` Interdisciplinary Studies - Academics

Interdisciplinary Studies

If you feel as though choosing a single focus is not the right fit for you, consider the Interdisciplinary Studies major, which allows you to “create your own degree.” Choose two or three complementary tracks of study that will allow you to master the skills you need to land your dream job or start your own business. As an added bonus, you will have a lot more course-schedule flexibility. This program is ideal for all students, including transfers and students who hold an Associate Degree.

credits required for the Interdisciplinary Studies

students enrolled in the Interdisciplinary Studies program

students per class on average in the Interdisciplinary Studies program


of master's degree can be completed as an undergrad at WOU

Sample four-year degree plan

Learning outcomes

  • Apply perspectives from two or more disciplines to problem solving
  • Develop a respect for the differences among people and ideas and clarify and articulate their own values effectively
  • Discuss the differences and connections among the theories, methods or research findings of two or more disciplines

Career opportunities

  • Corporate trainer (social sciences/business)
  • Small-business owner (entrepreneurship/field of interest)
  • Environmental journalist (communications/natural sciences)
  • City planner (Public policy and administration/economics)
  • Sports psychologist (health and exercise science/psychology)



Professor, Health & Exercise Science
503-838-8999 | armstroj@wou.edu | RWEC 229


Professor, Philosophy/Religious Studies
503-838-8762 | hickersr@wou.edu | BELL 322


Professor, Geography
503-838-8296 | hustons@wou.edu | BELL 217


Professor, Literature & Humanities, English Studies Department
503-838-8307 | langem@wou.edu | BELL 319


Program Co-Coordinator, Professor, Deaf Studies & Professional Studies
503-838-8735 | maronee@wou.edu | RWEC 144


Professor, Earth and Environmental Science
503-838-8365 | myersj@wou.edu | NS 213A

This public directory does not include employees who have requested confidentiality. Please use the WOU internal directory to view all employees.

QUESTIONS - Interdisciplinary Studies

7 + 3 =

Contact Us

Phone: 503-838-8226

Email: ids@wou.edu