Powder to the people

By: Burke De Boer
Sports Editor

The powder-puff flag football game and powder-tuff volleyball tournament return for another year. Homecoming week gives us apowdertuff-1-color week of activities to build the hype for the big game. These games are perhaps the most universal image of the homecoming buildup.

Wolves powder-puff is divided into teams of female students living off-campus and those living on-campus.

Powder-puff football is traced back to World War II. Military conscription made male college enrollment rates plummet. In the spirit of Rosie the Riveter, the homecoming football game continued without them. It became a tradition etched into high schools and universities across the nation.

The powder-tuff tournament gives male students a chance to play volleyball in the same vein. As we build for two home volleyball games and the Saturday football game, the friendly competition of intramurals keep building school spirit.

Contact the author at journalsports@wou.edu