Space fights never felt so good

By: Declan Hertel
Entertainment Editor

This movie kind of transcends the need for a review. I guess the only reason you might want to read criticism is if you wanted to know if it goes the way of the much-maligned prequels.

Ladies and gentlemen, it does not.

“The Force Awakens” is really great.

The thing about the prequels is that George Lucas wanted to make “Star Wars” different. He wanted to move it beyond the lighthearted, action-packed, Saturday morning serial-inspired films that they were by introducing diplomacy and trade negotiations. While those things can be engaging and exciting (see: the “Star Trek” TV shows), they’re not Star Wars.

This is what is great about “The Force Awakens:” it is made by people who grew up with the original Star Wars, and they know what made it so near and dear to their hearts. The fact is, it doesn’t take itself or its world terribly seriously, and doesn’t try to be hard sci-fi or an adult political drama. It’s a story of ACTION and ADVENTURE in SPACE! It’s got massive spaceship dogfights! It’s got adorable robots! It’s got battles with SWORDS MADE OF LIGHT! It’s full of wisecracking, swashbuckling heroes! It’s fun! It’s space fantasy of the highest degree! The original trilogy was awesome then, and it is awesome now. THIS is why. THIS is what “The Force Awakens” remembers about Star Wars, and what it executes with perfection.

All the series newcomers turn in excellent performances. Daisy Ridley and John Boyega’s Rey and Finn are characters that I will follow anywhere through the galaxy. Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren is an intriguing new masked villain. Seeing the familiar faces of the original trilogy was a delight. I loved everything about this movie.

I would have said that this is a movie near exclusively for fans of the series, based on a great deal of humor coming from references to the previous films, but then a friend of mine who had never seen any Star Wars loved it. This is the sign of a good reboot. Totally enjoyable and accessible by newcomers to the franchise, but dripping with fanservice for those who have stuck with it all this time. I applaud all those involved with “The Force Awakens;” I think you did us longtime Star Wars fans proud, and created many, many new ones in the process.

Now, a franchise as big as Star Wars is going to have people going to the theatre, many of whom are longtime fans, who hate the movie before they walk in. At this point in its release, you, dear reader, have probably heard them espousing their bitter opinions. I would like to recommend that you don’t listen to those people and go see the movie for yourself. Maybe you’ll like it, maybe you won’t, but don’t let someone who hates movies tell you to hate this one.

But as for my verdict, “Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens” is really, really great. If you haven’t seen it already, ohmygod do it now.