The Western Howl Staff
Theme: No theme!
Aries 3/21-4/19
You have entered the rat zone.
Taurus 4/20-5/20
Be gay, do crimes
Gemini 5/21-6/20
okay google, why does burnt popcorn taste like how cat piss smells?
Cancer 6/21-7/22
Js, i’d sell your soul to satan for a corn chip
Leo 7/23-8/22
EArly summmmmer breakkk plz
Virgo 8/23-9/22
I think, ergo I am.
Libra 9/23-10/22
Hey siri, locate my fwb?
Scorpio 10/23-11/21
Say hi to the gods
Sagittarius 11/22-12/21
Hello my little pogchamp UwU
Capricorn 12/22-1/19
If you see a sagittarius today, attack them say hello 🙂
Aquarius 1/20 – 2/18
Pisces 2/19 – 3/20
All I want today is a good gummy shark.