Western Football defeated in Homecoming nail-biter versus Central

Caity Healy | Managing Editor

Packed stands and a mix of sun, rain and wind made for a day of intense competition as Western Oregon prepared to take on Central Washington University for their annual Homecoming game. Taking place on Oct. 19, fans of all ages watched in anticipation with high hopes for the Wolves, who were riding the high of a four-game win streak. Prior to this game, the last time Western played Central was Sept. 28, where it ended in a 36-26 win in favor of the Wolves. 

The sound of the marching band and the cheers of the audience could be heard all around Monmouth right from the start; just 18 seconds in, quarterback Ty Currie found wide-receiver Jarren Ford with a 75-yard catch-and-run that gave the Wolves their first score of the game. With 14:42 left on the clock, Western was up 7-0. 

The energy kept up throughout the first quarter, as nearly three minutes later, the Wolves found themselves in the end zone again. Spirits were high and Wolves were up 14-0. But right before the end of the quarter, Central Washington answered back and found themselves on the board 14-7.

The competition was intense as the game continued with a back-and-forth momentum that led the two teams to the half with a score of 28-21. Coming out of the half, the game continued in this trend; the Wolves would score and the Wildcats would answer immediately. With just 58 seconds left on the clock in the fourth quarter, Western’s defense struggled to put a stop to Central, who brought the score to a tie 35-35. The Wolves and the Wildcats went into overtime — the first time Western had gone into overtime since Sept. 23, 2017, and the first time since 2012 for Central.

The Wildcats were quick to score in OT, pulling ahead of the Wolves for the first time in the game 42-35. The Wolves weren’t ready to give up and answered back with a touchdown, putting the scoreboard 42-41, with the Wolves behind by just a single point. Following the touchdown, the Wolves decided to go for the win and missed the conversion, ending the game in favor of the Wildcats 42-41.

While the Homecoming loss was heartbreaking for the fans, it was still a lively game with Western finishing with a 497 total yards and Central with 503. The Wolves play again Oct. 26 at home against MSU Texas. Kickoff is 1:05 p.m.


Contact the author at chealy16@wou.edu

Photos by Caity Healy