to light how frail yet beautiful humanity is, and how one truly needs to make the most of it while one has it. Trust oneself and always grow, but give oneself the grace to recognize that one is a completely different person in every phase of your life, never to be the same person twice.” 

Cami Ansley, Copy Editor, deems “Crazy Rich Asians” as her favorite movie. Ansley says, “This movie was really relatable to me as an Asian American and the ending was so perfect and satisfying to watch. It was also nice to see an all Asian cast with actors and actresses that I’d never seen before.”

Head Designer Addie Floyd’s favorite movie is “Tangled,” based on the timeless story of Rapunzel and her long hair. Floyd expressed, “This movie is my comfort movie. It just brings me so much joy. No matter the mood I’m in, Tangled can always cheer me up.” 

Our other amazing Designer, Sophie Taylor, says her movie favorite is “Coraline,” released in 2009. Taylor says, “Coraline” is one of the earliest movies I ever remember watching. Ever since I was little, the claymation animation style has always captured my attention. There are so many subtle hints and clues that foreshadow the movie that every time I watch it, I find something new. There have been so many conspiracy theories and rabbit holes to go down. Keep Portland weird.” 

Photo Editor Quinlan Elise has a short and sweet response on why she loves “Napoleon Dynamite:” “there is no other choice.” 

Hannah Field, the Howl’s News Editor’s favorite movie is “Fox and The Hound.” Field recalls some of her favorite memories with the film, “I can remember watching this movie on VHS tape in the garage while my dad worked on his cars. I would sit on a stool or a tiny chair with my neck craned upward at a 120 degree angle looking at that tiny box TV playing my favorite movie. I think it’s an underrated but beautiful piece of work and hope everyone has the pleasure of watching it one day.”

Claire Phillips, our Entertainment Editor’s movie of choice is “Fried Green Tomatoes,” released in 1991. Phillips says, “This historical classic takes on many heavy topics that are still relevant today. It will make one cry, it will make one laugh and above all, it will make one crave some good Southern food.” 

Sports Editor, Jaylin Hardin, says her favorite movie is “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.” Hardin expressed, “I’ve loved the trilogy since I was a kid, but ‘The Two Towers’ was always my favorite because I love the plot. Extended edition just makes it so much better because it adds so many more details from the books.” 

Creative Lifestyle Editor, Liberty Miller expresses her love for “The Sorcerers Apprentice,” released in 2010. Miller says, “This movie was one of the more psychologically formative movies of my younger years. Nicholas Cage and Jay Baruchel create a seamless duo performance and take on their roles to the point where they become their character. The storyline was intriguing and the pace of the movie created the perfect elements of suspense — the soundtrack was also incredible, with ‘Secrets’ by OneRepublic still being one of my all-time favorite songs. My favorite scene from the movie included that song being played while the Tesla Coils are run by David Stutler.” Miller also gives a special shout-out to “Crazy Rich Asians” as a close second. 

Taylor Duff, one of our great Staff Writers, chose the movie “SuperBad,” released in 2007, as her movie favorite. Duff said, “I love this comedy that explores growing up and learning to just be oneself. Plus I still crack up every time I watch. Viewer discretion is advised.” 

Talented Freelancer Lili Minato expresses her love for “Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me.” Minato says, “At its release, ‘Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me’ was considered a bad prequel to its beloved predecessor, ‘Twin Peaks.’ Now, it has a cult following of many who enjoy the story of Laura Palmer. It’s a film full of bizarre scenes and a devastating plotline. In true David Lynch fashion, it is weird and wonderful.” 

As for myself, my favorite movie is “The Karate Kid,” released in 1984. There are so many reasons why this is my favorite movie but long story short, I love an underdog story. Not to mention the amazing soundtrack. 

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The romantic’s diary

Written by: Taylor Duff | Staff Writer

“Dinner & Diatribes” — Hoizer 

“Gimme All Your Love” — Alabama Shakes 

“I Wanna Be Yours” — Arctic Monkeys 

“Freakin’ out on the Interstate” — Briston Maroney 

“Tennessee Whiskey” — Chris Stapleton 

“Out of My League”— Fitz and The Tantrums

“Gooey” — Glass Animals

“Light My Love” — Greta Van Fleet 

“Shut up My Moms Calling” — Hotel Ugly 

“Broken” — Lovelytheband

“For the First Time” — Mac DeMarco 

“Sweater Weather” — The Neighborhood 

“July” — Noah Cyrus & Leon Bridges 

“Something in the Orange” — Zach Bryan 

“Somebody Else” — The 1975 

“Shades of Cool” — Lana Del Rey 

“Chemical” — Post Malone 

“Cranes in the Sky” — Solange 

“Right Person, Wrong Time” — MMC

“Deja vu” — Olivia Rodrigo 

“Run” — Joji 

“The Less I Know The Better” — Tame Impala 

“Body Paint” — Arctic Monkeys 

“Wait a Minute” — Willow 

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