Rugby returns

By: Burke De Boer
Sports Editor

The Lewis & Clark Pioneers were slated to come to Monmouth on Oct. 15 to face the Wolves women’s rugby team. Stormy conditions forced the game to be postponed.

“The wind and rain was just too strong for the other team to drive down safely,” said Maddi Fagnani, junior lock in her second year on the team. The game is to be rescheduled later in the year. “Most likely as part of a round robin tournament that is hosted every year, farther in the season.”

The inaugural year of the women’s rugby club, back in 2004, saw the Wolves become Pacific Northwest Regional Champions and Pacific Coast Regional Champions to qualify for nationals. The team finished third in the nation that year.

The winning tradition carries through to today. Last season ended with the Wolves ranked 10th in the nation and sealing back to back league championships.

This year looks to have equally high expectations.

“Holy cow are we excited about this season,” Fagnani said. “Last year we had maybe five returning players. We had 16 girls for the whole season, and a whole team of rookies. This year we have about ten baby vets and about 25 players.”

A baby vet, she explained, is someone playing their second year, moving up from rookie.

“Last year we had maybe one sub, this year we have almost a whole second team. That’s definitely nice,” Fagnani said.

Maddi is in her second year of playing for the club. She comes from a very athletic background, as do all the girls who come onto the rugby team to learn the sport. Even though most rookies are learning a new game, they have the skillset that allows them to successfully adapt and fine tune.

Maddi was varsity captain for soccer, volleyball, basketball and track at her high school in Alaska.

“It really is like a family. Especially for students from out of state like myself. People in connection with the team help us grow so much more than any of us could have imagined,” Fagnani said of the team.

“We have high respect for anyone who comes out to watch us play rugby. I’d like to encourage anyone and everyone to come out and be a part of this great sport.”

The rugby season is through fall and winter. Your next chance to see the team at home is on Nov. 19 when Seattle University comes to Monmouth.

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