Snoozer Bowl 50

By: Jamal Smith 
Sports Editor

The Super Bowl is the epitome of an American tradition. In fact, there is nothing more American than the Super Bowl, with the exception of the fourth of July. What makes the Super Bowl so special is that the event transcends the sporting world and becomes a global phenomenon. That’s why it saddens me to say that Super Bowl 50 was a letdown.

According to Sports Illustrated, Super Bowl 50 raked in 111.9 million viewers to become the third most watched television event in U.S. history. Many people tune in just for the commercials and some for the half time show.

The big game had all the makings of must-see television. Two teams, the Carolina Panthers and the Denver Broncos, battled each other on the biggest stage in the world for the Vince Lombardi trophy.

My main problem with the game itself was the lack of offensive firepower from both teams. Some football fans appreciate defense, and there is a saying that defense win championships, but let’s get real, the game was downright boring.

Let me break down some of the game’s statistics. First, neither team was able to score a touchdown through the air. There were no spectacular plays (except for a 61-yard punt return), and there were no moments that made you jump out of your seat.

Of course Broncos fans were ecstatic over their 24-10 victory, but for the fans that just wanted a good game, it had to be disappointing. The game was never close, there was no drama, there was no excitement; Super Bowl 50 just fizzed out.

Part of what made the game so disappointing was the low score. The 34 combined points in this year’s Super Bowl was the lowest since the New York Giants defeated the New England Patriots 17-14 in 2008. In fact, according to ESPN, there were only two other Super Bowls in the past 40 years with a lower combined score.

Maybe I had too high of expectations, but I can only sit through a game so long when all you see are three-and-outs. Near the end of the game and the Panthers down by two scores, the CBS announcers desperate to create drama said, “can the Panthers score two more times?” The answer was no.

I wasn’t the only person who thought the game was boring. Aspiring Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump posted this message on his official twitter account: “So far the Super Bowl is very boring – not nearly as exciting as politics – MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

For me, the highlight of the game wasn’t the game itself, but rather the Puppy-Monkey-Baby Mountain Dew commercial and Lady Gaga singing the National Anthem. That’s why I’m bitter.