Campus Resources
On-Campus Resources
College is hard, especially during the transition from high school or a previous institution. Luckily, WOU has tons of resources to support students in any and every way possible, from academics to career planning to mental and physical health. It can be incredibly daunting to try to sift through these resources to find out more information and to be able to actually use them, so we’ve compiled a document giving a brief overview of these resources and directing you to more information about them! Some of these services are briefly outlined below, but feel free to review the document here!
Tutors from all the different science majors offered at WOU, available at various hours to fit into your busy schedule.
Tutors available Monday-Friday from 9:30-5:30 and Sunday evenings with a wide variety of experiences and backgrounds.
Get feedback and support on your papers and writing projects. The writing center is open from week two of term through finals week.
Academic Advising and The Learning Center
Any class, any professor, WOU’s tutors can help you with study skills, specific courses, or test review.
Service Learning and Career Development
Find help with writing resumes and cover letters, as well as information about how to find a job or internship or get involved in a service learning project.
American Sign Language Interpretation, alternative testing spaces, and student shuttle services are just a few of the ways the ODS supports WOU students.
If you have any further questions or suggestions, email the current STEM Scholars Program Coordinator at ctolento19@mail.wou.edu!