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Police Officers Defeat Firefighters in First Responders Basketball Game

Kappa Sigma hosted the first annual
1st Responders Charity Basketball game
Thursday, Jan. 15, at 8 p.m. in the New PE
building. Polk County Fire District played
against the Monmouth and Independence
Police Departments. The event was held to
raise money for local emergency responders
to keep homes in the area safe, as well
as to provide a rush week event for Kappa
Sigma. Admission was free and open to the
Kappa Sigma members cut their hair into
Mohawks before the game at Cutz Barber
Shop, and encouraged others to do so as
well. The proceeds from the haircuts went
to help raise money for the first responders.
“The turnout and the participation, the
support of the community was good,” said
Hayden Harms, a Kappa Sigma member.
“If we do it a second year, we’ll make it even
bigger and better.”
A raffle was at half time for prizes such
as gift cards to local restaurants like Yeasty
Beasty and Main Street Ice Cream, as well
as movie tickets to the Independence Cinema.
Spectators who made a basket from the
half court line also won prizes.
“I think it was very successful,” Harms