“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
— Maya Angelou
The Northwest Passage is Western Oregon University’s student-run art and literary magazine. We publish student, faculty, and alumni work once per term, both in print and online on this website. We also publish music submissions in a digital album during spring term. We serve as an opportunity for students attempting to build their portfolios with quality work and share their individual and important voices.
Please submit your work to northwestpassage@mail.wou.edu.
The newest issue of the Northwest Passage is out now! Click the image above or the link below to check it out.
Call For Submissions: October 28th
Submission Deadline: November 9th
Print Release (Estimate): November 26th -December 4th
Call For Submissions: TBD
Submission Deadline: TBD
Print Release (Estimate): TBD
Call For Submissions: TBD
Submission Deadline: TBD
Print Release (Estimate): TBD
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