Not quite an album, but enough to excite fans: Kaleo releases new songs

Emily Hedges  | Freelancer

Kaleo, an Icelandic band, released two new songs on Jan. 15, which shocked many fans considering the last album they released was in 2016. While fans may not have had new music for four years, Kaleo has still been performing around the world. The two songs “Break My Baby” and “I Want More” fit perfectly with their 2016 album “A/B.” A blues-rock feel with hints of folk/singer-songwriter, fans have been more than pleased with the new songs and hope for more soon.

The first song “I Want More” is filled with acoustic guitar and a soft melody of poetic lines. This song has a light-hearted feeling of wanting more in a relationship. Lead singer and guitarist JJ Julius Son, leads us through a relationship when the past was better and how he wants that back again; how he is willing to follow her wherever she goes. I would compare this song to “Automobile” which is on “A/B”; “Automobile” is a song about someone wanting to get away and go wherever the car takes them. Both of these songs bring a light-hearted and optimistic feel of wanting to get away or be with someone you love deeply.  

“Break My Baby” has a contrasting sound to “I Want More” with heavy drums and an electric guitar. JJ Julius Son’s voice, now deeper and soulful, sings about distrust and lies. This brings similarities to their song “Broken Bones” which talks about selling your soul to the devil to live a better life. 

Overall review: While after four years of no new music fans were a little disappointed that it wasn’t a new album, these songs still bring the same feel of the beloved “A/B,” leaving fans and new listeners two very different songs to listen to and enjoy. I would highly recommend these songs along with their 2016 album. 


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