Two school records broken

Two school records broken

By: Burke De Boer Sports Editor Coming off an indoor season where the track team broke several indoor school records, Wolves runners have now set two new outdoor school records, and David Ribich also posted a national best time. The women’s 4x400m relay team set a new...

Wolves play in Tournament of Champions

Wolves play in Tournament of Champions

By: Burke De Boer Sports Editor With only six conference games to account for, Wolves softball is at the bottom of the conference standings. A trip to California for the Tournament of Champions saw them pick up four wins and suffer two losses in non-conference games....

New teams for veteran players

By: Burke De Boer Sports Editor It has been a whirlwind offseason for the NFL. Teams are radically changing, as some move cities and others move schemes. The free agency opened with a blast and continues to roll. Teams that were nearly in the championship hunt last...

Baseball splits six games

Baseball splits six games

By: Burke De Boer Sports Editor After splitting their games over the break, Wolves baseball sits atop the GNAC standings. Games in Ravendale and Nampa saw Western Oregon go 3-3 to maintain a 11-5 conference record. The Wolves played a doubleheader against Saint...

Winning weekend for baseball in Portland

Winning weekend for baseball in Portland

By: Burke De Boer Sports Editor Wolves baseball busted out the brooms in a series sweep of Concordia, extending their conference record to 6-0 to start the season. Western Oregon’s trip to Portland saw them win the first game 6-3, then pull off both halves of a double...

March Madness returns

By: Burke De Boer Sports Editor We are now in the ides of March, and madness once again descends upon us; referring of course to the NCAA Division I men’s basketball tournament. The most hyped bracket of each year released its 2017 edition on March 12, the result of a...

Distance medley relay sets national record

Distance medley relay sets national record

By: Burke De Boer Sports Editor Western Oregon runners won a national championship and set a national record at the Division II Indoor National Championships in Birmingham, Alabama. The men’s distance medley relay team had a photo finish victory, beating Adams State...

Men’s basketball makes last stand

Men’s basketball makes last stand

By: Burke​ ​De​ ​Boer Sports​ ​Editor Going into the GNAC Championship Playoffs, Western Washington was the only school in the conference to be nationally ranked, taking number 15 on the NCAA’s Division II table. Though lacking the national recognition, the Western...

​Dispatches from the sports desk

By: ​Burke​ ​De​ ​Boer ​Sports​ ​Editor On Feb. 12, the Sacramento Kings beat the New Orleans Pelicans. Pelicans shooting guard Buddy Buckets was ejected in the first half, for the very first time in his career, for elbowing Kings All Star DeMarcus Cousins in the...

Track team dominates Willamette Opener

Track team dominates Willamette Opener

By: Burke​ ​De​ ​Boer​ Sports​ ​Editor The Western Oregon track and field team blew out the competition in their first outdoor meet of 2017. The Willamette Opener was hosted by Willamette University. The Wolves’ men’s team topped their table with 60 points, a 24-point...