Maps & Directions
Transportation To / From WOU
The WOU Campus is connected to the surrounding communities via public transportation routes. The CARTS bus service makes frequent stops at WOU (outside the Werner University Center & Hamersly Library) along Polk County/Route 40, which includes stops through Independence, Dallas, and the Salem Transit Center.
Cherriots Route 40X:
Some Fast Facts about Air Pollution and How You Can Help:
Does Public Transit Cost Less?
See if your commute cost could be lowered by taking public transit. Fill out the information about your commute below and estimate your total monthly cost. Compare that to the Bus Fare rates above and see how much you could save!
- Cost per mile estimate based on AAA’s “Your Driving Costs 2012” brochure.
- Cost of vanpooling based on Spokane Transit’s Vanpool Program Fare Schedule. Please check with Spokane Transit for current price. Contact STA for more information on Vanpool fares.
- Cost of Spokane Transit Passes are $33/month. Check with your employer–some employers subsidize transit passes, so your costs might be lower.
- Work at home does not need to be full time, and often is just one day per week or as needed. The cost of working at home was based on the absence of commute costs, and does not attempt to calculate costs of establishing a home office. Home office costs depend on your work needs and may range from minimal to significant. Some employers subsidize home office costs.