Press Release: WOU Employees Reject President Rex Fuller

The staff and faculty of WOU press release on the vote of “no confidence” against President Rex Fuller

Dr. Scott Beaver | WOUFT Communications Officer

On Oct. 28, WOU faculty and staff unions initiated a vote of “no confidence” in President Rex Fuller in response to concerns raised by employees across the campus. Fuller recently implemented layoffs and announced plans for program elimination, after several years of declining enrollment and eroding shared governance under his leadership. More than 85% of the 240 respondents stated that they had no confidence in President Fuller’s leadership. The no confidence ballots also included a question asking respondents whether a survey regarding possible censure of other members of the upper administration should be conducted. The unions (WOUFT and SEIU Sub-local 082) cited failures of leadership, persistent management problems, and damage to the campus climate as primary reasons for conducting the no confidence and censure vote. The censure question indicated that 91% of the 240 faculty and classified staff wished to conduct a survey of possible censure for one or more members of President Fuller’s administration. This is the first time in institutional memory that a vote of no confidence has been conducted at WOU. Employees expressed their desire for the WOU Board of Trustees to take seriously their concerns about WOU’s leadership team and to take decisive action to correct the problems identified with the university’s upper administration. 

For more information, contact Dr. Scott Beaver, WOUFT Communications Officer by email at or by phone at (503) 871-5444

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