Watching what you share

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

For many, the usage of social media on a regular basis has become second nature. Whenever we get bored, we pull out our phones and instinctively pull up Instagram or Snapchat to see what people we do and do not know have been up to. For some of these people, their accounts have become similar to a personal diary, where they post anything and everything they can think of.

Social media is an ideal platform for many as a way to express their voice and opinions. While everyone is entitled to free speech and has the right to post whatever they feel is necessary, sometimes people can forget to really think about what they’re posting. What one chooses to share on the internet stays there forever, and may have an impact on their future.

Everything that’s posted is public. Think about it; one might think they’re safe by making their account private, but what happens as soon as one person screenshots something? Maybe you wanted to share something personal on your private Instagram account, then it was saved and spread. If the thought of that isn’t bothersome, then posting those types of things is okay. But recognize that nothing is truly private; a setting won’t stop posts from spreading.

Think about your current or future jobs. Would your employer be okay with what they see on your account? If one uses their platform to criticize a coworker, a customer, or even just to complain about their job, this could make their boss or whoever they work with uncomfortable, and probably very unhappy. A common guideline to follow is to not post anything about your coworkers that you wouldn’t say to their faces. While everyone needs to complain from time to time, choose to do so without involving the internet; just talk it out with someone.

Everyone thinks they’re a comedian on the internet. However,  just one misinterpreted comment can lead to an uproar and many offended people. While a post may seem funny, if the wrong audience reads it, it can get you into trouble. In person, if something like this were to happen, many people would apologize and explain themselves. However, on the internet, it will linger with you forever and could hurt reputations. Before posting a joke or any comment, really give it thought. Use the perspective of multiple people, then decide if it’s really worth posting.

Ultimately, the things we choose to share on the internet are going to follow us forever. It’s very important that everyone shares their voice, and social media makes it easy for everyone to do. Just make sure that what you’re choosing to share is something you’re comfortable with everyone seeing; you never know what the repercussions might be.

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Photo by: Paul F. Davis