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Theater department welcomes Western to “Urinetown” with winter production

Never Retallack  | Entertainment Editor

“Urinetown,” — a satirical musical, opened at Western on Feb. 28 with Michael Phillips as the director. The play was entertaining and interactive, and the opening act had about two minutes of uninterrupted silence while the actors laid on the ground, “asleep.” This made many audience members giggle nervously as the silence drew out. Laughter was a key element of the show. 

The story covers a drab town in the mid 1900s where a water shortage has led an evil man, Cladwell, to start Urine Good Company which now charges the poor pay-per-use public bathrooms. If anyone disobeys these rules, they face the threat of being sent to the mysterious and dreaded Urinetown.

This outlandish tale is packed with humor, love, violence and catchy songs. It was also full of jokes that tease elements of theater; Little Sally— a poor young girl— has conversations with Officer Lockstock where he explains how they’re covering basic elements in the first act so as not to overwhelm the audience. It mocks the “rules” that are typically followed in plays in a way that had the audience bursting into laughter.

The Western students who acted in the play did a phenomenal job, from the larger roles such as Hope Cladwell and Bobby Strong, all the way to the peppy assistant of Cladwell. The dedication and effort to the roles was apparent, and with the thorough costumes as well — everyone was able to shine in their own ways.

The live band was a great addition to the play, adding “necessary” drama to each scene, when someone made a surprise entrance, the other actors would gasp dramatically or exclaim “What?!” and the music would peak. At certain sad moments, the music would remain happy and upbeat, which Little Sally would comment on, earning more chuckles.

All the actors sang wonderfully, or sang as their characters were supposed to, which ended up being hilarious, and the dances were also well done. Overall, Western’s theater department delivered a hilarious and clever rendition of “Urinetown.”

Those who are interested in seeing the show themselves, can watch more performances Mar. 4-8 with the box office opening at 6 p.m. and the show starting at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are free for students with ID.


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Photos by Never Retallack