Western brings the music

By: Ashton Newton
Entertainment Editor

With the end of term approaching, classes are starting to pick up with exams and projects. Luckily, Western’s music department has a busy rest of the term planned with student recitals and music performances.

On Thursday, March 9, Western’s music department will be holding the end of the term student recitals. This event gives the public a chance to come and see Western music students perform. The recitals start at 11 a.m. and are located in Smith Music Hall.

Friday, March 10 will be the next show in the Smith Fine Arts Series, Orquestra Brasil with Gilberto Gil. Gil is a well known Brazilian musician and cultural icon. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. and is free with a Western student ID.

Lastly, Western’s percussion ensemble will be performing both classic and modern works on Monday March 13 in Rice Auditorium. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. and is free with a student ID.

With the stress of finals approaching, Western music events are a great way to unwind and take some of the stress off.

Contact the author at journalentertainment@wou.edu