Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

As the temperature began dropping on campus, the fashion started heating up. Students made Western their runway as they began throwing on
their sweaters, lacing up their boots and donning themselves in the shades of autumn.
Fall fashion, commonly known as “sweater weather,” is, for many, a favorite aspect of the season. The wardrobe selections begin offering more options than the previous season’s would; building outfits that appear to be well put together is actually a lot simpler than it seems.
In order to assemble the perfect autumn ensemble, students have to know where to look when shopping for those first-rate fall statements. Oftentimes, the best deals can be found online. By looking at apps and websites selling secondhand attire, Poshmark and OfferUp to name a couple, cheap but quality clothing can be found that will add to any outfit.
The search can also continue at local boutiques, such as Gracy Lu’s on Monmouth St., or Fashion Sense on C St. For a more thrifty pursuit, students can head to Dallas to search for the ideal wardrobe by partaking in a bit of a treasure hunt at the Goodwill in town.

With a full wardrobe, it’s time to start putting together that fall statement. The easiest way to dress for autumn is with a few seasonal staples. Key items that are a must for anyone are: beanies, sweaters, scarves, boots and, of course, any other piece in the hues of fall — reds, oranges, and certain shades of yellow are a must.
With this short guide, and a full closet, all the necessary steps have been taken now to put together an ensemble that reflects the season. For those who choose to partake, don’t forget to dress in a way that matches your sense of style, as well.
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