Mount Hood

Students Watercolor Show

Written by: Gretchen Sims

Jan. 20 wrapped up the most recent student exhibit in the Instructional Technology Center. The works from the student watercolor show showed off the incredible talent of Western’s student artists. 

The exhibit was an exciting first for some students. Quinlan Wedge, an artist displayed in the show, said, “It felt rewarding to have my art displayed in the ITC gallery. I have had a couple pieces displayed in other places, such as a show in my hometown and a winery show, but it’s special to see my art made at WOU in an official WOU gallery space. I’m not graduating this year, but it feels full circle, you know?”

An interesting tidbit about this exhibit is that these pieces were curated from the same class assignment.

“My favorite aspect of the course was how much artistic freedom we were all given,” said Jude Bokovoy, a senior with a major in communication studies and a minor in art & design. “As you can see throughout the exhibit everyone’s artwork is drastically different from one another, can you believe we all had the same assignments?”

This exhibit was Bokovoy’s first show. 

Bokovoy added, “Honestly, it was a little intimidating having my artwork displayed at first. I originally took this course for fun, unlike the incredibly talented art majors that were the vast majority of the class. Therefore, I wasn’t too focused on the final product, instead, I was devoted to applying all of the techniques that were being taught. At the end of the day, I am very happy that I was able to have my work displayed in a gallery for the very first time.”

This exhibit was not only a vibrant display of the talent in the Western community, but it was also a chance for budding and experienced artists alike to convey heartfelt messages through their works.

“I’m regularly reforming my ideas about my art and what I want it to be, but something that has always remained true is that I want the viewer to find joy in it. Art can mean anything you want it to, and I’d rather look for things that make me feel happy and remind me of childhood than things that make me scared or uncomfortable. Of course, that type of art has value too, but I’m just not one of those artists!” said Wedge. 

Be sure to look out for future upcoming exhibits to check out the incredibly skilled artists that Western galleries are so incredibly honored to host. 

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Sending Subjects

Written by:Jude Bokovoy 

Been waiting for a topic to be discussed in the lifestyle section of the Western Howl? Wait no longer. Shoot an email to and see it in an upcoming edition. Whether seeking advice or information regarding a particular topic or trend, the staff over at the Howl appreciate any and all student suggestions. Send in ideas for next week’s issue. If one is feeling up to the task, every student is welcome to pitch an idea to write themselves as a freelance writer. 

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Glamorous Gallivanting

Written by: Jude Bokovoy

Running out of activities to do with friends? Check out the list below for some inspiration for the next girls night.

Holiday — Valentine’s day is just around the corner. Celebrate one’s most beloved friends by having a sleepover. Come in Valentine’s pajamas, bring heart-shaped charcuterie boards, make pink cocktails and watch romantic movies all night long.

Spa — Spend the night in face masks, painting nails and sipping on a sparkling chilled drink.

Movie — Is there a new movie coming out that all of one’s friends are wanting to watch? Better yet, is there a movie series to dedicate the evening to?

Get drinks — This is a great activity to do with a new friend. There is no time commitment or agenda. One could get well drinks and do karaoke at a bar in town, or if classy cocktails are of interest, there are plenty of places to visit in Salem.

Make vision boards — Not only are they fun to make, this activity also gives the opportunity to learn more about one another. When finished, each person can give a mini presentation about their board. 

TV show premieres — Television series that release an episode each week are a great way to dedicate a day to spending quality time with friends. Popular shows of this kind include “The Kardashians”, “Love is Blind” and any series within “The Bachelor” franchise.

Appetizers — Having each person bring an appetizer is a great way to exchange recipes and try something new. If there are enough people, there could be enough food to count as a whole meal.

Powerpoint — Find something one thinks is funny or is passionate about to give a presentation on. Get creative with layouts, pictures and graphics.

Art — Having a little project to do can be relaxing, encourage bonding and can even act as a creative outlet. Plus, it will provide a physical object to use as a decoration — coupled with a good memory of being with friends.

Making a dish together — Making a meal or dessert takes a good amount of time and can be customized. There are a number of options. Classics include mini pizzas, baking and decorating cookies or a cake.

Games — There are so many games to choose from; chances are there are already a few in one’s home. Card, board or personal question games such as “For the Girls,” are all great options that could be played for hours.

Happy hour — Most restaurants have a happy hour menu early in the evening and last hour of the night. Mix and match drinks and appetizers to share with friends.

Go to a game — Get out of the house by going to see the Blazers or stay close to home by going to a Western home game.

Theme — Have a tv show, trend or even a color that the group is currently obsessed with? Make it a girls night by dressing up, bringing snacks and doing activities related to the theme.

Make bucket lists — These don’t need to be generic. Really put some thought into a personalized bucket list. They don’t need to be things to check off before one’s expiration date. They could be lists to complete before graduation or even a list of activities to do with one’s group of friends.

A night in the city — Feeling ambitious? Drive out of town to a nearby city such as Portland. There are plenty of places to have dinner, go out for drinks and much more. If one is feeling extra spontaneous, book a cheap place to stay. In the morning, go out for brunch before heading back home.

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Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

Writtten by: Nicholas Sarysz

All year long, leading a healthy lifestyle is important, but during the cold and flu season, it becomes even more essential. Maintaining good physical and mental health can strengthen one’s  immune system and lower one’s risk of illness. Here are some suggestions to keep oneself from getting sick this winter.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet — Eating well is essential for maintaining a robust immune system. Ensure that one’s diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. The vitamins and minerals in these foods help to support one’s immune system. Increase consumption of immune-boosting foods like green tea, garlic and ginger.

Drink enough water — Keep one’s body hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day. This will help to keep one’s immune system strong. Aim for eight glasses of water or more each day.

Exercise regularly — Routine physical activity is crucial for overall health and can help boost one’s immune system. Aim for 30 minutes or more per day of moderate exercise. Exercise can boost immune cell circulation throughout the body and lower stress levels, which can impair immunity.

Get enough sleep— A sound immune system depends on getting enough sleep. To assist one’s  body in relaxing and recharging, aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

Control stress — Stress can impair one’s immune system and increase one’s susceptibility to disease. Try to reduce stress levels by exercising or using relaxation methods like yoga or meditation.

Avoid unhealthy habits — Immune systems can become weakened by bad habits like smoking, binge drinking or a sedentary lifestyle. Make an effort to break these habits and choose healthier alternatives.

Wash hands frequently — Hand washing is one of the most efficient ways to stop the spread of germs, so do it often. Wash one’s hands thoroughly, especially after being in a public area or after blowing one’s nose, for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.

Disinfect surfaces —The flu and cold viruses can survive for several hours on surfaces. To help lower the risk of infection, regularly disinfect frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs and keyboards.

Avoid close contact with sick people — Avoid being in close proximity to sick people one knows. If one must be in close proximity, put on a mask and frequently wash one’s hands.

In conclusion, maintaining a strong immune system and avoiding illness during the cold and flu season depends greatly on caring for one’s physical and mental health. By adhering to these recommendations, one can help prevent illness and maintain good health throughout the winter.

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It’s About Time

Written by: Jude Bokovoy 

The life of a college student can get plenty unorganized when time management skills aren’t in one’s toolkit. Skip the stress by adding these three suggestions to one’s daily routine and get back on track today.

Set a sleeping schedule — Of course, it’s best to wake up early to be one’s most productive self. But it’s much more than that. In reality, if one wakes up at 7 a.m. but doesn’t go to bed until 2 a.m. it wouldn’t be good. This is why setting up a sleeping regimen can be crucial to success. Ideally, one should be getting eight to ten hours of sleep each night. It can be okay to get less but definitely not more. Although it may seem like the healthier option to sleep more, sleeping too much can lead to a lack of energy throughout the day. If one goes to bed at 11 p.m. and wakes up at 7 a.m., it would be the perfect amount of rest, while giving the opportunity to knock out some tasks in the morning.

Leave early — The main reason why people find themselves arriving late to their plans is because they didn’t give themselves enough time to get there. To ensure timeliness, give oneself 10 minutes or more of breathing room. Let’s be real, it’s better to arrive early and watch TikToks in one’s car than to be late to an appointment for something as trivial as scrolling too long before one’s departure.

Have a planner — This cannot be stressed enough. Being able to see one’s entire week laid out on paper is a blessing.. Keeping a planner updated can allow one to keep up with assignments, fill in unexpected plans, plan far out and feel more relieved when seeing everything laid out. There is an abundance of options to choose from when it comes to layout, size, space and whatever else one can think of. Outlet stores such as T.J. Maxx and Marshall’s have many options at a great price.

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Recap of the 16th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Week

Written by: Mirella Barrera-Betancourt

To honor and remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Western and Student Engagement partnered with the City of Monmouth to bring a week of celebratory events to the community. This year, MLK Week marked the 16th anniversary of celebration at Western and ran from Monday, Jan. 16 through Friday, Jan. 20. 

On Jan. 16, amidst a three-day weekend, Western students were encouraged to appreciate and reflect on the efforts of the civil rights leader via participation in a day of service. The event was not specifically geared towards members of the Western or Monmouth communities, but for those wanting to give back to the elderly and/or disabled Monmouth residents through community service. Participants of the service day assisted in projects ranging from yardscaping, housework and graffiti removal.

Justin Sunada, Assistant Director for the Center for Professional Pathways, played a significant role in making the service event happen. According to Sunada, he had pitched the idea of a community service event at a monthly meeting for the Monmouth Business Association. Sunada, alongside City of Monmouth’s Director of Community and Economic Development, Suzanne Dufner, immediately began the process of brainstorming ideas for service projects.

Sunada states, “Doing more with the City (of Monmouth) and getting students off campus as much as possible has always been a goal for us so the timing was just right with this event.” 

Approximately 40 individuals — from students, faculty, community members and City of Monmouth employees — participated in the Day of Service, making it a successful first event to kick off MLK Week.

On Tuesday, Jan. 17, the Black Student Union took over for the remainder of the week. Running from 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., BSU invited students to join them in the creation of their very own dream board. The event participants explored individuality while reflecting on their own personal and/or professional dreams.

On Wednesday, Western students sat for a panel discussion led by Western Professor Mike Wilson surrounding the topic of some of Dr. King’s lesser known statements and aspirations. This event, titled “Sincerely: Reading and Discussion,” was hosted by BSU and was made possible by Maya Hopwood, Deshaun Stevens, Amari Hendrix, Dawn Johnson and Western Professor Mike Johnson.

On Thursday, Western and BSU had the honor of welcoming Dr. Lakeya Omogun as their 16th annual MLK Week keynote speaker. Dr. Omogun — a Nigerian artist, scholar, writer and speaker — gave a moving speech to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This event took place in the Pacific Room of the Werner University Center and was free for all students.

“The turn out for the Panel “Sincerely” was way more than expected!” said Hopwood. “We felt that people appreciated hearing our views on MLK’s writings and I hope our main message of ‘it’s not over yet and it will take EVERYONE to lead this charge’ really got across.”

This year, Western hoped to raise a total of $2023 in fundraising, which would directly benefit Abby’s House’s Basic Needs Fund and Care Cupboards — a free service available for students, providing snacks, school supplies and menstrual hygiene products. 

There were three ways students could raise money for Abby’s House, one of which was by making a donation directly through the WOU Foundation page. Students could also raise money by participating in pay-to-play table carnival games or through participation in the “Pie Your Professor” event.

Although the initial goal of $2023 was unmet, Western was able to raise $1283 towards assisting and meeting students’ basic needs. 

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Western’s Athletics Celebrate 50th Anniversary of Title lX

Written by: Mirella Barrera-Betancourt

On Jan. 28, Western’s athletic teams celebrated the 50th anniversary of the long-standing federal civil rights law, Title IX.

For those unfamiliar with the law, Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits sex-based discrimination — including pregnancy, gender identity and sexual orientation — in educational institutions that receive federal funding. In 1972, Title IX was enacted as part of the revised Education Amendments, which acted to update the previous Civil Rights Act of 1964 which contains no mention of educational discrimination.

The opening of the Title IX text is as follows:

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

According to the National Collegiate Athletic Association, approximately 44% of student athlete opportunities go to women. This is a significant increase since pre-Title IX, a time where only 15% of college athletes were women. 

The 50th anniversary celebration was held in conjunction with Western’s women’s basketball game against Saint Martin’s University. 

As a reminder, Western holds its own policies and procedures regarding sexual harassment and sexual misconduct under the guidance of the Title IX team. 

All students who witness or become subject to sexual misconduct or harassment are thereby required to report all information to the Title IX coordinator. Students can file a report related to sexual harassment and/or sexual misconduct with the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.