Power Red: Red Cross Comes to the WUC

Power Red: Red Cross Comes to the WUC

Written by: Dakota Gange  Thursday, Nov. 3 brought students and faculty together below a glistening disco ball in a room filled with the melodic voices of Katy Perry, Justin Bieber and Shakira. Though, between the machines, needles and stretcher-like beds, this was no...

Best Netflix Original Series

Written by Gretchen Sims Students seem to be taken by storm by Netflix’s endeavors to produce their own original content. Here are some of Western students’ favorite shows, what are yours?  Some series were included in the original poll but warranted no results....

Student Loan Borrowers Cautioned About Scams by FBI

Student Loan Borrowers Cautioned About Scams by FBI

Written by Mirella Barrera-Betancourt As of Friday, Oct. 28, six major lawsuits have been filed by opponents of the one-time federal student loan forgiveness program across the U.S.  The legal arguments contain claims of harm to borrowers, the program being...

The Race for Oregon Governor Begins

The Race for Oregon Governor Begins

Written by News Editor Mirella Barrera-Bentancourt Oct. 18 was the last day to register for voting in the 2022 November general election in the state of Oregon. A total of 470 seats in the United States Congress are up for election, with 35 Senate seats and 435 House...

Western Equity

NAT-WOU Initiative is a trailblazing act set on reforming equality Written by Entertainment Editor Gretchen Sims Monmouth, along with Western Oregon University, is located on the traditional homelands of the Luckiamute Band of Kalapuya. The Kalapuya people were...