Mount Hood

Interview with Aisia Carrillo

Written by:  Gretchen Sims

This month’s senior artist is Aisia Carrillo. Carrillo explores the theme of connection through exploration in their exhibit “The Journey of Exploration.” Carrillo states that, “As a student exploration of medium and message has been a large part of my work.” 

Being able to see the connectivity between art and personal experience can enable an artist to engage with and better entrance their viewers. 

Carrillo’s mediums help represent their message. The charcoal drawings that open this exhibit represent the message that Carrillo hopes to display. The exhibit then transitions into beautifully colored paintings that embody how color can add to the message of the pieces. Finally, the exhibit ends with yarned pieces that draw connectivity between all of the works. 

Carrillo masterfully uses their works to showcase the range of mediums in art as well as an exploration of subject matter.  

Q: What does art mean to you?

A: Art to me is a form of expression that enables me to show everyone how I see the world.

Q: What first got you interested in art?

A: I can not remember what first got me interested in art all I remember is asking my parents for art supplies when I was very young.

Q: What would you like others to take from your art?
A: I would like others to be able to feel something when they see my art. Whether it is good or bad I seek to invoke an emotion.

Q: What inspires you?

A: I am inspired by the world around me and everyday life. I am constantly thinking of new ideas and pictures of things I can make whether I’m driving or reading a good book. 

Q: What is your “why?” (what makes you the artist you are today)

A: My why is the challenge. I love a challenge and art allows me to challenge myself and push myself to be better every day.

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Discovering Connection

Written by: Nicholas Sarysz

For years now, and especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, much of the human connection our societies were built off of has been lost; and each day it feels like society has been driven further and further apart. 

Most of the focus within the news and other popular media outlets is all of the negative encounters we find ourselves in. While it is important to be cautious in every situation, it is also important to Discover Connection, which is the goal of the YouTube Channel under that exact title.

The channel explores the power of human connection with the mission of educating, inspiring and empowering people to help make our world a happier and healthier place. The channel’s producer, Brad, is a Canadian storyteller that works on the channel with a few friends. Brad not only explains the power of connection but displays it through the videos he creates. 

He started the channel back in September 2018, leaving his parent’s home in Nova Scotia and hitchhiking all the way to Vancouver, spanning 29 days and 5800 km. 

Throughout his documentation of the journey, Brad made connections and friends by interacting with complete strangers in unfamiliar areas, which is something that many of us would find impossible.

Fast forward to today, and Brad is doing the same thing with his friend Liam, this time through the United States. They are not only hitchhiking across the entire country, but they are doing everything solely off the kindness of strangers. This means that all of their transportation, meals and lodging were provided by people they had never previously met. While this concept leads to plenty of awkward interactions, it leads to far more incredible connections that can be heartwarming to a viewer behind a screen.

Currently, the series, which they titled “I Crossed America with $0” is on its eighth episode, with the 10th episode finale scheduled to release during the last weekend of April. Not only is the series genuinely entertaining, but it does an excellent job of highlighting just how special human connection truly is. Each person they connect with is unique and shows care and compassion in vastly different ways. 

The series does an amazing job of showing just how different life is for each of us and how cultural context and our experiences impact everyone differently.

All in all, the series is an inspiring, thought-provoking experience that requires an open mind. It is a must-watch.

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“Love is blind” is problematic

Written by: Gretchen Sims

Content warning: contains spoilers about “Love is Blind”


The Netflix reality TV show “Love is Blind” has become increasingly popular over the past few years. Now amassing four seasons with no end in sight, “Love is Blind” is undisputedly a riveting concept and has captivated fans around the globe. 

The social experiment this show revolves around poses the question of whether or not people can put aside their physical preferences and fall in love without being able to see the other person. In order to accomplish this, the participants are put into “pods” where they can hear the person on the other side but can not see them. People are shuffled around between different dates in these pods until the man proposes. After this, the couples are tested in the real world to determine whether or not love is blind. 

This show fulfills all the drama cravings one could ever have, and yet it begs the question… is this just an innocent escape from reality, or does it have deeper and more concerning implications? 

One of the most obvious concerns about “Love is Blind” is the demographic of the participants. Participants are straight, heterosexual couples that pursue traditional gender roles in their relationships. The show does not shy away from this and, in fact, often leans into harmful stereotypes. 

In season three, Nancy Rodriguez says, “I would be a great mom to like, 10 kids. My ovaries are dancing,” after meeting a potential fiance in the pods. All of the women on the show want large families and often express how they cannot wait to start popping babies out. 

Men in the third installment of the show exuded toxicity. From saying no at the altar due to his fiance’s professional opinion on abortion, to threatening a breakup because his fiance stayed out too late, all the way to telling his fiance that eating two tangerines all day would spoil her appetite for dinner, men in the third season of the “Love is Blind” franchise were always coming up with new ways to subject the women to emotional trauma.

After the third season, the “preditors,” producers slash editors, decided to even things out by making the women the drama in season four. This switch was very obvious and left viewers wondering if this act was an intentional way to even the playing field in response to backlash caused by the unhealthy relationship dynamics presented in season three. 

Adding to the absurd drama, the cups that the contestants of “Love is Blind” drink from are metal — preventing the audience from seeing how much, or what, is inside them. In many instances, contestants talk about the type of alcohol that they are drinking, and, it can be deduced from many of the contestants’ actions, that they are drinking heavily. While heightened emotions can make very good reality TV, it probably isn’t the best idea to decide to marry someone in a month while under the influence. 

Oh yes, and then there’s that. Choosing to spend the rest of your life with someone is a huge deal and, arguably, one month isn’t enough time to make that decision. 

Many members of the “Love is Blind” cast do fall in love, but they are unable to follow through with it when it comes to the wedding day due to indecision. A good example is SK and Raven in season three and Micah and Paul in season four. Perhaps, given more time, these relationships could have worked out. 

Many people can agree that drama-filled shows are their guilty pleasure, so before sitting down for a fifth season, be sure to think about the emotional toll these participants are experiencing as well as the relationship precedent it is setting for its viewers. 


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Mario movie madness

Written by: Mikayla Coleman

Content warning: this article contains spoilers for “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” 

Despite having a rating of only 57% on Rotten Tomatoes, “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” has taken audiences by storm. 

The movie debuted in theaters on Apr. 5, starring many notable actors such as Anya Taylor-Joy as Princess Peach, Seth Rogan as Donkey Kong, Chris Pratt as Mario — and the true star of the show — Jack Black as Bowser. 

One of the most admirable things about “The Super Mario Bros. Movie” is that it transcends generations. No matter how one has been exposed to the world of Super Mario Bros., via old-school arcade games, Nintendo Gamecube or a console as new as the Nintendo Switch, there are many references scattered throughout the film to keep one entertained. 

The movie begins in the tangible world of Brooklyn, New York as brothers Mario and Luigi attempt to make a living by working as a plumbing duo. After having a less-than-stellar first customer experience, the brothers set out to prove themselves by saving Brooklyn from a city-wide plumbing disaster. In the process, Mario and Luigi are transported into different worlds through a big green pipe where they are separated from one another. Luigi ends up in the Dark Lands which are under the control of Bowser. Mario ends up in Mushroom Kingdom where he joins forces with Toad and Princess Peach to find his lost brother. Many critics feel that the plot was thin or lack-luster, but with its target audience being young children and those who were fans of the games as kids, I feel that a simplistic and easy-to-follow story line was warranted. 

If one is attending the movie to experience the nostalgia of the early 2000’s Super Mario franchise in all of its glory, and is also of the legal drinking age, it is my opinion that this movie is best experienced slightly inebriated. 

The film is filled with intricate imagery inspired by the games, paired with an amazingly immersive soundtrack. Overall, I think the movie was far better than expected and I had a blast seeing it in theaters, even as a 21-year-old. 


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Senior sessions

Written by:  Jude Bokovoy

For the graduating senior class, the time has come where many get professional pictures taken to commemorate the milestone and to share with friends and family. There is more time and effort put into the act than one may think. Although it is mid April, many graduates have been overwhelmed with the feeling that it might be too late to schedule with a local photographer. Whether or not this is true or one already has a grasp on the process, here are some things to keep in mind.

The photographer — Look into one’s options, friends, family or a professional photographer. No matter who it is, think about the pictures that one truly wants. Think about the style of photography. Does one want them to be highly edited, bright and crisp? These are some of the many aspects to think about when selecting a photographer.

Time frame — Now that caps and gowns are in one’s hands, so is the timing of the photoshoot. Weather, flowers and atmosphere vary within the months leading up to graduation. Make sure to look into the best time to take photos to determine what lighting will be best. 

Tester photoshoot — Instead of relying on one person on one day to grant one all of their graduation photo desires, take matters into one’s own hands. Doing a tester photoshoot beforehand can ensure what poses and outfits are best before the big day. 

People one is taking pictures with — Does one want to have photos with a few of their closest friends or take it on solo? Either way, make sure it is what one wants to do. It’s not anyone else’s decision to make. As long as one is happy with the photos that could be on one’s professional desk for decades, that is all that matters.

Locations — What campus locations are meaningful? Is it where one took their favorite classes? Or where one spent time with friends? Wherever it may be, make sure to include them in one’s photoshoot. 

Graduation day — There are plenty of opportunities to take photos at graduation. This is the perfect time to take photos with friends if they did a solo photoshoot. 

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Spring term self care

Written by:Jude Bokovoy

Whether this is the final push of one’s first year or senior year, spring term can be a lot to handle. Professors are in full swing assigning countless assignments, but the weather is beginning to brighten up — tempting students to blow off homework to soak up the sun. No matter what spring-term-state one is in, it is important to take care of oneself.

Read The act of reading can be done any day, anytime and anywhere. It is a perfect way to escape any draining internal thoughts without leaving one’s bedroom. From self help to fantasy, any book can be healthy for the mind and soul. 

Time with friends — Maintaining a social life can help in all aspects of one’s mental health. Getting out of the house, socializing and learning more about other people can be very stimulating. Plus, it forces one to get homework, deadlines, work and whatever else off the mind while with people one appreciates. 

Nourishing food — Keeping up with fruits, vegetables and water intake is a great way to maintain a strong body. When one’s body feels good, it will help one feel good overall. By eating a healthy diet, one will be more energized for all of spring terms’ assignments. 

Dates to look forward to — It’s always encouraging to have a day to look forward to. Whether it’s a simple night out the following weekend or a trip. Whatever is reasonable for one’s schedule and budget, make plans for oneself. 

Affirmations — When one knows their worth, good things will follow. Being driven enough to be in college in this day and age is amazing. Being driven to work towards a challenging career is wonderful. Think about all of the amazing things that one does often, but doesn’t pay any mind to. Daily accomplishments are worth acknowledging. 

Spending time outdoors — Get a refresh by taking a step outside. Whatever seems the most relaxing or gratifying, do it. Go on a walk while listening to a podcast, or read on a blanket on the grass or complete some assignments. Whatever it is, might as well be outside in the sunshine. 

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The value of esports

Written by: Nicholas Sarysz

As technology continues to advance, so does the world of gaming. Esports, or electronic sports, have taken the world by storm and it has become a billion-dollar industry. The rise of esports has sparked the debate of whether it is actually a sport.

Professional players and teams compete against one another in a variety of video games as part of esports. These contests can be held live or online and they can range in size from small regional competitions to major worldwide events like the League of Legends World Championship. 

Over the past ten years, esports has experienced exponential growth, attracting millions of viewers to watch their favorite teams and players compete.

Esports proponents cite that, like traditional sports, it incorporates competition and calls for skill and strategy as evidence that it qualifies as a sport. Esports athletes need to have exceptional hand-eye coordination and be able to react and adapt quickly under pressure. 

Like conventional sports, esports demands a lot of repetition and training. Professional esports players frequently spend hours each day developing their abilities. 

We are likely going to see gaming evolve even further into the sports world, as it may even become an Olympic sport in the future since the International Olympic Committee has already recognized esports as a legitimate competitive activity.
Frankly, I feel that a “competitive activity” is all it should be labeled as. Just because there are people engaging in competition, does not make something a sport. Furthermore, spending time honing a craft does not make something a sport, as that can be done with any hobby — not to mention that’s also how jobs work.

Esports also lacks any true physical component to be labeled as a true sport. While esports players certainly require mental and physical dexterity, their activities don’t require the same level of physical exertion as traditional sports. 

There is no denying how incredibly powerful the esports industry has become — given it is now over a billion dollar industry — but to say that these competitive gamers are athletes is comical and blatantly disrespectful to the passion and work ethic that traditional athletes have.

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