Hazardous Chemicals
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Table of Contents
A. Container Labeling
B. Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
C. Training: Use and Location of Chemicals and SDS
A. Inventory Control
B. Reduction and Alternative Chemicals
C. Waste Storage and Disposal Costs
A. Emergency Response, Evacuation, First Aid
B. Hazardous Chemical Cleanup
This hazardous materials procedures manual is intended for use by faculty, staff and supervisors and designed to identify, educate and proceduralize chemical hazards you face in the work place. It is essential that you familiarize yourself with the manual’s content and be prepared to act calmly and with confidence in the event of a hazardous chemical exposure.
This manual may serve as a training and emergency reference. It is to be available for easy access to all employees who should be familiar with its content. New employees are to be familiar with this as part of their orientation program.
This manual meets the scope and application of OAR 437 Division 155 and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). If there are further questions or comments please contact the Occupational/Environmental Safety Office at 8-8156 (V/TDD 838-8481).
Hazard Communication
Western uses hundreds of hazardous chemicals daily, from solvents and glues to paint cleaners, acids, etc. For Western to be in compliance with Oregon Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OR-OSHA), you have the right to know about the chemicals in your work site, including their location, health hazards and safe handling precautions.
1. What is a hazardous chemical? A hazardous chemical may be one or a combination of the following that may be a physical or health hazard:
* combustible * unstable * irritant * explosive * water reactive * corrosive
* flammable * toxic * sensitizer
2. Accountability – Supervisor. Faculty and management staff with supervision oversight are required to ensure all hazardous chemicals in their departments contain proper labeling, have Safety Data Sheets (SDS) available and ensure employees, students and others who come in contact or potential contact with hazardous materials are trained in accordance with OR-OSHA regulations and the Federal “Right to Know” law.
3. Accountability – Employee. Faculty, staff and students who may come in contact with hazardous chemicals are required to know how the type of chemical is to be used, the hazards, location of the SDS and what procedures are required in the event of a chemical spill or exposure.
Chemicals are to remain in their original container unless immediately used by the person who transferred the chemical to a secondary container. At no time is anyone to use a chemical if it meets one or more of the following criteria:
i. The chemical is in a secondary container that does not have the correct labeling and associated hazards.
ii. The container is damaged or leaking.
iii. The person who is using the chemical has not been trained in the application or associated hazards of the chemical.
iv. The person using the chemical is not wearing the personal protective equipment recommended by the manufacturer.
A. Container Labeling provides employees with an immediate warning about the hazards of a specific material and direct the chemical user to appropriate SDS.
1. Containers may be any of the following:
– bag – bottle – can – drum – storage tank
– barrel – box – cylinder – reaction vessel – etc.
2. Labeling must include:
* Clear listing of the contents;
* Any and all appropriate hazard warnings;
* Manufacturer’s name and address
3. Hazard warnings include
B. What is a Safety Data Sheet (SDS)? This is an information sheet from a manufacturer on the chemical, describing the physical and chemical characteristics; hazards; exposure limits and control measures; First Aid procedures; precautions for use; and personal protective equipment.
Who is responsible for the SDS? Faculty and management staff with employees who may use chemicals are required to have SDS present in the work place. If a hazardous chemical does not have a SDS available, the supervisor is required to request one through the supplier or vendor prior to its use at the work site.
SDS Content: 16 sections
Section 1, Identification includes product identifier; manufacturer or distributor name, address, phone number; emergency phone number; recommended use; restrictions on use.
Section 2, Hazard(s) identification includes all hazards regarding the chemical; required label elements.
Section 3, Composition/information on ingredients includes information on chemical ingredients; trade secret claims.
Section 4, First-aid measures includes important symptoms/ effects, acute, delayed; required treatment.
Section 5, Fire-fighting measures lists suitable extinguishing techniques, equipment; chemical hazards from fire.
Section 6, Accidental release measures lists emergency procedures; protective equipment; proper methods of containment and cleanup.
Section 7, Handling and storage lists precautions for safe handling and storage, including incompatibilities.
Section 8, Exposure controls/personal protection lists OSHA’s Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs); Threshold Limit Values (TLVs); appropriate engineering controls; personal protective equipment (PPE).
Section 9, Physical and chemical properties lists the chemical’s characteristics.
Section 10, Stability and reactivity lists chemical stability and possibility of hazardous reactions.
Section 11, Toxicological information includes routes of exposure; related symptoms, acute and chronic effects; numerical measures of toxicity.
Section 12, Ecological information*
Section 13, Disposal considerations*
Section 14, Transport information*
Section 15, Regulatory information*
Section 16, Other information, includes the date of preparation or last revision.
C. Training – Use and Locations of Chemicals and SDS. Who is required to be trained on chemicals? Employees, students, contractors and/or persons who may come in contact with hazardous chemicals while performing duties at the University.
Training Includes:
* Type of and how the hazard communication labeling system works;
* How to obtain, read and use SDS and appropriate hazard information;
* Physical and health effects of the hazardous chemicals in their work area;
* Methods used to determine the presence or release of hazardous chemicals in the work place. (Many chemicals do not have an odor or visible vapor or gas.);
* How to reduce or prevent exposure to hazardous chemicals through procedures and personal protective equipment;
* Emergency procedures to follow if exposed to a hazardous chemical;
* Location and use of hazardous chemicals;
* List and location of SDS.
Hazardous Chemical Use Expectations:
* Each employee is responsible to use hazardous chemicals in a safe manner that is consistent with the chemical labeling and SDS.
* Employees are NOT to use a chemical in an unmarked container or a new chemical introduced into the work area until they are properly labeled and SDS are available.
* Each employee is to use appropriate personal protective equipment recommended by the chemical manufacturer and SDS.
Hazardous Chemical Locations
* Each employee is to know the location of all hazardous chemicals and the related dangers in their work area.
SDS Locations:
* Each employee is to know the location and access of SDS for chemicals used in their area.
* Each employee is to report to their supervisor any SDS missing in their work area.
Western will always remain liable for all hazardous waste generated on campus even if shipped to an approved recycling, treatment or disposal facility.
Western is a conditionally exempt small quantity generator by generating less than 220 pounds of hazardous waste a month. This exemption status allows Western to:
1. Pay no fees;
2. Have limited reporting to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).
For Western to maintain exempt status, we must have:
* Inventory Management
* Process Modification
* Volume Reduction
* Recovery and Recycling
* Alternative Chemicals
* Hazardous Waste Generation Process
* Disposal Cost Reduction
* Storage
* Hazardous Waste Pickup and Disposal
* Accountability
A. Purchasing and Inventory Control of Hazardous Chemicals. The purchasing and campus departments are responsible for:
1. Receiving toxic use and waste reduction advantages when obtaining new or replacement chemicals or equipment;
2. Hazardous chemical inventory list of their chemicals (OAR 437.155);
3. SDS for each hazardous chemical inventoried;
4. Avoidance of over purchasing hazardous chemicals;
5. Having a responsible person in charge of use, storage and disposal of hazardous chemicals;
6. Dates of purchase, receipt and disposal of all hazardous chemicals.
B. Reduction and Alternative Chemicals. Departments are responsible for reducing hazardous chemicals and waste by:
1. Process Modification – being able to change a procedure to reduce amount of chemical used and waste.
2. Volume Reduction – Reducing hazardous chemicals.
3. Recovery and Recycling – recycling hazardous chemicals such as solvents, oil, batteries, etc.
4. Alternative Chemicals – replacing hazardous chemicals with non-hazardous or less hazardous chemicals.
Examples include micro biology/chemistry, using latex paints vs. oil base, thinner and solvent recycling, etc.
C. Waste Storage and Disposal Costs. Departments generating hazardous waste are responsible for the following:
1. Hazardous waste should be stored in original containers or in a secondary impermeable container that is labeled with the type of chemical and as hazardous waste.
2. Hazardous waste will be picked up and disposed of by Campus Public Safety. Departments are not to maintain full hazardous waste containers for more than 30 days.
3. Chemicals that are no longer usable as a result of expired shelf life are considered hazardous waste.
4 Hazardous waste disposal is expensive. Campus Public Safety will attempt to find the most cost effective means for disposal. Departments will be billed for their waste disposal.
5. Western contracts hazardous waste disposal with a hazardous waste vendor.
Hazardous chemical spills can be deadly with little or no warning. In the event of a chemical spill you need to know:
* What a chemical spill consists of;
* Who to report a chemical spill to;
* When should evacuation take place;
* Where should people be evacuated to.
Emergency Response, Evacuation and First Aid. In the event of a hazardous chemical spill, the following is to occur:
1. Leave the area immediately.
2. Sound the alarm to alert others.
3. Notify Campus Public Safety at 8-9000.
4. Do not return to the area of exposure.
Hazardous chemical exposures may consist of:
1. Chemical release into the environment above the manufacturer’s suggested level of safety. An example might be spilling ammonia on the floor in a small room.
2. Unconsciousness of a person in or around chemicals. This area should not be entered into. Emergency personnel with personal protective equipment are to respond.
3. Fume exposure may occur and cause a sense of burning or irritation to the mouth, nose, throat, chest or eyes. Symptoms might include dizziness or nausea and a strong odor may exist.
4. Skin/eye contact with a hazardous chemical is to be treated as described on the First Aid section of SDS for the chemical.
A. Emergency Response/Evacuation – 8-9000. In the event of a chemical exposure or spill, Campus Public Safety is to be notified and the following information provided:
1. Location of building or room, or provide a landmark;
2. Description of chemical;
3. Number of persons who may be exposed to a hazardous chemical;
4. Your name and phone number for call back.
Campus Public Safety will:
1. Respond and analyze the chemical exposure as first responders and evacuate exposed persons to a safe distance.
2. Determine resources required for First Aid, evacuation and chemical spill cleanup.
3. Block off the chemical exposed area until a certified hazardous waste Site Operations Coordinator has determined the area is declared safe.
4. Provide First Aid and/or request additional emergency medical personnel.
A. Emergency Response, Evacuation, First Aid
B. Hazardous Chemical Cleanup
A certified hazardous waste site operations coordinator will perform the following in the event of a hazardous chemical spill:
1. Site Evaluation to include monitoring, identifying and controlling hazardous chemicals;
2. Remediate Chemical to include one or more of the following: neutralizing; absorbing; and containing the chemical to the point the chemical is no longer a safety or health threat;
3. Decontamination to include eliminating chemical residue from exposed surfaces and persons.