Women’s basketball falls to Yellowjackets

Lake Larsen | Sports Editor

Nearly a month after their last meeting, the Wolves took the court again against Montana State Billings on Feb. 21. With a disappointingly long five-game losing streak hanging above the team, Western was in desperate need to end the spell. Sitting third from last in the GNAC standings, the Wolves were ready to attempt to pick up a much needed win.

The first quarter looked promising for the Wolves, as they quickly jumped out to the lead over the Yellowjackets. Efficient passing helped push the Wolves to a growing lead as the quarter’s time passed.

Montana State Billings was able to post a short run of their own to narrow Western’s lead, but the Wolves were relentless with the rebounds to help extend their lead to nine as the first quarter closed.

With the momentum still swinging their way, the Wolves offense came out even stronger in the second quarter. Western quickly scored a pair of baskets to push their lead to more than double that of the Yellowjackets. The Wolves edge seemed to hover in the low teens as the clock ticked to only a minute left before the half. However, cracks began to form as a pair of missed three-pointers from the Wolves let the Yellowjackets to narrow the gap to five.

The pendulum of momentum started to slip away from the Monmouth women in the third quarter. The Wolves’ lead began to follow a trend of one step forward, two steps back as their five-point lead jumped to seven, only to be cut to three just moments later. The Yellowjackets eroded what was once a double-digit Western lead. By the end horn of the third, the Wolves were down by one.

The fourth quarter was shaping up to be an all out brawl as the Yellowjackets and Wolves traded baskets. The opening minutes of the final quarter seemed to be anyone’s game, but this slugfest ended as the Wolves seemed to buckle under the pressure. Two missed layups and a missed jumper from the Wolves let the Yellowjackets grab a lead they wouldn’t let go.

The final minutes of the game were a disaster for the Wolves as the Yellowjackets sealed Western’s fate. It took the Wolves over a quarter to grow a double digit lead — Montana State Billings was able to do so in just three minutes. By the final whistle, the Wolves’ losing streak pushed to another high, falling 80-70.


Contact the author at howlsports@wou.edu

Photo courtesy of Ashlynn Norton