Mixing it up with protein shakes

Caity Healy | Lifestyle Editor

Protein is an incredibly vital component to any healthy and balanced diet. Your body uses it to build and repair tissue, and it’s an important building block in your muscle, blood, skin and more. Unlike many other nutrients, our body has no protein stores that it can go to when you need it. For that reason, you need to supplement this through your choice of foods.

A really convenient and useful product to help get your levels where they need to be is protein powder. However, if you’re similar to many, you have trouble finding any protein that doesn’t taste and smell absolutely awful. Through trial and error — and more error — and eventually success, I’ve been able to find some recipes that actually make protein enjoyable — mostly due to the fact that all the other ingredients overpower the taste. So, if you’re looking to get that boost of protein to your diet, try out some of these recipes that will have you questioning if there’s really any of the supplement actually in it.

Total protein count for each recipe may vary depending on brands used.


Mixed Berry Smoothie:

-Combine one-half cup of frozen mixed berries (I like using strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries) with one-fourth cup of vanilla greek yogurt, one-fourth cup of orange juice, and 1 scoop of vanilla protein. Blend until well mixed. If you need more liquid to reach desired viscosity, add water.

Total Protein: 22 Grams


Peanut Butter Chocolate Smoothie:

-Combine 1 cup of sweetened almond milk with 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter, 1 scoop of chocolate protein, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 frozen banana cut into small pieces. Blend together, and if you want it thicker, add more ice. If you would like, add a teaspoon of dark chocolate syrup.

Total Protein: 34 Grams


Orange Cream Smoothie:

-Combine one-half cup of vanilla ice cream (for highest protein, opt for brands like Halo Top), one-fourth cup sweetened almond milk, one-half cup orange juice, 1 scoop vanilla protein, one-half teaspoon vanilla extract. Blend, and add ice if it needs to be thickened.

Total Protein: 22.5 Grams


Contact the author at chealy16@wou.edu

Photo by: Caity Healy