Thanksgiving deal for those who aren’t traveling for the holiday

Rylie Horrall  |  Lifestyle Editor

If you’re choosing to not travel for the brief holiday break, but are planning to do a sort of “Friendsgiving” with others, Roth’s has an easy option available to make preparations go a lot smoother. By going to their website — — and scrolling down, you’ll see their “Thanksgiving Pre-order” ad. Once clicked, it will redirect you to a page that allows you to select various turkey options.

To get a completely pre-packaged meal, click the ad next to it labeled “Delicious Holiday Meals;” this gives both a turkey roast and vegetarian, plant-based option for the shopper. The turkey option includes mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, turkey gravy and cranberry sauce in addition to the main course. The plant-based dinner has a main entree — smoked apple sage sausage field roast — along with mashed sweet potatoes, a root veggie mash, vegan gravy and cranberry sauce. Both options cost $49.99 and serve between four to six adults. A package of 12 rolls and a pumpkin pie can also be added on for an additional $4.99 and $8.99, respectfully.

After pre-ordering, the meals can be picked up before Nov. 27. Be sure to check if options are still available for each location.

If you’re spending the holidays on your own, or are just opting out of a large dinner, Bi-Mart has a few Thanksgiving deals that last until Nov. 27. A package of Stove Top stuffing costs $1.99, and Idahoan mashed potatoes are available for $2 for packages of three, equalling out to a cheaper alternative but still including some holiday eats.


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