No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
-Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. §1681
Western Oregon University strives to provide a safe environment in which students can pursue their education free from the detrimental effects of sex discrimination and/or sex-based harassment, which includes sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Therefore, WOU seeks to educate students, faculty, and staff about these issues and to provide a means of recourse for those students who believe they have been the recipients of unwanted sexual behavior.
Report a Violation
Sex or Gender Based Misconduct and Bias Incident Reporting.
Pregnancy and Related Conditions
If you are pregnant or have a pregnancy-related condition, you are protected under Title IX.
Responsible Employees?
Most Western Oregon University Employees are Responsible Employees, which means they must report any incident of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator.
Frequently asked questions regarding, reporting, training, pregnancy and related conditions.
A comprehensive list of on-campus and community resources.
- Title IX office
- Confidential Resources
- Off-campus resources
- Accessibility Resources
Title IX Coordinator

Sara Glascock
Title IX Coordinator
Sara Glascock is a lifelong resident of Oregon with a deep commitment to serving her community. She earned her Bachelor’s degree from Oregon State University before going on to receive her Juris Doctorate and a Certificate in Dispute Resolution from Willamette University College of Law. Sara has a diverse legal background, having worked as a Deputy District Attorney and as a civil attorney. Currently, she serves as the Title IX Coordinator at Western Oregon University, where she oversees the university’s efforts to ensure a safe and equitable campus environment for all students.
Pregnancy and Related Conditions
If you are pregnant or have a pregnancy related condition, you are protected under Title IX and may be entitled to:
- Time and space for lactation
- Excused pregnancy-related absences
- Breaks during classes, labs, exams, etc. to eat, drink, use the restroom, or pump
- Parking or elevator access
- Access to online classes or coursework
- Changes in schedule or course sequence
- Extensions on deadlines and rescheduling tests
- Modifications in physical environment such as larger chairs, larger lab coats, etc.
- Additional accommodations could be available
To learn more or request pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition accommodations, or if you believe you have been discriminated against based on pregnancy or a pregnancy-related condition, please contact:
Sara Glascock
Title IX Coordinator
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Western Oregon University
Lieuallen Administration Bldg., Rm 305
345 Monmouth Ave N | Monmouth OR 97361
glascocksl@wou.edu | 503.751.4039 (direct) | 503.838.8490 (office)
Pregnancy Related FAQs
Does my school have to excuse my absence due to pregnancy, childbirth, abortion or related conditions?
Yes. Under Title IX WOU must excuse any absences related to these conditions, so long as your doctor says the absence is medically necessary.
Further, WOU’s disability leave policy and/or maternity leave policy may provide leave for time periods even longer than what is medically necessary.
When you return from your absence, you must be reinstated to the same status you held before you left—there can be no penalty for your leave.
What is an “excused absence”? Do I have to complete make-up work?
You can’t be penalized for taking legally-protected leave. Professors may require you to complete missed assignments or other work to make up for missed participation, but the make-up work should be comparable with the work given to other students, not extra.
When setting timelines for make-up or missed work, professors need to treat leave as leave; for example, assignment deadlines should not be the day you return, but should be pushed back to give you at least the same amount of time as other students have had to complete the assignments.
I’ve had a difficult pregnancy or childbirth. Can my school provide support?
Yes! Title IX requires colleges and universities to provide changes, when needed, for students who are pregnant or managing pregnancy related conditions like infertility treatment, lactation, or postpartum depression. These changes are often called “reasonable modifications” or “accommodations” and can include things like:
- A different chair/desk
- Avoiding hazardous chemicals or activities
- Delayed deadlines
- Bathroom breaks
- Permission to eat or drink in class
- Parking spaces
- Notetakers or permission to record a class
- Remote/virtual learning
- Time off to attend doctor’s appointments or attend to health needs
Does Title IX only protect me in the classroom?
No. Title IX covers all aspects of your education—you cannot be forced to limit your educational activities due to pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, or related conditions. This includes school-sponsored internships or externships, clinics, lab work, athletics and extracurricular activities. Job placement and career counseling can’t be biased because of your pregnancy or parental status.
Do I have a right to pump milk at school?
The 2024 Title IX regulations make clear that students are entitled to lactation space on campus. The space must be:
- Clean
- Not a bathroom
- Free from intrusion (e.g. a lock on the door or a sign people respect)
- Free from view (e.g. curtains on windows)
WOU may accommodate necessary absences for pumping milk, and make sure that you are not suffering academically because you need to pump.
I work for the school as an employee. Do I have rights?
In addition to the rights you have under Title IX as a student, you may also be covered by other laws that protect employees. Discrimination against employees based on pregnancy or sex-based stereotypes about parents is illegal.
Additionally, employees with pregnancy-related conditions that constitute disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are entitled to reasonable accommodations under that law.
Finally, you may be entitled to paid or unpaid job-protected leave because of pregnancy or childbirth.
I’ve been treated negatively because of my pregnancy/childbirth/miscarriage/false pregnancy/abortion. What can I do?
Harassing or intimidating you because of your pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, abortion or related condition is sex discrimination in violation of Title IX. Likewise, limiting your educational opportunities on those grounds is illegal. University officials are responsible for preventing and responding to harassment from any member of the university community. Consider reporting your experience to remedy your own situation and to help ensure that others won’t go through what you did.
Who is considered an employee of WOU?
A person employed by WOU either full- or part-time, permanent or temporary, including but not limited to student employees when acting within the scope of their employment, tenure and non-tenure faculty, classified and unclassified staff, interns, volunteers, and graduate assistants.
Responsible Employees
All faculty and staff are deemed “Responsible Employees” unless you fall into one of the “Confidential/Not Required to Report” categories to the right.
Responsible Employees MUST report any information personally witnessed or learned through the disclosure of others (at any time, even when not working) related to possible or alleged instances of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator within two business days unless you or the method the information was disclosed falls into one of the “Confidential/Not Required to Report” categories to the right.
Confidential/Not Required to Report
- Abby’s House Confidential Advocate (or an employee in this department contacted in an effort to obtain confidential assistance, i.e., front office staff)
- Healthcare Provider in Student Health and Counseling Center, including interns (or an employee in this department contacted in an effort to obtain confidential assistance, i.e., front office staff)
- Interpreter or Translator
- Disclosure to faculty by a student during an academic discussion or assignment
- Disclosure made at a Public Awareness Event
- Institution Review Board
Student Employees WITH Positional Responsibility for the Welfare of Others
Includes, but not limited to, Resident Assistants, peer mentors (such as Destination Western, Multicultural Representative, and Discover Leadership), WOU Crew, and student government leaders
Always considered Responsible Employees (required to report) even if they are not performing their job duties at the time of witnessed or disclosed sexual misconduct
Student Employees WITHOUT Positional Responsibility for the Welfare of Others
Considered Responsible Employees only while they are performing their job responsibilities and/or if the incident is witnessed or disclosed to the student employee due to their perceived or actual role as an employee of WOU.
Responsible Employee Reporting Requirements:
- Report any information personally witnessed or learned through the disclosure of others related to possible or alleged instances of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator within two business days.
- Responsible employees should not attempt to investigate the alleged incident.
Responsible Employees should
Acknowledge the reporting party and provide support.
Inform the reporting party, preferably before they fully disclose information, that you are a responsible employee, so they can make an informed decision whether to share their experience.
Share resources with the reporting party.
Students: Abby’s House and Student Health and Counseling Services
Employees: Beyond Benefits, Employee Assistance Program, Available 24/7: 1-855-327-4722
Inform the reporting party, that you will report to the Title IX Office, and they should expect someone will reach out to them with resources.
Employee Required Action if you learn of Pregnancy/Pregnancy-Related Conditions
Any employee who becomes aware of a student’s pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition MUST:
Step 1
Provide WOU’s Title IX office contact information.
Step 2
Communicate to the student that the Title IX Coordinator can help take specific actions to prevent discrimination and ensure equal access to WOU’s educational program and activity.
Exception: If the employee has a reasonable belief that the Title IX Coordinator is already aware of the pregnancy or related condition, the employee is not required to provide the student with the Title IX office’s contact Information.
Title IX Office
Sara Glascock
Title IX Coordinator
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Western Oregon University
Lieuallen Administration Bldg., Rm 305
345 Monmouth Ave N | Monmouth OR 97361
glascocksl@wou.edu | 503.751.4039 (direct) | 503.838.8490 (office)
Campus Resources
- Abby’s House (Confidential Resource) 503-838-8219 / abbyshouse@wou.edu
- Athletic Compliance Officer 503-838-8121
- Campus Public Safety 503-838-8481 / safety@wou.edu
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion/Title IX 503-838-8002 / titleix@wou.edu
- Human Resources 503-838-8490 / hr@wou.edu
- International Education & Development 503-838-8425 / global@wou.edu
- Multicultural Student Services & Programs 503-838-8737 / mssp@wou.edu
- Office of Student Affairs 503-838-8221 / studentaffairs@wou.edu
- Office of Student Conduct 503-838-8930 / studentconduct@wou.edu
- Student Health and Counseling Center 503-838-8313 / health@wou.edu (Confidential Resource)
- University Housing 503-838-8311 / housing@wou.edu
Off-campus Resources
- 24 hrs/day crisis intervention: Sable House (Dallas, Ore.) 503-623-4033
- Center for Hope and Safety (Salem, Ore.) 503-399-7722 English and Spanish speaking advocates are always available.
- Emergency Police Response 911
- Monmouth Police 503-838-1109
- Independence Police 503-838-1214
- Salem Hospital 503-561-5200
- West Valley Hospital 503-623-8301
- Polk County District 503-623-9268
Sara Glascock
Title IX Coordinator
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Western Oregon University
Lieuallen Administration Bldg., Rm 305 | 345 Monmouth Ave N | Monmouth OR 97361
glascocksl@wou.edu | 503.751.4039 (direct) | 503.838.8490 (office)