“The Grudge” of 2020 fails to find new angle for the franchise

Never Retallack  | Entertainment Editor 

“The Grudge,” released on Jan. 3, written and directed by Nicolas Pesce is definitely an unnecessary evil for the new year. A spin-off from the original movie “Ju-On: The Grudge,” this continuation was disappointing as a viewer.

This version focuses on a mom, Officer Muldoon, who moves to a small town with her son after her husband passes away. It’s meant to be a fresh start, but several bodies are found all connected to one house: the house that the audience knows has the grudge.

For those who are unfamiliar with “The Grudge” franchise, a grudge is defined in the 2004 remake as, “when someone dies in the grip of a powerful rage… a curse is born. The curse gathers in that place of death. Those who encounter it will be consumed by its fury.”

It’s the same idea in this spin-off; the grudge has traveled to the states, moving away from its origins in Japan.

Pesce’s take on this film is nonstop violence and jumpscares. There is never a point where the viewer sits in suspense and wonders “What’s going to happen?” It forces the audience along for a predictable and bloody ride that lacks any development for the franchise.

While “Ju-On: The Grudge” was slow and, admittedly, the visuals are less scary, the storyline and tension is preferable over the 2020 film. 

Despite my issues with the methods for scaring the audience, I also am not a fan of the dialogue or the plot in general. A lot of the dialogue in the movie feels awkward or forced and quite frankly, out of place. A couple of characters, such as Detective Goodman, were given interesting arcs, but those ideas were never developed and it left the audience with bits of useless pieces.

Overall Review: I am not impressed by the newest rendition of “The Grudge.” It was unnecessarily violent, and every jumpscare was predictable. The visuals were creepy enough to keep me entertained, and there were scenes that sent shivers down my spine, but for the most part it was another disappointment in the horror scene. 


Contact the author at howlentertainment@wou.edu

Photos courtesy of Sony Pictures